
Defines functions does.it.cover.gammamin bisection.gammamin.coverage check.bisection.bounds.gammamin find.bisection.bounds.gammamin find.inside.point.gammamin aggregate.ci multi.split

Documented in multi.split

multi.split <- function(x, y, B = 100, fraction = 0.5,
                        ci = TRUE, ci.level = 0.95,
                        model.selector = lasso.cv,
                        classical.fit = lm.pval,
                        classical.ci  = lm.ci,
                        parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
                        gamma = seq(ceiling(0.05 * B) / B, 1 - 1 / B, by = 1/B),
                        args.model.selector = NULL,
                        args.classical.fit = NULL,
                        args.classical.ci = NULL,
                        return.nonaggr = FALSE,
                        return.selmodels = FALSE,
                        repeat.max = 20,
                        verbose = FALSE) {
  ## --> ../man/multi.split.Rd
  ##       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## Author: Lukas Meier, Date:  2 Apr 2013, 11:52
  ## Updated with confidence interval calculation, Ruben Dezeure (5 Feb 2014)

  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)

  n.left  <- floor(n * fraction)
  n.right <- n - n.left
  stopifnot(n.left >= 1, n.right >= 1)

  ## Helper function for one sample split
  ## all variables are taken from the function environment
  oneSplit <- function(b) { # b-th split {e.g. called from *apply()
    pvals.v         <- rep(1, p)
    sel.models      <- logical(p) ## FALSE by default
    lci.v           <- rep(-Inf, p)
    uci.v           <- rep(Inf, p)
    centers.v       <- rep(NA, p)
    ses.v           <- rep(Inf, p)
    df.res          <- NA

    try.again    <- TRUE
    repeat.count <- 0L

    while(try.again) {
      ## Perform sample-splitting; sample *without* replacement
      split <- sample.int(n, size=n.left)# replace = FALSE

      ## x.left is used to perform model selection
      x.left <- x[split,]
      y.left <- y[split]

      ## x.right is used to calculate p-values
      x.right <- x[-split,]
      y.right <- y[-split]

      sel.model <- do.call(model.selector,
                           args = c(list(x = x.left, y = y.left),

      p.sel <- length(sel.model)

      ## Classical situation:
      ## A model with intercept is used, hence p.sel + 1 < nrow(x.right),
      ## otherwise, p-values can *not* be calculated
      if(p.sel > 0 && p.sel < nrow(x.right) - 1) {
        sel.pval <- do.call(classical.fit,
                            args = c(list(x = x.right[,sel.model],
                                          y = y.right), args.classical.fit))
        ## Sanity checks for the output of classical.fit
          stop("The classical.fit function returned a p-value NA")
        if(length(sel.pval)!= p.sel)
          stop("The classical.fit function didn't return the correct number of p-values for the provided submodel.")
        if(!all(sel.pval >=0 & sel.pval <= 1))
          stop("The classical.fit function returned values below 0 or above 1 as p-values")
        ## Bonferroni on small model
        pvals.v[sel.model] <- pmin(sel.pval * p.sel, 1) ## new

        if(ci) { ## Calculations of confidence intervals
          if(!all(abs(gamma * B %% 1) <= 10^(-5)))
            warning("Duality might be violated because of choice of gamma. Use steps of length 1 / B")
          if(identical(classical.fit, lm.pval)) {
            ## Calculate ci's and save all necessary information
            tmp.fit.lm <- lm(y.right ~ x.right[,sel.model],
            ## Based on code from  stats ::: confint.lm
            a   <- (1 - ci.level) / 2
            a   <- c(a, 1 - a)
            fac <- qt(a, tmp.fit.lm$df.residual)
            sel.ses     <- sqrt(diag(vcov(tmp.fit.lm)))[-1] ## without intercept
            sel.centers <- coef(tmp.fit.lm)[-1]
            sel.ci      <- sel.centers + sel.ses %o% fac
            centers.v[sel.model] <- sel.centers
            lci.v[sel.model]     <- sel.ci[,1] ## new
            uci.v[sel.model]     <- sel.ci[,2] ## new
            ses.v[sel.model]     <- sel.ses    ## change?
            df.res               <- tmp.fit.lm$df.residual ## change?
          } else {
            ## do the primitive ci interval aggregation
            sel.ci <- do.call(classical.ci,
                              args =  c(list(x = x.right[, sel.model],
                                             y = y.right,
                                             level = 1 - (1 - ci.level) / 2),
            lci.v[sel.model] <- sel.ci[, 1] ## new
            uci.v[sel.model] <- sel.ci[, 2] ## new
        } ## end if(ci)

          sel.models[sel.model] <- TRUE

        try.again <- FALSE ## break the loop, continue with next sample-split
      ## Empty model selected:
      ## Do nothing in that case. Matrix already filled with 0's.
      ## Print out information for the sake of completeness
      if(p.sel == 0) {
          cat("......Empty model selected. That's ok...\n")

        try.again <- FALSE ## break the loop, continue with next sample-split
      ## Too large model selected for classical fitter
      if(p.sel >= n.right - 1) { ## p.sel + 1 < n.right for p-val calculation
        try.again <- TRUE ## re-do sample splitting
        repeat.count <- repeat.count + 1L
        warning("Too large model selected in a sample-split")
      if(repeat.count > repeat.max) { ## to prevent never-ending loops
        stop("More than repeat.max=", repeat.max,
             " sample splits resulted in too large models...giving up")
          ## try.again <- FALSE
    } ## end while(try.again)

    ## return
    list(pvals        = pvals.v,
         sel.models   = sel.models,
         centers      = centers.v,
         ses          = ses.v,
         df.res       = df.res,
         lci          = lci.v,
         uci          = uci.v,
         repeat.count = repeat.count,
         split        = split)
  } ## {oneSplit}

  ## Sample-splitting ##

  split.out <-
    if(parallel) {
      stopifnot(isTRUE(is.finite(ncores)), ncores >= 1L)
        cat("...starting parallelization of sample-splits\n")
      mclapply(1:B, oneSplit, mc.cores = ncores)
    else {
        lapply(1:B, function(b) {
          cat("...Split", b, "\n")
        replicate(B, oneSplit(), simplify = FALSE)
  ## Allow hierarchical testing with result ##
  clusterGroupTest <-
               dist = as.dist(1 - abs(cor(x))),
               alpha = 0.05,
               method = "average",
               conservative = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
    ## We use "global" variables
    ## return.selmodels, x, y, gamma, split.out
      stop("Cluster group testing cannot be done if the original function was not run with return.selmodels = TRUE.")

    hh <- if(!missing(hcloutput)) hcloutput else hclust(dist, method = method)

    ## we calculate a tree structure:
    tree <- createtree.from.hclust(hh,verbose=verbose)
    out <- mssplit.hierarch.testing(tree=tree, hh=hh, x=x, y=y,
                                    gamma=gamma, split.out=split.out)
    out$method <- "clusterGroupTest"
    structure(out, class = c("clusterGroupTest", "hdi"))

  ## Extract objects ##

  myExtract <- function(name) {
    matrix(unlist(lapply(split.out, "[[", name)), nrow = B, byrow = TRUE)

  ## Matrix of bootstrap p-values (etc.)
  ## rows = sample-splits
  ## cols = predictors

  pvals <- myExtract("pvals"); colnames(pvals) <- colnames(x)

  if(return.selmodels) {
    sel.models <- myExtract("sel.models")
    colnames(sel.models) <- colnames(x)
  } else { ## safe memory space in case no output is wanted regarding sel. models
    sel.models <- NA

  lci           <- myExtract("lci")
  uci           <- myExtract("uci")
  centers       <- myExtract("centers")
  ses           <- myExtract("ses")
  df.res        <- unlist(lapply(split.out, `[[`, "df.res"))

  ## Calculate final p-values ##

  ## For loop is not very innovative, but it does it's job...
  pvals.current <- which.gamma <- numeric(p)
  ## if(!(0.05 %in% gamma)) ## FIXME: depending on  ci.level = 1 - 0.05 = 0.95  ????
  ##   warning("0.05 is not in the gamma range due to the choice of B, the results might be incorrect. Pick a B such that some integer multiple of 1/B equals 0.05 to avoid this.")

  for(j in 1:p) { ## loop through all predictors
    quant.gamma <- quantile(pvals[,j], gamma) / gamma
    penalty <- if(length(gamma) > 1) (1 - log(min(gamma))) else 1
    pvals.pre <- min(quant.gamma) * penalty
    pvals.current[j] <- pmin(pvals.pre, 1)
    which.gamma  [j] <- which.min(quant.gamma)

  names(pvals.current) <- names(which.gamma) <- colnames(x)

  if(ci && identical(classical.fit, lm.pval)) {
    vars <- ncol(lci)
    ## for every separate variable, aggregate the ci
    s0 <- if(any(is.na(sel.models))) NA else apply(sel.models, 1, sum)
    ## calculate single-testing confidence intervals
    new.ci <- mapply(aggregate.ci,
                     lci = split(lci, rep(1:vars, each = B)),
                     rci = split(uci, rep(1:vars, each = B)),
                     centers = split(centers,rep(1:vars, each = B)),
                     ses = split(ses, rep(1:ncol(ses), each = B)),
                     df.res = list(df.res = df.res),
                     gamma.min = min(gamma),
                     ## multi.corr = TRUE,## temporarily trying multiple testing corrected ci 
                     multi.corr = FALSE,## single testing confidence intervals
                     verbose = FALSE,
                     s0 = list(s0=s0),
                     ci.level = ci.level,
                     var = 1:vars)#for debug information to have the var of this aggregate call
    lci.current <- t(new.ci)[,1]
    uci.current <- t(new.ci)[,2]
  } else {
    lci.current <- apply(lci, 2, median) ## robustbase :: colMedians() is faster
    uci.current <- apply(uci, 2, median)

  if(!return.nonaggr) ## Overwrite pvals with NULL if no output is wanted
    pvals <- NA

  names(lci.current) <- names(uci.current) <- names(pvals.current)
  if(return.selmodels) {
    ## take some care to *not* save the full environment in clusterGroupTest
    ## remove all variables but those:
    keep <- c(
      ## for clusterGroupTest():
      "return.selmodels", "x", "y", "gamma", "split.out",
      ## for result below:
      "pvals", "pvals.current", "ci", "ci.level", "lci.current", "uci.current",
      "which.gamma", "sel.models", "clusterGroupTest")
    rm(list = setdiff(names(environment()), keep))

  ## return
    list(pval          = NA,
         pval.corr     = pvals.current,
         pvals.nonaggr = pvals,
         ci.level      = if (ci) ci.level else NA,
         lci           = if (ci) lci.current else NA,
         uci           = if (ci) uci.current else NA,
         gamma.min     = gamma[which.gamma],
         sel.models    = sel.models,
         method        = "multi.split",
         call          = match.call(),
         clusterGroupTest = clusterGroupTest),
    class = "hdi")

## aggregate the ci over multiple splits for one single beta_j
aggregate.ci <- function(lci,rci,centers,
                         ci.level) {
  ## detect the -Inf Inf intervals
  inf.ci <- is.infinite(lci)|is.infinite(rci)
  no.inf.ci <- sum(inf.ci)## this we will use later on
  if(verbose) {
    cat("number of Inf ci:", no.inf.ci, "\n")
  if((no.inf.ci == length(lci)) || (no.inf.ci >= (1-gamma.min)*length(lci))) {
    ## we only have infinite ci or more than 1-gamma.min of the splits have an
    ## inf ci
    return(c(-Inf, Inf))
  ## remove the infinite ci from the input
  lci <- lci[!inf.ci]
  rci <- rci[!inf.ci]
  centers <- centers[!inf.ci]
  df.res <- df.res[!inf.ci]
  ses <- ses[!inf.ci]
  s0 <- s0[!inf.ci]

  ci.lengths <- rci - lci
  ci.info <- list(lci        = lci,
                  rci        = rci,
                  centers    = centers,
                  ci.lengths = ci.lengths,
                  no.inf.ci  = no.inf.ci,
                  ses        = ses,
                  s0         = s0,
                  df.res     = df.res,
                  gamma.min  = gamma.min,
                  multi.corr = multi.corr,
                  ci.level   = ci.level)
  ## find an inside point: we need to find a point that is definitely in the
  ## confidence intervals
  inner <- find.inside.point.gammamin(low     = min(centers),
                                      high    = max(centers),
                                      ci.info = ci.info,
                                      verbose = verbose)

  ## inner <- max(lci)
  outer <- min(lci)
  ## finding good bounds for our bisection method
  new.bounds <- find.bisection.bounds.gammamin(shouldcover    = inner,
                                               shouldnotcover = outer,
                                               ci.info        = ci.info,
                                               verbose        = verbose)
  inner <- new.bounds$shouldcover
  outer <- new.bounds$shouldnotcover

  l.bound <- bisection.gammamin.coverage(outer   = outer,
                                         inner   = inner,
                                         ci.info = ci.info,
                                         verbose = verbose)
    cat("lower bound ci aggregated is", l.bound, "\n")

  ## inner <- min(rci)
  outer <- max(rci)
  new.bounds <- find.bisection.bounds.gammamin(shouldcover    = inner,
                                               shouldnotcover = outer,
                                               ci.info        = ci.info,
                                               verbose        = verbose)
  inner <- new.bounds$shouldcover
  outer <- new.bounds$shouldnotcover

  u.bound <- bisection.gammamin.coverage(inner   = inner,
                                         outer   = outer,
                                         ci.info = ci.info,
                                         verbose = verbose)
  if(verbose) {
    cat("upper bound ci aggregated is", u.bound, "\n")
  return(c(l.bound, u.bound))

find.inside.point.gammamin <- function(low, high, ci.info, verbose) {
  ## searching over the range low and high for a point that is inside
  ## does it cover gammamin
  ## we increase the granularity up until a certain level and then give up
  range.length <- 10
  test.range   <- seq(low, high, length.out = range.length)
  cover        <- mapply(does.it.cover.gammamin,
                         beta.j  = test.range,
                         ci.info = list(ci.info = ci.info))
  while(!any(cover)) {
    range.length <- 10 * range.length
    test.range   <- seq(low, high, length.out = range.length)
    cover        <- mapply(does.it.cover.gammamin,
                           beta.j = test.range,
                           ci.info = list(ci.info=ci.info))
    if(range.length > 10^3) {
      message("FOUND NO INSIDE POINT")
      message("number of splits")
      stop("couldn't find an inside point between low and high. The confidence interval doesn't exist!")
  if(verbose) {
    cat("Found an inside point at granularity of", range.length, "\n")

  ## return inside.point :
  ## take the smallest value that was covered, which value we take is not of
  ## importance actually

find.bisection.bounds.gammamin <- function(shouldcover,
  reset.shouldnotcover <- FALSE
  if(does.it.cover.gammamin(beta.j = shouldnotcover, ci.info = ci.info)) {
    reset.shouldnotcover <- TRUE
      cat("finding a new shouldnotcover bound\n")
    ## need to find a shouldnotcover further away from this point
    ## the direction we move in is shouldnotcover-shouldcover
    while(does.it.cover.gammamin(beta.j = shouldnotcover, ci.info = ci.info)) {
      old            <- shouldnotcover
      shouldnotcover <- shouldnotcover + (shouldnotcover - shouldcover)
      shouldcover    <- old ## update the should cover bound too!
      cat("shouldnotcover", shouldnotcover, "\n")
      cat("shouldcover", shouldcover, "\n")
  ## Is it possible that these get triggered consecutively?, no :0
  if(!does.it.cover.gammamin(beta.j = shouldcover, ci.info = ci.info)) {
      stop("Problem: we first reset shouldnotcover and are now resetting shouldcover, this is not supposed to happen") 
      cat("finding a new shouldcover bound\n")
    while(!does.it.cover.gammamin(beta.j = shouldcover, ci.info = ci.info)){
      ## Problem, it is possible that there is no coverage!?!?!?
      ## This could be if we jump over the CI!!
      old            <- shouldcover
      shouldcover    <- shouldcover + (shouldcover - shouldnotcover)
      shouldnotcover <- old
      cat("shouldnotcover", shouldnotcover, "\n")
      cat("shouldcover", shouldcover, "\n")
  return(list(shouldcover    = shouldcover,
              shouldnotcover = shouldnotcover))

check.bisection.bounds.gammamin <- function(shouldcover,
                                            verbose) {
  if(does.it.cover.gammamin(beta.j  = shouldnotcover,
                            ci.info =ci.info)){
    stop("shouldnotcover bound is covered! we need to decrease it even more! (PLZ implement)")
  } else {
      cat("shouldnotcover bound is not covered, this is good")

  if(does.it.cover.gammamin(beta.j  = shouldcover,
                            ci.info = ci.info)){
      cat("shouldcover is covered!, It is a good covered bound")
  } else {
    stop("shouldcover is a bad covered bound, it is not covered!")

bisection.gammamin.coverage <- function(outer,
  check.bisection.bounds.gammamin(shouldcover    = inner,
                                  shouldnotcover = outer,
                                  ci.info        = ci.info,
                                  verbose        = verbose)
  ## do.bisection
  eps <- 1

  while(eps > eps.bound){
    ## calc on the outer + inner /2 and see if the thing covers in this
    middle <- (outer + inner) / 2
    if(does.it.cover.gammamin(beta.j  = middle,
                              ci.info = ci.info)){
      inner <- middle
    } else {
      outer <- middle
    eps <- abs(inner - outer)
  solution <- (inner + outer)/2
    cat("finished bisection...eps is", eps, "\n")

does.it.cover.gammamin <- function(beta.j,
    stop("ci.info is missing to the function does.it.cover.gammamin")
  ## extract ci.info
  centers    <- ci.info$centers
  ci.lengths <- ci.info$ci.lengths
  no.inf.ci  <- ci.info$no.inf.ci
  ses        <- ci.info$ses
  df.res     <- ci.info$df.res
  gamma.min  <- ci.info$gamma.min
  multi.corr <- ci.info$multi.corr
  s0         <- ci.info$s0
  alpha      <- 1 - ci.info$ci.level

  ## Warning!: this is also affected by noncentral vs central t dist
  pval.rank <- rank(-abs(beta.j-centers) / (ci.lengths / 2))
  ## the rank of the pvalue in increasing order, - sign to reverse rank
  nsplit <- length(pval.rank) + no.inf.ci
  ## the number of ci + the inf ci we left out

  gamma.b <- pval.rank/nsplit
      stop("need s0 information to be able to create multiple testing corrected pvalues")
    level <- (1 - alpha * gamma.b / (1 - log(gamma.min) * s0))
  } else {
    level <- (1 - alpha * gamma.b/ (1 - log(gamma.min)))
  ## from the getAnywhere(confint.lm) code
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- 1 - a
  ## return 'beta.is.in' :
  if(all(gamma.b <= gamma.min)) {
    ## the fraction of non Inf ci of all splits is smaller than gamma.min
  } else {
    ## Warning!: this is also affected by noncentral vs central t dist
    ## if(non.central.t)
    ##  {
    ##    ## CHECK: is this the correct way of doing things?
    ##    ## browser()
    ##    ## non-central t-distribution! --> not symmetric anymore!!!!
    ##    lfac <- qt(1-a,df.res,ncp=(centers-beta.j)/ses)
    ##    ufac <- qt(a,df.res,ncp=(centers-beta.j)/ses)
    ##    ## Are these the correct non centers to pick? not the point where we want to test!?!?
    ##    ## TODO DEBUG
    ##    nlci <- beta.j+lfac*ses
    ##    nrci <- beta.j+ufac*ses
    ##    if(all(gamma.b <= gamma.min))
    ##      {## the fraction of non Inf ci of all splits is smaller than gamma.min
    ##        beta.is.in <- TRUE
    ##      } else {
    ##        ## should not check gamma.b < 1 because we already removed the -Inf Inf ci!
    ##        beta.is.in <- all(nlci[gamma.b > gamma.min ] <= beta.j) && all(nrci[gamma.b > gamma.min ] >= beta.j)## the centers are in the ci around beta.j/c
    ##      }
    ##  } else {

    ## central t-distribution, approximations are made! if df big enough this shouldn't be a problem
    fac <- qt(a,df.res)

    nlci <- centers - fac*ses
    nrci <- centers + fac*ses
    ## }

    ## should not check gamma.b < 1 because we already removed the -Inf Inf ci!
    ## beta_j is in the required intervals:
    all(nlci[gamma.b > gamma.min] <= beta.j) &&
    all(nrci[gamma.b > gamma.min] >= beta.j)
}## {does.it.cover.gammamin}

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