

# setMethod("setPars",signature(object="ALCOVElearning"),
#   function(object,pars,internal=FALSE,...,rval=c("object","parameters")) {
#     rval <- match.arg(rval)
#     sP.u <- function(pars,fixl) {
#       if(!is.null(pars$eta_a) && !fixl$eta_a) pars$eta_a <- exp(pars$eta_a)
#       if(!is.null(pars$eta_w) && !fixl$eta_w) pars$eta_w <- exp(pars$eta_w)
#       if(!is.null(pars$r) && !fixl$r) pars$r <- exp(pars$r)
#       if(!is.null(pars$q) && !fixl$q) pars$q <- exp(pars$q)
#       if(!is.null(pars$spf) && !fixl$spf) pars$spf <- exp(pars$spf)
#       pars
#     }
#     #object <- callNextMethod()
#     parl <- callNextMethod(object=object,pars=pars,internal=internal,...,rval="parameters")
#     if(length(object@parStruct@fix)>0) fixl <- relist(object@parStruct@fix,skeleton=object@parStruct@parameters) else fixl <- relist(rep(FALSE,length(unlist(object@parStruct@parameters))),skeleton=object@parStruct@parameters)
#     if(internal && is.null(object@parStruct@constraints)) {
#       if(object@nTimes@cases > 1 && object@parStruct@repeated) {
#         for(case in 1:object@nTimes@cases) parl[[case]] <- sP.u(parl[[case]],fixl[[case]])
#       } else {
#         parl <- sP.u(parl,fixl)
#       }
#     }
#     switch(rval,
#       object = {
#         object@parStruct@parameters <- parl
#         object
#       },
#       parameters = parl)
#     #object@parStruct@parameters
#     #return(object)
#   }
# )

# setMethod("getPars",signature(object="ALCOVElearning"),
#   function(object,which="all",internal=FALSE,...) {
#     gP.u <- function(pars) {
#       pars$eta_a <- log(pars$eta_a)
#       pars$eta_w <- log(pars$eta_w)
#       pars$r <- log(pars$r)
#       pars$q <- log(pars$q)
#       pars$spf <- log(pars$spf)
#       pars
#     }
#     if(internal && is.null(object@parStruct@constraints)) {
#       pars <- object@parStruct@parameters
#       if(object@nTimes@cases > 1 && !object@parStruct@replicate) {
#         for(case in 1:object@nTimes@cases) pars[[case]] <- gP.u(pars[[case]])
#       } else {
#         pars <- gP.u(pars)
#       }
#       pars <- unlist(as.relistable(pars))
#       if(which=="free") {
#         if(length(object@parStruct@fix)>0) {
#           pars <- pars[!object@parStruct@fix]
#         }
#       }
#     } else {
#       pars <- callNextMethod(object=object,which=which,internal=internal,...)
#       #pars <- callNextMethod()
#     }
#     return(pars)
#   }
# )

  function(object,...) {
    if(object@nTimes@cases>1) {
      outp <- vector()
      for(case in 1:object@nTimes@cases) {
        repl <- getReplication(object,case=case,...)
        x <- repl$x
        y <- repl$y
        pars <- repl$parameters
        runm <- ALCOVE.runm(x=x,y=y,e=object@exemplar.locations[[case]],
        object@weights[[case]] <- runm$weights
        outp <- rbind(outp,runm$output)
      object@output <- outp
    } else {
      runm <- ALCOVE.runm(x=object@x,y=object@y,e=object@exemplar.locations[[1]],
      object@weights[[1]] <- runm$weights
      object@output <- runm$output

ALCOVE.runm <- function(y,x,e,pars,w.start,a.start,humble=TRUE,train.max=1,
train.min=-1,...) {
  # y: T*k (dummy) matrix for categories
  # x: T*M matrix of cues
  # e: N*M matrix with exemplar locations
  # M: stimulus dimension (number of attention nodes)
  # k: category dimension (number of output nodes)
  # T: number of trials
  # N: number of stimulus locations
  # eta_a: learning rate for attention weights (note: paper uses lambda_a) 
  # eta_w: learning rate for output weights (note: paper uses lambda_w)
  # r: 
  # q:
  # spf: specificity parameter
  call <- match.call()
  eta_w <- pars$eta_w
  eta_a <- pars$eta_a
  r <- pars$r
  q <- pars$q
  spf <- pars$spf
  nt <- nrow(y)
  y.n <- ncol(y)
  x.n <- ncol(x)
  e.n <- nrow(e)
  if(missing(w.start)) w.start <- matrix(0,nrow=e.n,ncol=y.n)
  if(missing(a.start)) a.start <- rep(1/x.n,x.n)

  a <- matrix(nrow=nt,ncol=x.n)
  w <- array(dim=c(nt,e.n,y.n))
  pred <- matrix(nrow=nt,ncol=y.n)
  at <- a.start
  wt <- w.start

  for(i in 1:nt) {
    # hidden node activation
    hid <- exp(-spf*(at%*%abs(t(e)-x[i,])^r)^(q/r))  # hid: 1*N matrix
    # output node activation
    pred[i,] <- out <- hid%*%wt # out: 1*y.n matrix
    # training signal
    if(humble) {
      train <- y[i,]*apply(rbind(out,train.max),2,max) + (1-y[i,])*apply(rbind(out,train.min),2,min)
    } else {
      train <- replace(y[i,],y[i,]==0,train.min)
      train <- replace(train,y[i,]==1,train.max)
    # update
    dw <- eta_w*t(hid)%*%(train-out)
    da <- -eta_a*abs(t(e)-x[i,])%*%t(spf*(train-out)%*%t(wt)*hid)
    w[i,,] <- wt <- wt + dw
    a[i,] <- at <- as.vector(at + da)

  function(object,type=c("link","response"),...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    pred <- object@output
    if(type=="response") pred <- exp(pred)/rowSums(exp(pred))

ALCOVElearning <- function(formula,parameters=list(eta_w=.05,eta_a=.05,r=1,q=1,spf=1),humble=TRUE,exemplar.locations,data,subset,fixed,parStruct,random.locations=FALSE,n.locations=10,base=NULL,ntimes,replicate=TRUE) {
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset","base"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- as.list(mf[m])
  names(mf) <- c("formula",names(mf)[-1])
  mf$remove.intercept <- TRUE
  dat <- do.call("mcpl.prepare",mf)

  #if(!missing(subset)) dat <- mcpl.prepare(formula,data,subset,base=base,remove.intercept=TRUE) else dat <- mcpl.prepare(formula,data,base=base,remove.intercept=TRUE)
  x <- dat$x
  y <- dat$y
  parfill <- function(parameters) {
    if(is.null(parameters$eta_w)) parameters$eta_w <- .05
    if(is.null(parameters$eta_a)) parameters$eta_a <- .05
    if(is.null(parameters$r)) parameters$r <- 1
    if(is.null(parameters$q)) parameters$q <- 1
    if(is.null(parameters$spf)) parameters$spf <- 1
    # TODO: validate parameters
  if(is.null(ntimes) | replicate) {
    parameters <- parfill(parameters)
  } else {
    nrep <- length(ntimes)
    # check structure of supplied list
    if(all(lapply(parameters,is.list)) && length(parameters)==nrep) {
      for(i in 1:nrep) {
        parameters[[i]] <- parfill(parameters[[i]])
    } else {
      parameters <- parfill(parameters)
      parameters <- rep(list(parameters),nrep)
  if(is.null(ntimes)) nTimes <- nTimes(nrow(y)) else nTimes <- nTimes(ntimes)
  if(!missing(fixed)) {
    if(is.list(fixed)) {
      fixed <- fixed[which(names(fixed) %in% names(parameters))]
    } else {
      if(length(fixed) != unlist(parameters)) stop("argument fixed does not have the correct length")
  } else {
    fixed <- rep(FALSE,length(unlist(parameters)))
  if(missing(parStruct)) {
    # check whether we can use a TransParStruct
    parStruct <- TransParStruct(
#        skeleton=parameters,
#         transform=function(object,...) {
#           f <- function(pars) {
#             pars$eta_a <- log(pars$eta_a)
#             pars$eta_w <- log(pars$eta_w)
#             pars$r <- log(pars$r)
#             pars$q <- log(pars$q)
#             pars$spf <- log(pars$spf)
#             pars
#           }
#           pars <- object@parameters
#           if(object@repeated) {
#             for(i in length(object@parameters)) {
#               pars[[i]] <- f(pars[[i]])
#             }
#           } else {
#             pars <- f(pars)
#           }
#           object@parameters <- pars
#           object
#         },
        transform=function(pars,...) {
          if(!is.null(pars$eta_a)) pars$eta_a <- exp(pars$eta_a)
          if(!is.null(pars$eta_w)) pars$eta_w <- exp(pars$eta_w)
          if(!is.null(pars$r)) pars$r <- exp(pars$r)
          if(!is.null(pars$q)) pars$q <- exp(pars$q)
          if(!is.null(pars$spf)) pars$spf <- exp(pars$spf)
          #pars <- getPars(object,...)
#           if(object@repeated) {
#             for(i in 1:length(pars)) {
#               pars[[i]] <- f(pars[[i]])
#             }
#           } else {
#             pars <- f(pars)
#           }
#           object@parameters <- pars
#           object
        fixed = fixed,
        ntimes = ntimes)

    # TransParStruct not possible, should use something else 
#     parStruct <- ParStruct(parameters=parameters,replicate=replicate,
#       fixed = fixed,
#       ntimes = if(missing(ntimes)) NULL else ntimes)

  if(missing(exemplar.locations)) {
    exemplar.locations <- list()
    if(random.locations) {
      # randomly generate exemplar locations
      if(replicate) {
        tmp <- matrix(,nrow=n.locations,ncol=ncol(x))
        for(i in 1:ncol(tmp)) {
          tmp[,i] <- runif(n.locations,min=min(x[,i]),max=max(x[,i]))
        for(case in 1:nTimes@cases) exemplar.locations[[case]] <- tmp
      } else {
        for(case in 1:nTimes@cases) {
          tmp <- matrix(,nrow=n.locations,ncol=ncol(x))
          for(i in 1:ncol(tmp)) {
            tmp[,i] <- runif(n.locations,min=min(x[nTimes@bt[case]:nTimes@et[case],i]),
          exemplar.locations[[case]] <- tmp
    } else {
      for(case in 1:nTimes@cases) {
        exemplar.locations[[case]] <- unique(x[nTimes@bt[case]:nTimes@et[case],])
  mod <- new("ALCOVElearning",
    x = x,
    y = y,
    weights = list(length=nTimes@cases),
    humble = humble,
    exemplar.locations = exemplar.locations,
  mod <- runm(mod)

ALCOVE <- function(learning,response,parameters=list(eta_w=.05,eta_a=.05,r=1,q=1,spf=1,beta=1),humble=TRUE,exemplar.locations,data,subset,fixed,random.locations=FALSE,n.locations=10,base=NULL,ntimes=NULL,replicate=TRUE,...) {
  gcall <- match.call()
  lnames <- names(formals(ALCOVElearning))
  lnames[lnames=="formula"] <- "learning"
  m <- match(lnames, names(gcall), 0)
  #m <- match(c("learning", "parameters","humble","exemplar.locations","data", "subset","fixed","parStruct","random.locations","n.locations","base","ntimes","replicate"), names(gcall), 0)
  lcall <- gcall[c(1,m)]
  lcall[[1]] <- as.name("ALCOVElearning")
  names(lcall)[names(lcall) == "learning"] <- "formula"
  lmod <- eval(lcall,parent.frame())
  rnames <- names(formals(RatioRuleResponse))
  rnames[rnames=="formula"] <- "response"
  m <- match(rnames, names(gcall), 0)
  #m <- match(c("response","parameters","data", "subset","fixed","base","ntimes","replicate"), names(gcall), 0)
  rcall <- gcall[c(1,m)]
  rcall[[1]] <- as.name("RatioRuleResponse")
  names(rcall)[2] <- "formula"
  rmod <- eval(rcall,parent.frame())
  lmod <- runm(lmod)
  rmod@x <- predict(lmod)
  #lmod <- ALCOVElearning(formula=learning,parameters=parameters,humble=humble,examplar.locations=examplar.locations,data=data,
#   if(!missing(subset)) {
#     #dat <- mcpl.prepare(learning,data,subset,base=base,remove.intercept=TRUE) 
#     rdat <- mcpl.prepare(response,data,subset,base=base,remove.intercept=TRUE) 
#   } else {
#     #dat <- mcpl.prepare(learning,data,base=base,remove.intercept=TRUE)
#     rdat <- mcpl.prepare(response,data,base=base,remove.intercept=TRUE)
#   }
  #x <- dat$x
  #y <- dat$y
  #resp <- rdat$y
  #rmod <- RatioRuleResponse(formula=response,parameters=parameters,transformation="exponential",data=data)
#   parfill <- function(parameters) {
#     if(is.null(parameters$eta_w)) parameters$eta_w <- .05
#     if(is.null(parameters$eta_a)) parameters$eta_a <- .05
#     if(is.null(parameters$r)) parameters$r <- 1
#     if(is.null(parameters$q)) parameters$q <- 1
#     if(is.null(parameters$spf)) parameters$spf <- 1
#     if(is.null(parameters$beta)) parameters$beta <- 1
#     # TODO: validate parameters
#     parameters
#   }
#   if(is.null(ntimes) | replicate) {
#     pars <- parfill(parameters)
#     lpars <- pars[c("eta_w","eta_a","r","q","spf")]
#     rpars <- pars["beta"]
#   } else {
#     nrep <- length(ntimes)
#     lpars <- rpars <- list()
#     # check structure of supplied list
#     if(all(lapply(parameters,is.list)) && length(parameters)==nrep) {
#       for(i in 1:nrep) {
#         pars <- parfill(parameters[[i]])
#         lpars[[i]] <- pars[c("eta_w","eta_a","r","q","spf")]
#         rpars[[i]] <- pars["beta"]
#       }
#     } else {
#       pars <- parfill(parameters)
#       lpars <- pars[c("eta_w","eta_a","r","q","spf")]
#       rpars <- pars["beta"]
#       lpars <- rep(list(lpars),nrep)
#       rpars <- rep(list(rpars),nrep)
#     }
#   }
#   if(!is.null(fixed)) {
#     if(is.list(fixed)) {
#       lfixed <- fixed[which(names(fixed) %in% names(lpars))]
#       rfixed <- fixed[which(names(fixed) %in% names(rpars))]
#     } else {
#       if(length(fixed) != unlist(c(rpars,lpars))) stop("argument fixed does not have the correct length")
#       lfixed <- fixed[1:length(unlist(lfixed))]
#       rfixed <- fixed[(length(lfixed) + 1):(length(lfixed) + length(rfixed))]
#     }
#   } else {
#     lfixed <- rep(FALSE,length(unlist(lpars)))
#     rfixed <- rep(FALSE,length(unlist(rpars)))
#   }
#   if(is.null(ntimes)) nTimes <- nTimes(nrow(y)) else nTimes <- nTimes(ntimes)
#   #if(missing(parStruct)) {
#   lParStruct <- ParStruct(parameters=lpars,replicate=replicate,
#       fixed = lfixed,
#       ntimes = if(missing(ntimes)) NULL else ntimes)
#   rParStruct <- ParStruct(parameters=rpars,replicate=replicate,
#       fixed = rfixed,
#       ntimes = if(missing(ntimes)) NULL else ntimes)
#   #}
#   if(missing(exemplar.locations)) {
#     exemplar.locations <- list()
#     if(random.locations) {
#       # randomly generate exemplar locations
#       if(replicate) {
#         tmp <- matrix(,nrow=n.locations,ncol=ncol(x))
#         for(i in 1:ncol(tmp)) {
#           tmp[,i] <- runif(n.locations,min=min(x[,i]),max=max(x[,i]))
#         }
#         for(case in 1:nTimes@cases) exemplar.locations[[case]] <- tmp
#       } else {
#         for(case in 1:nTimes@cases) {
#           tmp <- matrix(,nrow=n.locations,ncol=ncol(x))
#           for(i in 1:ncol(tmp)) {
#             tmp[,i] <- runif(n.locations,min=min(x[nTimes@bt[case]:nTimes@et[case],i]),
#               max=max(x[nTimes@bt[case]:nTimes@et[case],i]))
#           }
#           exemplar.locations[[case]] <- tmp
#         }
#       }
#     } else {
#       for(case in 1:nTimes@cases) {
#         exemplar.locations[[case]] <- unique(x[nTimes@bt[case]:nTimes@et[case],])
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   lmod <- new("ALCOVElearning",
#     x = x,
#     y = y,
#     weights = list(length=nTimes@cases),
#     humble = humble,
#     exemplar.locations = exemplar.locations,
#     parStruct=lParStruct,
#     nTimes=nTimes)
#   lmod <- runm(lmod)
#   rmod <- new("RatioRuleResponse",
#     x = predict(lmod),
#     y = resp,
#     transformation = RatioRuleResponse.trans.exp,
#     parStruct=rParStruct,
#     nTimes=lmod@nTimes
#   )
  tmod <- new("ALCOVE",
    learningModel = lmod,
    responseModel = rmod)

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