
isConverged <- function ( path , txt = FALSE ) {

		# wenn Directory dann rekursiv alle shw files suchen
		fi <- file.info ( path )$isdir
		fi <- if ( is.na(fi) ) FALSE else fi
		if ( fi ) {
				shwf <- list.files ( path = path , 
								   pattern = "\\.shw$" , all.files = FALSE,
								   full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
								   ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE )
		} else if ( file.exists(path) ) {
				shwf <- path
		} else shwf <- NULL

		if ( !is.null ( shwf ) ) {
				.fun1 <- function ( shwf ) {
						dn <- dirname ( shwf )
						# kompletter show-File
						tried <- try ( l <- readLines( shwf ) , silent = TRUE )
						if ( inherits ( tried , "try-error" ) ) stop ( paste ( "could not open file" , shwf ) )
						c1 <- "Iterations terminated because the deviance convergence criteria was reached"
						c2 <- "Iterations terminated because the convergence criteria were reached"
						not1 <- "At termination the solution was not the best attained solution"
						any ( ( grepl ( c1 , l ) ) | any ( grepl ( c2 , l ) ) & ! any ( grepl ( not1 , l ) ) )
				conv <- mapply ( .fun1 , shwf )

				# Rückgabe-Dataframe
				model <- sub ( path , ".." , dirname ( names ( conv ) ) )
				nr <- seq ( along = conv )
				converged <- conv
				shw.path <- names ( conv )
				dfr <- data.frame ( nr, model , converged , shw.path , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
				rownames ( dfr ) <- dfr$nr
				if ( txt ) {
						.fun2 <- function ( dn , conv ) {
								tf <- if ( conv ) "_CONVERGED_" else "_N_O_T_CONVERGED_"
								f <- file.path ( dn , tf )
								file.create ( f , recursive = TRUE )
						temp <- mapply ( .fun2 , dirname ( names ( conv ) ) , conv )
						# summary rausschreiben
						f <- file.path ( path , "convergence_summary.txt" )
						write.fwf (	dfr, file=f, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=" ", na="",
									rownames=FALSE, colnames=TRUE, rowCol=NULL, justify="left",
									formatInfo=FALSE, quoteInfo=TRUE, width=NULL, eol="\n",
									qmethod=c("escape", "double") )
						invisible ( dfr )
				} else {
						return ( dfr )
		} else return ( NULL )

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eatRest documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:25 p.m.