
Defines functions pifit.internal

pifit.internal <- function(object){
#object of class ppar
#function is called in itemfit.ppar and personfit.ppar

  X      <- object[["X"]]
  mt_vek <- apply(X, 2L, max, na.rm = TRUE)   # (number of categories - 1) for each item
  mt_ind <- rep(seq_along(mt_vek), mt_vek) # MjM 2014-07-11
  mt_seq <- sequence(mt_vek)
  gmemb  <- object$gmemb

  pmat <- pmat(object)                          #matrix with model probabilites

  #-----------------matrix with expected response patterns--------------
  Emat.cat <- t(apply(pmat, 1L, function(x) x*mt_seq))
  if(object$model %in% c("RM", "LLTM")){ 
    Emat <- Emat.cat
  } else {
    E.list <- tapply(seq_along(mt_ind), mt_ind, function(ind){ rowSums(cbind(Emat.cat[, ind]), na.rm = TRUE) })
    Emat <- matrix(unlist(E.list),ncol=dim(X)[2],dimnames=list(rownames(pmat),colnames(X)))
  #------------------------variance term for standardized residuals------
  pmat.l0 <- tapply(seq_along(mt_ind), mt_ind, function(ind){
                            vec0 <- 1-rowSums(as.matrix(pmat[,ind]))     #prob for 0th category
  pmat0 <- matrix(unlist(pmat.l0),nrow=length(gmemb))   #prob matrix 0th category included
  mt_vek0 <- integer(0)                                 #add 0th category to all indices
  for (i in mt_vek) mt_vek0 <- c(mt_vek0, 0:i)
  mt_ind0 <- rep(1:length(mt_vek),mt_vek+1)
  colnames(Emat) <- NULL
  Emat0 <- t(apply(Emat[,mt_ind0],1,function(x) {mt_vek0 - x}))
  Vmat.cat <- (Emat0)^2*pmat0
  V.list <- tapply(1:length(mt_ind0),mt_ind0, function(ind) {rowSums(Vmat.cat[,ind],na.rm=TRUE)})
  Vmat <- matrix(unlist(V.list),ncol=dim(X)[2],dimnames=list(rownames(pmat),colnames(X)))

  #------------------------kurtosis term for standardized residuals------
  Cmat.cat <- (Emat0)^4*pmat0
  C.list <- tapply(1:length(mt_ind0),mt_ind0, function(ind) {rowSums(Cmat.cat[,ind],na.rm=TRUE)})
  Cmat <- matrix(unlist(C.list),ncol=dim(X)[2],dimnames=list(rownames(pmat),colnames(X)))

  result <- list(Emat=Emat,Vmat=Vmat,Cmat=Cmat)


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