Man pages for infeR
A pedagogical tool to teach the basics of inference in population genetics

expected.fstCompute the Expected F_{ST}
fstCompute the F_{ST} for a Sample of Genes
generate.priorGenerate Prior Values for the Parameters theta and M
infeRA Pedagogical Tool to Teach the Basics of Inference in...
infeR-internalInternal infeR Function
maximum.likelihoodPerform a Maximum-Likelihood Analysis of a Sample of Genes in...
prcp.caPerform a Principal Component Analysis
run.mcmcPerform a Bayesian Analysis of a Sample of Genes in a...
sim.coalescentSimulate a Sample of Genes Using the Coalescent
sim.inference.modelSimulate a Sample of Genes
sim.island.modelSimulate Artificial Data from an Island Model
infeR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.