
#' Ecological Inference including Individual Data
#' @description
#' \code{indAggEi} (Individual and Aggregate Ecological Inference) 
#' Calculating ecological Inference including Individual data using the two functions
#' \code{\link[eiwild]{convertEiData}} and \code{\link[eiwild]{runMBayes}}
#' @param form \code{formula} in this format 
#'          \code{cbind(column_1,column_2, ...,column_c)~cbind(row_1,row_2,...,row_r))}
#' @param aggr \code{data.frame} with aggregate data.
#'          One district per line and one column giving one ID per district. (see Details)
#' @param indi \code{data.frame} with individual data. 
#'          One district per line and one column giving one ID per district. (see Details)
#'          If no individual data are present it defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param IDCols vector of length 2 (or 1) giving the column-names or numbers of ID column. 
#'          First element for \code{aggr} and second element for \code{indi}.
#' @param whichPriori character string specifying the chosen hyperpriori. 
#'          Options are \code{"gamma"} or \code{"expo"} (see Details)
#' @param prioriPars vector or matrix of parameters for the specified hyperpriori in \var{whichPriori}
#' @param startValsAlpha matrix with dimension \code{c(rows,columns)} giving the starting values for alpha.
#'          If \code{NULL} random numbers of rdirichlet with chosen hyperpriori will be chosen.
#' @param startValsBeta array with dimension \code{c(rows,columns,districts)} giving the starting values of beta
#'          If \code{NULL} random multinomial numbers will be chosen.
#' @param sample the sample size to be saved in output.
#'          Total length of chain will be \var{burnin} \code{+} \var{sample} \code{*} \var{thinning}
#' @param burnin number of draws to be cut away from the beginning of the Markov-Chain. \code{default=0}
#' @param thinning number specifying the thinning interval. \code{default=1}
#' @param verbose an integer specifying whether the progress of the sampler is printed to the screen (defaults to 0).
#'       If verbose is greater than 0, the iteration number is printed to the screen every verboseth iteration
#' @param betaVars array-object with dimensions \code{(rows, columns-1, districts)}
#'          giving variance of proposal density for \eqn{\beta}-values
#' @param alphaVars matrix of dimensions \code{(rows, columns)} giving variance 
#'          of proposal density for \eqn{\alpha}-values.
#' @param retBeta logical \code{TRUE} if estimated \eqn{\beta}-parameters should be returned.
#'          With large number of precincts there can be problems with memory
#' @param seed Default is \code{NULL}. Can be given the \code{"seed"}-attribute of
#'        an \code{eiwild}-object to reproduce an \code{eiwild}-object
#' @details
#' \code{indi} is a \var{districts x [(r*c)+1]} \code{data.frame} containing one district per line. 
#' One column gives the ID of the districts which will be connection to the ID column in the \code{aggr}-data.frame.
#' For example a 2x3 ecological Inference problem with \code{formula}
#' \code{cbind(col1,col2,col3) ~ cbind(row1,row2)}
#' will have the  row format :
#' \code{[ID, row1.col1, row1.col2, row1.col3, row2.col1, row2.col2, row2.col3]}
#' It is important that the \code{formula} names correspond to the exact column number in the \var{indi}-data.frame.
#' The \var{aggr} data.frame can have more columns than the names given in \var{formula} as long as the colnames exist
#' The \code{whichPriori}-parameter has the options \code{"gamma"} or \code{"expo"} and
#' corresponding \code{prioriPars}-parameters in a \code{"list"}:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"expo"} and \code{numeric} list-element called \code{"lam"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Exp(\lambda)}
#'    \item \code{"expo"} and \code{matrix} list-element called \code{"lam"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Exp(\lambda_{rc})}
#'    \item \code{"gamma"} and two \code{numeric} list-element called \code{"shape"} and \code{"rate"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Gamma(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)}
#'    \item \code{"gamma"} and two \code{matrix} list-element called \code{"shape"} and \code{"rate"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Gamma(\lambda_1^{rc}, \lambda_2^{rc})}
#' }
#' The \code{"seed"} attribute is generated by the \code{\link{.Random.seed}}-function.
#' @return object of class \code{"eiwild"} which is a nested \code{list} with elements:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{draws}
#'    \itemize{
#'       \item \code{alphaDraws} \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}-object
#'       \item \code{cellCounts} \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}-object
#'       \item \code{betaDraws} \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}-object
#'       \item \code{betaAcc} \code{"numeric"} with Acceptance ratios
#'       \item \code{alphaAcc} \code{"numeric"} with Acceptance ratios
#'       \item \code{alphaVars} \code{matrix} with variances for proposal density
#'       \item \code{betaVars} \code{array} with variances for proposal density
#'    }
#'    \item \code{rowdf} original aggregate data
#'    \item \code{coldf} original aggregate data    
#' }
#' An Attribute called \code{"seed"} is also saved to reproduce the eiwild-object
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[eiwild]{convertEiData}}, \code{\link[eiwild]{runMBayes}}, \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}
#' \code{\link[eiwild]{tuneVars}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # loading some fake election data
#' data(topleveldat)
#' form <- cbind(CSU_2, SPD_2, LINK_2, GRUN_2) ~ cbind(CSU_1, SPD_1, Link_1)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' res <- indAggEi(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"),
#'                sample=1000, thinning=2, burnin=100,verbose=100)
#' res
#' summary(res)
#' # with individual alpha-hyperpriori-parameters
#' hypMat <- list(shape = matrix(c(30,4,4,4,
#'                                 4,30,4,4,
#'                                 4,4,30,4), nrow=3, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE),
#'                rate = matrix(c(1,2,2,2,
#'                                2,1,2,2,
#'                                2,2,1,2), nrow=3, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))
#' set.seed(12345)
#' res2 <- indAggEi(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"),
#'                  sample=1000, thinning=2, burnin=100, verbose=100,
#'                  prioriPars=hypMat, whichPriori="gamma")
#' }
#' @aliases class-eiwild
#' @exportClass eiwild
#' @export

indAggEi <- function(form, aggr, indi=NULL, 
                     IDCols=c("ID"), whichPriori="gamma",prioriPars=list(shape=4, rate=2),
                     startValsAlpha=NULL, startValsBeta=NULL,
                     betaVars=NULL, alphaVars=NULL,
                     sample, burnin=0,thinning=1,
                     verbose=1, retBeta=FALSE,
  conv <- convertEiData(form, aggr, indi, IDCols)
  draws <- runMBayes(convList=conv,
                     whichPriori=whichPriori, prioriPars=prioriPars,
                     startValsAlpha, startValsBeta,
                     betaVars, alphaVars,
                     sample, burnin, thinning,
                     verbose, retBeta, seed)

  ret <- list(draws=draws, rowdf=conv$rowdf, coldf=conv$coldf)
  attr(ret, "seed") <- attributes(draws)$seed
  class(ret) <- c("eiwild", class(ret))

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eiwild documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:31 p.m.