
Defines functions tagCloud

Documented in tagCloud

tagCloud <-
function(tagData, htmlOutput = "tagCloud.html", 
    SWFPath, JSPath, divId = "tagCloudId", width = 600, height = 400, 
    transparent = FALSE, tcolor = "333333", tcolor2 = "009900", 
    hicolor = "ff0000", distr = "true", tspeed = 100, version = 9, 
    bgcolor = "ffffff", useXML = FALSE, htmlTitle = "Tag Cloud", 
    noFlashJS, target = NULL, scriptOnly = FALSE, encode = FALSE,
    reserved = FALSE) {
    tagData$tag = htmlspecialchars(tagData$tag)
    missingSWF = missing(SWFPath)
    if (missingSWF) 
        SWFPath = "http://yihui.name/en/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/tagcloud.swf"
    if (missingSWF & useXML) 
        SWFPath = "tagcloud.swf"
    if (missing(JSPath)) 
        JSPath = "http://yihui.name/en/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/swfobject.js"
    if (missing(noFlashJS)) 
        noFlashJS = "This will be shown to users with no Flash or Javascript."
    tagXML = sprintf("<tags>%s</tags>", paste(sprintf("<a href='%s' style='%s'%s%s%s>%s</a>", 
        tagData$link, tagData$count, if (is.null(target)) 
        else sprintf(" target='%s'", target), if (is.null(tagData$color)) 
        else ifelse(!is.na(tagData$color), sprintf(" color='0x%s'", 
            tagData$color, ""), ""), if (is.null(tagData$hicolor)) 
        else ifelse(!is.na(tagData$hicolor), sprintf(" hicolor='0x%s'", 
            tagData$hicolor, ""), ""), tagData$tag), collapse = ""))
    if (encode)
        tagXML = URLencode(tagXML, reserved)
    if (useXML) {
        cat(tagXML, file = file.path(dirname(htmlOutput), "tagcloud.xml"))
        if (!("tagcloud.swf" %in% list.files(dirname(htmlOutput)))) {
            warning("The Flash file 'tagcloud.swf' must be under the same path with your XML file 'tagcloud.xml'!", 
                immediate. = TRUE)
            SWFurl = "http://yihui.name/en/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/tagcloud.swf"
            if (tolower(substr(readline("Do you want to download the Flash file automatically? (y/n) "), 1, 1) == "y")) {
                download.file(SWFurl, file.path(dirname(htmlOutput), "tagcloud.swf"), mode = "wb")
    cat(ifelse(scriptOnly, "", sprintf("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n</head>\n\n<body>", 
        htmlTitle)), sprintf("\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>", 
        JSPath), sprintf("\t<div id=\"%s\">%s</div>", divId, 
        noFlashJS), sprintf("\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\tvar so = new SWFObject(\"%s\", \"tagcloud\", \"%d\", \"%d\", \"%d\", \"#%s\");\n%s%s\t\tso.addVariable(\"tcolor\", \"0x%s\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"tcolor2\", \"0x%s\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"hicolor\", \"0x%s\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"tspeed\", \"%d\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"distr\", \"%s\");\n%s\n\t\tso.write(\"%s\");\n\t\t</script>\n", 
        SWFPath, width, height, version, bgcolor, ifelse(transparent, 
            "\t\tso.addParam(\"wmode\", \"transparent\");\n", 
            ""), ifelse(useXML, "", "\t\tso.addVariable(\"mode\", \"tags\");\n"), 
            tcolor, tcolor2, hicolor, tspeed, distr, ifelse(useXML, 
            "\t\tso.addVariable(\"xmlpath\", \"tagcloud.xml\");", 
            sprintf("\t\tso.addVariable(\"tagcloud\", \"%s\");", 
                tagXML)), divId), ifelse(scriptOnly, "", "</body>\n\n</html>"), 
        file = ifelse(scriptOnly, stdout(), htmlOutput), sep = "\n")
        if (!scriptOnly)
            cat("HTML file created at ", htmlOutput, "\n")

Try the fun package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fun documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:06 p.m.