
Defines functions .checkTargetReturn .checkSpecVsConstraints .checkWeights .checkSpec portfolioSpec

Documented in portfolioSpec

# FUNCTION:                DESCRIPTION:
#  portfolioSpec            Returns an object of class fPFOLIOSPEC
#  .checkWeights            Checks and forces tiny weights to zero
#  .checkSpecVsConstraints  Checks if spec and constraints do match
#  .checkTargetReturn       Checks if target Return is defined

portfolioSpec <-
    model = list(
        type = "MV",                   # Alt: "LPM", "CVaR", "LPM"
        optimize = "minRisk",          # Alt: "maxReturn"
        estimator = "covEstimator",    # Alt: "shrinkEstimator", 
        tailRisk = list(),
        ## I think the LPM a=1 we don't need.
        ## params = list(alpha = 0.05, a = 1)),
        ## This is CVaR's alpha it should not be removed here, it is
        ## ... required in any situation when it comes to the calculation
        ## ... of VaR and CVaR Risk
        params = list(alpha = 0.05)),
    portfolio = list(
        ## What is the here the meaning of NULL and what makes the 
        ## difference here between NULL and NA?
        ## ... NULL means, None of the three
        weights = NULL,
        targetReturn = NULL,
        targetRisk = NULL,
        # Risk Free rate ...
        riskFreeRate = 0,
        nFrontierPoints = 50,
        ## Should not be prined if NA
        status = NA),
    optim = list(
        solver = "solveRquadprog",  # Alt: "solveRsolnp"
                                    #      "solveRglpk", 
                                    #      "solveRsymphony"
                                    #      "solveRsocp" ...
        objective = c(
        ## Should not be printed if type != MV and solver != quadprog
        options = list(meq = 2),
        control = list(),
        trace = FALSE),
    messages = list(
        messages = FALSE,
        note = ""),
    ampl = list(
        ampl = FALSE,
        project = "ampl",
        solver = "ipopt",
        protocol = FALSE,
        trace = FALSE)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Specifies a portfolio to be optimized

    # Example:
    #   portfolioSpec(portfolio = list(targetReturn = 1.5))


    # Compose Checklists:
    # model.type = c("MV", "CVaR")
    # model.estimator.mean = "mean"
    # model.estimator.cov = c("cov", "mcd", "Mcd", "shrink")
    # optim.solver = c("solveRquadprog", "solveRglpk")
    # optim.trace = FALSE

    # Check Arguments:
    # stopifnot(model$type %in% model.type)
    # stopifnot(model$estimator[1] %in% model.estimator.mean)
    # stopifnot(model$estimator[2] %in% model.estimator.cov)
    # stopifnot(optim$solver %in% optim.solver)

    # Model Slot:
    Model = list(
        type = "MV",
        optimize = "minRisk",
        estimator = "covEstimator",
        tailRisk = NULL,
        params = list())
    model$type = model$type[1]
    Model[(Names <- names(model))] <- model

    # Portfolio Slot:
    Portfolio = list(
        weights = NULL,
        targetReturn = NULL,
        targetRisk = NULL,
        riskFreeRate = 0,
        nFrontierPoints = 50,
        status = 0)
    Portfolio[(Names <- names(portfolio))] <- portfolio

    # Check Portfolio - weights, targetReturn, targetRisk:
    # ... at least two of them must be set to NULL!
    checkPortfolio = 0
    if(!is.null(portfolio$weights)) checkPortfolio = checkPortfolio + 1
    if(!is.null(portfolio$targetReturn)) checkPortfolio = checkPortfolio + 1
    stopifnot(checkPortfolio <= 1)

    # Optim Slot:
    Optim = list(
        solver = "solveRquadprog",
        objective = NULL,
        options = list(meq = 2),
        control = list(),
        trace = FALSE)
    Optim[(Names <- names(optim))] <- optim
    # Messages Slot:
    Messages = list(
        list = NULL)
    Messages[(Names <- names(messages))] <- messages

    # Return Value:
        model = Model,
        portfolio = Portfolio,
        optim = Optim,
        messages = messages,
        ampl = ampl)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.checkSpec <-
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Checks for specification conflicts
    if (getSolver(spec) == "solveRglpk" && getType(spec) == "MV") {
        # Error Message:
        cat("\nExecution stopped:")   
        cat("\n  Specification conflict for portfolio solver and type.")
        cat("\nSpec Information:")
        cat("\n  Solver=", getSolver(spec), ",", " type = ", getType(spec), 
            ".", sep = "")
        stop(call. = FALSE, show.error.messages = "\n  returned from Rmetrics")
     if (getSolver(spec) == "solveRsymphony" && getType(spec) == "MV") {
        # Error Message:
        cat("\nExecution stopped:")   
        cat("\n  Specification conflict for portfolio solver and type.")
        cat("\nSpec Information:")
        cat("\n  Solver=", getSolver(spec), ",", "type = ", getType(spec), 
            ".", sep = "")
        stop(call. = FALSE, show.error.messages = "\n  returned from Rmetrics")
     # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.checkWeights <-
function(weights, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Sets tiny weights to zero
    # Arguments:
    #   weights - a numeric vector of portfolio weights
    #   eps - a numeric value, lower bounds of weigths
    # Check:
    for(i in 1:length(weights)) {
        if(abs(weights[i]) < eps) weights[i] = 0
    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.checkSpecVsConstraints <-
function(spec, constraints)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Check if spec and constraints do match
    # Arguments:
    #   spec - portfolio specification as fPFOLIOSPEC object
    #   constraints - as charvec or as fPFOLIOSPEC object
    # Check:
        constraints = constraints@stringConstraints
    if(any(constraints == "Short")) {
        stopifnot(getSolver(spec) == "solveRshortExact")
    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.checkTargetReturn <-
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Check if target Return is defined
    # Arguments:
    #   spec - specification object
    # Check:
    targetReturn = getTargetReturn(spec)
        stop("The target return is not available")
    # Return Value:


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fPortfolio documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 8:21 p.m.