
Defines functions postdpmixciz

Documented in postdpmixciz

## post-analysis after dpmixsim
postdpmixciz <-
function(x, res, kmax=30, rec=300, ngrid=200, plot=TRUE)
    ## relabel to keep values in sequence
    relabel <-
        u <- sort(unique(z))
        v <- 1:length(u)
        for(k in 1:length(u)) {
            w <- which(z == u[k])
            z[w] <- v[k]
    krec   <- res$krec
    wrec   <- matrix(res$w,nc=kmax, byr=TRUE)
    phirec <- matrix(res$phirec,nc=kmax, byr=TRUE)
    varrec <- matrix(res$varrec,nc=kmax, byr=TRUE)
    ## Histogram for k
    khist <- numeric(kmax)
    for (i in 1:length(krec)) {
        khist[krec[i]] <- khist[krec[i]] + 1  
    kfreq <- which(khist == max(khist))[1] # take the first if more than one
    cat("most frequent k (kfreq):",kfreq,"\n") 
    khist <- khist/length(krec)
    ##  par(ask=TRUE)
    if(plot) {
        narg <- range(which(khist != 0))
        par(mar=c(5, 1, 2, 1) + 0.1)
        barplot(khist[narg[1]:narg[2]], names.arg=narg[1]:narg[2], main="Number of components", axes=FALSE, xlab="k")
    ## Density estimate using kfreq simulated components at each iteration
    ## cidens     <- numeric(ngrid)
    t  <- seq(0,1,length=ngrid)
    cidens <- matrix(0, nr=kfreq, nc=ngrid)
    ydens <- numeric(ngrid)
    ## muk <- NULL
    ## vark <- NULL
    km <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(krec)) {
        nk  <- krec[i]
        ## densities for simulations with kfreq components
        ## !!! beware label switching
        ## !!! guarantee of equal number of components (with sort) is not enough 
        ## !!! many mu simulated values are centered on different ranges
        if(nk == kfreq) {
            w   <- wrec[i,1:nk] 
            mu  <- phirec[i,1:nk]
            var <- varrec[i,1:nk]
            km <- km + 1;
            imu <- sort(mu,ind=TRUE)
            loc <- imu$ix
            ## reordering of mu simulated values
            ## muk <- cbind(muk,mu)
            ## vark <- c(vark,var)
            mu <- mu[loc]
            w  <- w[loc]
            v  <- var[loc]
            ## muk <- cbind(muk,mu)
            dens     <- matrix(0, nr=nk, nc=ngrid) 
            for (j in 1:nk){
              # dens[j,] <- dnorm(t, mu[j], sqrt(var)) # unique var
              dens[j,] <- dnorm(t, mu[j], sqrt(v[j])) 
            ydens  <- ydens + as.vector(w%*%dens)    # y density for k=kfreq
            cidens <- cidens + dens*w                # component densities
    cidens    <- cidens/km
    ydens     <- ydens/km
    cat("n.iterations with kfreq:",km,"\n") 
    if(plot) {
        ## Density plots
        par(mar=c(5, 3, 2, 1) + 0.1)
        hist(x,prob=TRUE,br="Freedman-Diaconis", xlab="scaled intensity", ylab="", main="Estimated histogram")
        # lines(t,ydens,col="red")
        par(mar=c(5, 3, 2, 1) + 0.1)
        for(k in 1:kfreq) {
                # plot(t, cidens[k,], ty="l", lty=k, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(-0.2,4),
                plot(t, cidens[k,], ty="l", col=k, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,max(cidens)),
                    xlab="scaled intensity", ylab="", main="Density estimates", axes=FALSE)
                lines(t, cidens[k,], col=k)
        axis(1, seq(0,1,by=0.2), seq(0,1,by=0.2))
        axis(2, seq(0,4,by=0.5), seq(0,4,by=0.5))
    dev     <- dev.cur()
    # z values : evaluate from w-,mu-,var-results 
    zall                 <- matrix(0,nr=kfreq,nc=ngrid) 
    for(k in 1:kfreq) {
        zi                 <- cidens[k,]/ydens 
        zall[k,]     <- zi
        if(plot) {
              xlab="",ylab="", main="Cluster partition")
            # !!! applying round of zi may leave holes in z
            # lines(t,round(zi),lty="dotted",col=k)
    # better: choosing z by the most probable zi
    choose   <- function(x) { return( which(x == max(x))) }
    z        <- apply(zall,2,choose)
    z <- relabel(z)
    if(plot) { 
        # apply also to previous plot
        cdev <- dev.cur()
        for(i in 1:max(z)) {
            jj <- range(which(z == i))
            lines(t[jj], c(-0.18, -0.18), lty=i+1, lwd=2.2)
            points(t[jj], c(-0.18, -0.18), pch=22)
        dev.set(dev) # restore dev
        par(mfrow=c(1,1), ask=FALSE)

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dpmixsim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:45 p.m.