
Defines functions Shape2Mondrian sp2Mondrian

Documented in sp2Mondrian

# Copyright (c) 2006-7 Patrick Hausmann and Roger Bivand

sp2Mondrian <- function(SP, file, new_format=TRUE) {
	if (!inherits(SP, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
		stop("not a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object")
	pls <- slot(SP, "polygons")
	n <- length(pls)
	id <- 1:n
	df <- as(SP, "data.frame")
	df <- data.frame("/P_SP_ID"=id, df, check.names=FALSE)

	if (!new_format) {
	    con <- file(file, open="wt")
            write.table(df, file = con,
		quote = FALSE, 
               	row.names = FALSE, 
               	col.names = TRUE, sep="\t", dec=".")
	    IDs <- sapply(pls, function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
            for (i in 1:n) {
		pl <- slot(pls[[i]], "Polygons")
		m <- length(pl)
		for (j in 1:m) {
			crds <- slot(pl[[j]], "coords")
			nc <- nrow(crds)
			lab <- paste(id[i], paste("/P", IDs[i], sep=""), 
				nc, sep="\t")
                	cat("\n", file = con)
                	writeLines(lab, con = con)
                	write.table(crds, file = con, 
                		append = TRUE, 
                		row.names = FALSE, 
                		col.names = FALSE, sep="\t", dec=".")
	} else {
	    bnm <- basename(file)
	    dnm <- dirname(file)
	    MAP_file <- paste(dnm, paste("MAP_", bnm, sep=""), 

	    con <- file(file, open="wt")
            write.table(df, file = con,
		quote = FALSE, 
               	row.names = FALSE, 
               	col.names = TRUE, sep="\t", dec=".")

       	    cat("\n", file = con)
	    writeLines(MAP_file, con, sep="")

	    con <- file(MAP_file, open="wt")
            for (i in 1:n) {
		pl <- slot(pls[[i]], "Polygons")
		m <- length(pl)
		for (j in 1:m) {
			crds <- slot(pl[[j]], "coords")
			nc <- nrow(crds)
			lab <- paste(id[i], "/P_SP_ID", nc, sep="\t")
                	if (i > 1 || j > 1) cat("\n", file = con)
                	writeLines(lab, con = con)
                	write.table(crds, file = con, 
                		append = TRUE, 
                		row.names = FALSE, 
                		col.names = FALSE, sep="\t", dec=".")

Shape2Mondrian <- function(shape, file, id, export.data = TRUE) {

        fshape <- shape
        xfile  <- file
        idx    <- paste("/P", id, sep="")
        # Export "att.data" -- TRUE / FALSE
        if (is.logical(export.data) && export.data) {
                y               <- fshape$att.data
                names(y)        <- sub(id, idx, names(y))
                write.table(y, file = xfile, 
                append = TRUE, 
                row.names = FALSE, 
                col.names = TRUE, sep="\t", dec=".")

        for (i in 1:length(fshape$Shapes)) {

                 xnrow <- nrow(fshape$Shapes[[i]]$verts)
                 lab   <- paste(i, idx, xnrow, sep="\t")

                 write.table("\n", file = xfile, 
                append = TRUE, eol = "", 
                quote = FALSE, 
                row.names = FALSE, 
                col.names = FALSE)
                 write.table(lab, file = xfile, 
                append = TRUE, 
                quote = FALSE, 
                row.names = FALSE, 
                col.names = FALSE, sep="\t")
                write.table(fshape$Shapes[[i]]$verts, file = xfile, 
                append = TRUE, 
                row.names = FALSE, 
                col.names = FALSE, sep="\t", dec=".")


#x <- read.shape(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="maptools")[1])
#Shape2Mondrian(x, file="c:\\colombus.txt", "POLYID", export.data = TRUE)
#xx <- readShapePoly(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="maptools")[1])
#sp2Mondrian(xx, file="colombus1.txt")

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maptools documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 3:01 p.m.