
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

#### Function to get the coefficients
#### Y is a matrix
nlCoefEst <- function(y, t, lam, k, L=2, 
                      create_basis=create.bspline.basis, maxit=100, tol=1e-8,
                      typels=c("brent","grid"), addDat=FALSE, rangeval=NULL, ...)
        type <- "Non-Linear FDA: Exp() fit"
        typels <- match.arg(typels)
        typels2 <- strtrim(typels, 1)
        tolEigen <- 1e-8
        indt <- sort.int(t, index.return=TRUE)$ix
        y <- as.matrix(y)[indt,,drop=FALSE]
        t <- t[indt]
        n <- ncol(y)
        T <- nrow(y)    
        if (length(t) != T)
            stop("nrow(y) must be equal to length(t)")
        if (addDat)
                tEst <- c(2*t[1]-t[2], t, 2*t[T]-t[T-1])
                yEst <- rbind(y[1,],y,y[T,])
                T <- T+2
            } else {
                tEst <- t
                yEst <- y
        if (is.null(rangeval))
                rangeval <- range(tEst)
            } else {
                if (min(tEst)<rangeval[1] | max(tEst)>rangeval[2])
                    stop("t is not in the range of rangeval")
        basis <- create_basis(rangeval,k, ...)
        basisval <- eval.basis(tEst,basis)
        pen <- eval.penalty(basis,L)
        res0 <- eigen(pen, TRUE)
        chk <- which(abs(res0$val)>tolEigen)
        pene <- res0$vec[,chk]
        pene <- rbind(res0$val[chk], pene)
        ka <- ncol(pene)
        res <- .Fortran("nlcoefest", as.double(yEst), as.double(basisval), as.integer(n),
                        as.integer(k), as.integer(ka), as.integer(T), as.double(lam),
                        as.double(pen), as.double(pene),
                        as.double(tol), as.integer(maxit), info = integer(n),
                        coef = double(k*n), as.character(typels2), PACKAGE="funcreg")
        ans <- list(coefficients=matrix(res$coef, k, n), convergence=res$info,
                    t=t, y=y, basis=basis, link=function(x) exp(x),
                    lambda=lam, L=L, type=type, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, typels=typels,
        if (addDat)
                ans$yEst <- yEst
                ans$tEst <- tEst
        class(ans) <- c("myfda")

### This function puts all R and basisvalue for all K
### into an array
.getPenArray <- function(kvec, t, L, create_basis, rangeval, ...)
        pen <- array(0,dim=c(max(kvec),max(kvec), length(kvec)))
        pene <- array(0,dim=c(max(kvec)+1,max(kvec), length(kvec)))
        ka <- rep(0,length(kvec))
        tolEigen <- 1e-8
        basisval <- array(0,dim=c(length(t), max(kvec), length(kvec)))
        for (i in 1:length(kvec))
                b <- create_basis(rangeval,kvec[i], ...)
                tmp <- eval.penalty(b, L)
                tmp2 <- eval.basis(t, b)
                res0 <- eigen(tmp, TRUE)
                chk <- which(abs(res0$val)>tolEigen)
                tmp3 <- res0$vec[,chk]
                tmp3 <- rbind(res0$val[chk], tmp3)
                ka[i] <- ncol(tmp3)
                pene[1:(kvec[i]+1), 1:ka[i], i] <- tmp3
                pen[1:kvec[i], 1:kvec[i], i] <- tmp
                basisval[,1:kvec[i], i] <- tmp2
        list(pen=pen, ka=ka, pene=pene, basisval=basisval)

#### Main function to get the CV matrix (nlam x nK)
#### lam and k are vectors
nlFdaCV <- function(y, t, lamvec, kvec, L=2,
                    create_basis=create.bspline.basis, maxit=100, tol=1e-8,
                    obj=NULL, typels=c("brent","grid"), addDat=FALSE, ...)
        tolEigen <- 1e-8
        if (!is.null(obj))
                if (class(obj) != "myfda")
                    stop("object must be of class myfda")
                if (obj$addDat)
                        y <- obj$yEst
                        t <- obj$tEst
                        which <- 2:(nrow(y)-1)
                        nwhich <- length(which)
                    } else {
                        y <- obj$y
                        t <- obj$t
                        which <- 1:nrow(y)
                        nwhich <- nrow(y)
                rangeval <- obj$basis$rangeval
                kvec <- obj$basis$nbasis; n <- ncol(y)
                L <- obj$L; maxit <- obj$maxit; tol <- obj$tol
                T <- nrow(y); nlam <- 1; lamvec <- obj$lambda
                typels <- obj$typels
                typels2 <- strtrim(typels, 1)
                nk <- 1; maxk=kvec
                pen <- eval.penalty(obj$basis, L)
                res0 <- eigen(x=pen, symmetric=TRUE)
                chk <- which(abs(res0$val)>tolEigen)
                pene <- res0$vec[,chk]
                pene <- rbind(res0$val[chk], pene)
                ka <- ncol(pene)
                obj <- list(pen=pen, ka=ka, pene=pene,
                            basisval = eval.basis(t, obj$basis))
            } else {
                indt <- sort.int(t, index.return=TRUE)$ix
                y <- as.matrix(y)[indt,,drop=FALSE]
                t <- t[indt]
                T <- length(t)
                if (addDat)
                        t <- c(2*t[1]-t[2], t, 2*t[T]-t[T-1])
                        y <- rbind(y[1,],y,y[T,])
                        T <- T+2
                        which <- 2:(T-1)
                        nwhich <- length(which)
                    } else {
                        which <- 1:T
                        nwhich <- T
                rangeval <- range(t)
                typels <- match.arg(typels)
                typels2 <- strtrim(typels, 1)
                obj <- .getPenArray(kvec, t, L, create_basis, rangeval, ...)
                maxk <- max(kvec)
                nk <- length(kvec)
                nlam <- length(lamvec)
                n <- ncol(y)
        res <- .Fortran("nlcrval", as.double(y), as.double(obj$basisval),
                        as.integer(n), as.integer(kvec), as.integer(obj$ka),
                        as.integer(T), as.integer(nlam), as.integer(nk),
                        as.integer(maxk), as.double(lamvec),  as.double(obj$pen),
                        as.double(obj$pene), as.double(tol),
                        as.integer(maxit), info = integer(nwhich*n*nlam*nk),
                        cv = double(nlam*nk), as.character(typels2),
                        as.integer(nwhich), as.integer(which), PACKAGE="funcreg")
        convergence <- array(res$info, c(nwhich, n, nlam, nk))
        dimnames(convergence) <- list(paste("t",1:nwhich,sep=""),
                                      paste("Y",1:n, sep=""),
        cv <- matrix(res$cv,nlam,nk)
        dimnames(cv) <- list(paste("Lambda",1:nlam,sep=""),
        chk <- .chkFct(convergence)
        ans <- list(cv=cv, convergence=!chk, kvec=kvec, lamvec=lamvec,
        class(ans) <- "myfdaCV"

### This function search over loglam and kvec and
### pick the one with minimum CV
### it returns an object of class myfda
nlGetLandK <- function(y, t, lamvec, kvec, L=2,
                       create_basis=create.bspline.basis, maxit=100, tol=1e-8,
                       typels=c("brent","grid"), addDat=FALSE, ...)
        cv <- nlFdaCV(y=y, t=t, lamvec=lamvec, kvec=kvec, L=L,
                      maxit=maxit, tol=tol, typels=typels,
                      addDat=addDat, ...)
        chk <- cv$convergence
        if (any(chk))
            mess = "Some estimations failed to converge"
            mess = "All estimations converged"        
        cv$cv[chk] <- NA
        if (all(is.na(cv$cv)))
            return("All estimations failed to converge")            
        w <- which(cv$cv==min(cv$cv,na.rm=TRUE), arr.ind=TRUE)
        lambda <- lamvec[w[1]]
        res <- nlCoefEst(y=y, t=t, lam=lambda, k=k, L=L,
                         create_basis=create_basis, maxit=maxit, tol=tol,
                         typels=typels, addDat=addDat, ...)
        res$cv <- min(cv$cv,na.rm=TRUE)
        res$grid <- list(lamgrid=lamvec, kgrid=kvec, cv=cv$cv, mess=mess)

## This function checks for any bad convergence
## while computing the cross-validation
.chkFct <- function(obj)
        nk <- dim(obj)[4]
        nlam <- dim(obj)[3]
        chk <- sapply(1:nk, function(i) sapply(1:nlam, function(j) any(obj[,,j,i]>0)))

## This function finds the optimal Lambda for a given k
## using either the Brent method or the Golden Section method
## maxit and tol are the tuning parameters for the estimation of the coefficients
## maxitalgo and tolalgo are the parameters for the minimization of the
## cross-validation. 
nlGetLam <- function(y, t, lamInt, k, L=2, 
                     create_basis=create.bspline.basis, maxit=100, tol=1e-8,
                     maxitalgo=100, tolalgo=1e-7, type=c("Brent","GS"),
                     typels=c("brent","grid"), addDat=FALSE, ...)
        if (length(k) > 1)
                warning("k must be a scalar; only the first one is used")
                k <- k[1]
        type <- match.arg(type)
        type <- ifelse(type=="Brent", "nllambrent", "nllamgs")
        typels <- match.arg(typels)
        typels2 <- strtrim(typels, 1)
        indt <- sort.int(t, index.return=TRUE)$ix
        y <- as.matrix(y)[indt,,drop=FALSE]
        t <- t[indt]
        if (addDat)
                t <- c(2*t[1]-t[2], t, 2*t[T]-t[T-1])
                y <- rbind(y[1,],y,y[T,])
                which <- 2:(nrow(y)-1)
                nwhich <- length(which)
            } else {
                which <- 1:nrow(y)
                nwhich <- nrow(y)
        rangeval <- range(t)
        obj <- .getPenArray(k, t, L, create_basis, rangeval, ...)
        maxk <- k
        nk <- 1
        T <- nrow(y)
        n <- ncol(y)
        res <- .Fortran(type, as.double(y), as.double(obj$basisval),
                        as.integer(n), as.integer(k), as.integer(obj$ka), as.integer(T),
                        as.double(lamInt[1]), as.double(lamInt[2]),
                        as.double(obj$pen), as.double(obj$pene),
                        as.double(tol), as.integer(maxit), as.integer(maxitalgo),
                        as.double(tolalgo), info = integer(1), iter = integer(1),
                        lam = double(1), cv=double(1), as.character(typels2),
                        as.integer(nwhich), as.integer(which), PACKAGE="funcreg")
        c(lam=res$lam, info=res$info, iter=res$iter, cv=res$cv)                        

### This function search over kvec and
### pick the one with minimum CV. For each K, the optimal Lambda is obtained
### numerically either by the Brent Method or the Golden Section Method.
### maxit and tol are the tuning parameters for the estimation of the coefficients
### maxitalgo and tolalgo are the parameters for the minimization of the
### cross-validation. logLamInt is a 2x1 vector with the upper and lower bound for the search.
### It returns an object of class myfda
nlGetLandKopt <- function(y, t, lamInt, kvec, L=2,
                          create_basis=create.bspline.basis, maxit=100, tol=1e-7,
                          maxitalgo=100, tolalgo=1e-6, type=c("Brent", "GS"),
                          typels=c("brent","grid"), addDat = FALSE, ...)
        type <- match.arg(type)
        typels <- match.arg(typels)
        res <- sapply(kvec, function(k) nlGetLam(y=y, t=t, lamInt=lamInt, k=k, L=L,
                                                 maxit=maxit, tol=tol,
                                                 tolalgo=tolalgo, type=type,
                                                 addDat=addDat, ...))
        w <- which(res[4,]==min(res[4,],na.rm=TRUE))
        lambda <- res[1,w]
        obj <- nlCoefEst(y=y, t=t, lam=lambda, k=k, L=L,
                         create_basis=create_basis, maxit=maxit, tol=tol,
                         typels=typels, addDat=addDat, ...)
        obj$cv <- res[4,w]
        obj$algo <- list(lamInter=lamInt, convergence=res[2,], numIter=res[3,])

makeLinFda <- function(obj, npoints=200)
        if (class(obj) != "myfda")
            stop("Only applicable to objects of class myfda")
        type <- strtrim(obj$type, 3)
        if (type=="Lin")
        rangeval <- obj$basis$rangeval
        t <- seq(rangeval[1], rangeval[2], length.out=npoints)
        xhat <- eval.basis(t, obj$basis)
        xhat <- xhat%*%obj$coefficients
        xhat <- obj$link(xhat)
        xhat <- smooth.basis(t, xhat, fdPar(obj$basis))$fd
        obj$coefficients <- xhat$coefs
        obj$link <- function(x) x
        obj$type <- "Linear FDA fitted from a Non-linear FDA"
logFda <- function(obj)
        if (class(obj) != "myfda")
            stop("Only applicable to objects of class myfda")
        if (obj$type=="Lin")
            stop("Only applicable to Non-linear FDA")        
        obj$link <- function(x) x
        obj$type <- "Linear FDA obtained by taking the log od Non-linear FDA"
        obj$y <- log(obj$y)
        obj$y[obj$y==-Inf] <- NA

as.fd.myfda <- function(x, fdnames=NULL, npoints=200, ...)
        if (strtrim(x$type,3) == "Non")
            x <- makeLinFda(x, npoints=npoints)
        xfd <- fd(x$coef, x$basis, fdnames=fdnames)

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