Man pages for matchingMarkets
Analysis of Stable Matchings

baac00Townsend Thai Project BAAC Annual Resurvey, 2000
hriAll stable matchings in the hospital/residents problem with...
iaaImmediate Acceptance Algorithm (a.k.a. Boston mechanism) for...
khbKarlson-Holm-Breen method for comparing probit coefficients
klein15aMCMC results in Klein (2015a)
klein15bResults of Monte Carlo Simulations in Klein (2015b)
matchingMarkets-packageAn R package for the analysis of stable matchings.
mceMC Experiments
plpPartitioning Linear Programme for the stable roommates...
predict.stabit2Predict method for fitted matching models
sriAll stable matchings in the stable roommates problem with...
stabitMatching model and selection correction for group formation
stabit2Matching model and selection correction for college...
stabsimSimulated data for group formation problem
stabsim2Simulated data for college admissions problem
ttcTop-Trading-Cycles Algorithm for the house allocation problem
matchingMarkets documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:49 p.m.