
read.selection.table = function (
### Read a Raven selection table into a data frame.
### The selection table to read.
### The path of the sound file(s) referred to in the selection table. If the
### Begin Path measurement is present in the selection table, it is not 
### necessary to include this argument. If sound files are at multiple paths,
### it is necessary to include the Begin Path measurement instead of using this
### argument.
# Detector can be specified manually if it's not present in the selection table
) {
  ubertable = read.csv(filename, header=T, sep="\t")
  if (missing(Sound_File_Path)) {
    if ("Begin.Path" %in% names(ubertable)) {
      ubertable$Sound_File_Path = sub("(.*)\\\\.*", "\\1", ubertable$Begin.Path)
    } else {
      stop("can't figure out how to calculate the sound file paths")
  } else {
    ubertable$Sound_File_Path = Sound_File_Path
  ubertable$Sound_File_Path = gsub("\\\\", "/", ubertable$Sound_File_Path)
  ubertable$Sound_File_Path = sub("/$", "", ubertable$Sound_File_Path)
  ubertable$Sound_File_Name = ubertable$Begin.File
  ubertable$Event_Duration = ubertable$End.Time..s. - ubertable$Begin.Time..s.
  ubertable$Event_Offset = ubertable$File.Offset..s.
  if (missing(detector)) {
    thrush = grepl("^(GETCTH|THRUSH_GET|Thrush)", ubertable$Detector)
    sparrow = grepl("^(Sp100|Sparrow)", ubertable$Detector)
    gunshot = grepl("^(gunshot)", ubertable$Detector)
    NARW = grepl("^(NARW)", ubertable$Detector)
    detector.new = rep("", length(ubertable$Detector))
    detector.new[sparrow] = "Sparrow"
    detector.new[thrush] = "Thrush"
    detector.new[gunshot] = "gunshot"
    detector.new[NARW] = "NARW"
    detector.new = factor(detector.new)
    ubertable$Detector = detector.new
    keep = sparrow | thrush | gunshot | NARW
    ubertable.new = ubertable[keep,]
    ubertable.new$Detector = factor(ubertable.new$Detector)
  } else {
    ubertable.new = ubertable
    ubertable.new$Detector = detector
  if ("Calls" %in% names(ubertable.new)) { # downcase the column header
    if ("calls" %in% names(ubertable.new)) {
      stop("My mind is blown because of 'calls' and 'Calls' columns in same table.")
    ubertable.new$calls = ubertable.new$Calls
    ubertable.new = ubertable.new[, ! names(ubertable.new) %in% c("Calls")]
  if ( ! "calls" %in% names(ubertable.new)) {  # there will be a "calls" column if Anne has done bootstrap browsing
    print("option 1")
    ubertable.new$Call_vs_Noise = rep("", nrow(ubertable.new))
  } else{ # caution - this could fill the Call_vs_Noise column with spurious "Noise" entries - shouldn't be a problem working w/ non-bootstrapped files
    print("option 2")
    ubertable.new$Call_vs_Noise = ifelse(ubertable.new$calls == "NFC", "Call", "Noise")
    ubertable.new$Call_vs_Noise = factor(ubertable.new$Call_vs_Noise)
### The data frame representation of the selection table.

Try the flightcallr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

flightcallr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 p.m.