Exhaustive list of functions defined by metrumrg.
[.comment subset a comment
[.conditioned subset a conditioned object
[.digest subset a digest object
[.flag subset a flag
[.initList subset initList
[.keyed subset a keyed data frame
[.nmctl subset a control stream object
[.timeline subset a timeline object
[.uniKey subset a uniKey object
[[.comment select element from a comment
[[.flag select element from a flag
[[.nmctl select element from a control stream object
[[.timeline select element from a timeline object
[[.uniKey select element from a uniKey object
[<-.timepoint assign to a timepoint object
%+% generic set union binary operator
%&% generic set intersection binary operator
%-% generic set difference binary operator
%u% generic set union binary operator
%n% generic set intersection binary operator
%+%.default vector set union
%&%.default vector set intersection
%-%.default vector set difference
%contains% test whether x contains y
%crossed.on% test whether a is crossed on b
%crosses% test whether a crosses b
%matches% generic
%matches%.character test whether data (file name) matches spec
%matches%.data.frame test whether data.frame matches spec
%matches%.keyed test whether keyed data.frame matches spec
%matches%.spec test whether spec matches data
%nested.in% test whether a is nested in b
%nests% test whether a nests b
$.init select init element
$<-.init assign init element
+.timeline add timepoints and durations
-.timeline subtract timepoints and durations
accept document the acceptance of an R installation
acceptance display the acceptance documentation for an R installation
acr calculate accumulation ratio
addl.data.frame collapse dose records by means of ADDL notation
addl.default calculate the ADDL data item (NONMEM) from explicit dose records
addl calculate addl
after test whether elements occur after some condition is TRUE
aggregate.keyed aggregate a keyed data frame
align.decimal align numeric column in latex table on the decimal
as.best.data.frame coerce a data.frame to unambigous numeric or character columns
as.best.default coerce a vector unambiguously to numeric or character
as.best.digest coerce a digest to unambiguous numeric or character
as.best generic
as.character.comment convert comment to character
as.character.flag convert flag to character
as.character.init convert init to character
as.character.initList convert initList to character
as.character.nmctl convert nmctl to character
as.character.timepoint convert timepoint to character
as.character.uniKey convert uniKey to character
as.chartime.numeric convert numeric to time
as.chartime convert to time (generic, internal)
as.comment.comment convert comment to comment
as.comment.default convert default to comment
as.comment convert to comment
as.conditioned.digest convert a digest to conditioned
as.conditioned.isolated convert isolated to conditioned
as.conditioned.keyed convert keyed to conditioned
as.conditioned split a data frame per levels of conditioning variables
as.csv.filename.character convert character to csv.filename
as.csv.filename convert to csv.filename
as.data.frame.block convert a block of lines to data frame
as.data.frame.comment convert comment to data frame
as.data.frame.flag convert flag to data frame
as.day.day coerce day to day
as.day.hour coerce hour to day
as.day.month coerce month to day
as.day.duration coerce duration to day
as.day.numeric coerce numeric to day
as.day.week coerce week to day
as.day.year coerce year to day
as.day coerce to day
as.define create a define object
as.define.spec convert spec to a define object
as.digest.data.frame convert data.frame to digest
as.digest.digest convert digest to digest
as.digest.keyed convert keyed to digest
as.digest.nm convert nm to digest
as.digest resolve static components of an object hierarchy
as.document convert to latex document
as.document.character convert tex fragments to latex document
as.document.data.frame convert data.frame to latex document
as.document.define convert define object to document
as.file.runlog convert to convert runlog to file
as.filename.character convert character to filename
as.filename convert to filename
as.flag.default convert default to flag
as.flag.flag convert flag to flag
as.flag convert to flag
as.halfmatrix.default convert a vector to halfmatrix
as.halfmatrix.halfmatrix preserve halfmatrix
as.halfmatrix generic
as.hour.day coerce day to hour
as.hour.hour coerce hour to hour
as.hour.minute coerce minute to hour
as.hour.duration coerce duration to hour
as.hour.numeric coerce numeric to hour
as.hour.second coerce second to hour
as.hour coerce to hour
as.init.init convert init to init
as.init.numeric convert numeric to init
as.init convert to init
as.initList.character convert character to initList
as.initList.initList convert initList to initList
as.initList.list convert list (of init) to initList
as.initList.numeric convert numeric to initList
as.initList convert to initList (generic)
as.isolated.digest convert digest to isolated
as.isolated.isolated convert isolated to isolated
as.isolated.keyed convert keyed to isolated
as.isolated split a data frame column-wise into members with only one non-key column
as.keyed.data.frame convert data frame to keyed
as.keyed.nm convert nm to isolated
as.keyed convert to keyed
as.list.nmctl convert nmctl to list
as.matrix.halfmatrix convert a vector to a symmetric matrix
as.mDate.character convert character to mDate
as.mDate.Date convert Date to mDate
as.mDate.dates convert dates (chron) to mDate
as.mDate.mDate convert mDate to mDate
as.mDate.numeric convert numeric to mDate
as.mDate.sasdate convert SAS date to mDate
as.mDate convert to mDate
as.mDateTime.character convert character to mDateTime
as.mDateTime.chron convert chron to mDateTime
as.mDateTime.mDate convert mDate to mDateTime
as.mDateTime.mDateTime convert mDateTime to mDateTime
as.mDateTime.numeric convert numeric to mDateTime
as.mDateTime.POSIXct convert POSIXct to mDateTime
as.mDateTime.POSIXlt convert POSIXlt to mDateTime
as.mDateTime convert to mDateTime
as.minute.hour coerce hour to minute
as.minute.minute coerce minute to minute
as.minute.duration coerce duration to minute
as.minute.numeric coerce numeric to minute
as.minute.second coerce second to minute
as.minute coerce to minute
as.month.day coerce day to month
as.month.month coerce month to month
as.month.duration coerce duration to month
as.month.numeric coerce numeric to month
as.month coerce to month
as.motif.digest create motif for digest
as.motif.keyed create motif for keyed
as.motif.motif create motif from motif
as.motif.nm create motif for nm
as.motif create default motif for various objects
as.mTime.character convert character to mTime
as.mTime.mTime convert mTime to mTime
as.mTime.numeric convert numeric to mTime
as.mTime.times convert times (chron) to mTime
as.mTime convert to mTime
as.nm.data.frame convert data frame to nm
as.nm convert to nm (NMTRAN-ready NONMEM data set)
as.nmctl.character convert character to nmctl
as.nmctl convert to nmctl
as.numeric.chartime convert chartime to numeric
as.pdf.character convert tex fragments to pdf
as.pdf.data.frame convert data.frame to pdf
as.pdf convert to pdf
as.pdf.define convert define object to pdf
as.pdf.document convert latex document to pdf
as.pxml.ext convert a param file to XML
as.roles.digest create roles for digest
as.roles.keyed create roles for keyed
as.roles create default roles for parts of objects
as.runlog.file convert file to runlog
as.runlog.unilog convert unilog to runlog
as.second.day coerce day to second
as.second.hour coerce hour to second
as.second.minute coerce minute to second
as.second.duration coerce duration to second
as.second.numeric coerce numeric to second
as.second.second coerce second to second
as.second coerce to second (time unit)
as.spec generic
as.spec.data.frame convert data.frame to spec
as.spec.character convert file name to spec
as.tabular convert to a latex tabular environment
as.unilog.lst convert nonmem output (.lst) to unilog
as.unilog.pxml convert nonmem output (.ext) to unilog
as.unilog.run convert run to unilog
as.unilog.runlog convert runlog to unilog
as.week.day coerce day to week
as.vector.keyed coerce keyed to vector
as.vector.spec coerce spec to vector
as.vector.uniKey coerce uniKey to vector
as.week.duration coerce duration to week
as.week.numeric coerce numeric to week
as.week.week coerce week to week
as.week coerce to week
as.xml.character convert character to XML
as.xml.data.frame convert data.frame to XML
as.xml.default convert arbitrary object to XML
as.xml convert object to XML
as.year.day coerce day to year
as.year.numeric coerce numeric to year
as.year.year coerce year to year
as.year coerce to year
at test whether elements occur where some condition is TRUE
attribute encode an attribute for an XML open tag
auc calculate area under the curve
AUC calculate the area under the curve for each subject over the time interval for dv using the trapezoidal rule
aug add named elements to an object
autolog.pl prepare command lines for autolog.pl.
backtrans backtransform cols in x, returning x
badAmt.nm AMT is NA where EVID is 1
badAmt generic
badDv.nm DV is NA where EVID is 0
badDv generic
badII.nm II is greater than 0 where ADDL is NA or 0 (unless SS > 0)
badII generic
bakfor impute NAs using last observation carried forward after next observation carried backward
before test whether elements occur before some condition is TRUE
bin calculate bin limits for x and place each value in a bin, returning the number of values in each bin
bmi calculate body mass index
bounds calculate normal quantiles at bounding probabilities
bracket create an XML tag
breaks calculate breaks between grouped elements
bsa calculate body surface area
bundleRead read filtered directory contents into a list
c.comment combine comment
c.flag combine flag
c.timeline combine timeline
c.uniKey combine uniKey
cast,keyed-method cast a keyed data.frame, restoring key and output classes
cavg calculate average concentration
check.subjects check for missing data, numeric data, ranges, etc.
clean.spec clean up spec storage format
clear drop regular patterns from a character vector
CLNR delete files and directories and log what was deleted to a text file in the project
closers set closing positions for wikmath nests
cmax calculate maximum steady-state concentration
cmin calculate minimum steady-state concentration
codes generic
codes.default extract codes from an encoded vector
codes.spec extract codes from a spec guide
colname<- change identified column names
command generate a latex command
combinations show sorted unique rows
compileflag calculate compiler flag for qsub
compiler extract compiler specification from configuration file
compute.cwres compute conditional weighted residuals
config calculate path to configuration file
constant.default test whether values of x are contant within an index
constant generic
contains test a character vector for occurences of a pattern
convertLines convert line endings
covariatePlots create diagnostic plots for covariates
crcl calculate creatinine clearance
crosses test whether a crosses b
css calculate steady-state concentration
ctl2xml isolate xml comments from a control stream
cvLognormal calculate coefficient of variation for log-normal data
cvNormal calculate coefficient of variation for normal data
cwresPlots create conditional weighted residual diagnostic plots
dataFormat combine NONMEM predictions, parameter estimates, and covariates into a standard format
dataSynthesis build a standard plotting data set for a given NONR run
decodes generic
decodes.default extract decodes from an encoded vector
decodes.spec extract decodes from a spec guide
deranged.data.frame instantiate records implied by range data
deranged.keyed instantiate records implied by range data
deranged generic
diagnosticPlots create standard diagnostic plots
digest alias for as.digest
distance calculate element positions relative to the n^th TRUE
element positions (usually, within levels of an index)
dupKeys.default give a logical index to duplicated rows of a keyed data frame, AND the rows of which they are duplicates
dupKeys.nm default behavior, after stripping comments
dupKeys generic
dynamic.data.frame return the dynamic portion of a data frame
dynamic.keyed return the dynamic portion of a keyed data frame
dynamic generic
electronicAppendix create an FDA-style electronic appendix from a subversioned directory
encode generic
encode.list encode levels and labels in simple strings
encode.character encode levels and labels in simple strings
encode.default encode levels and labels in simple strings
encoded generic
encoded.default test whether a vector is encoded
encoded.spec test whether the guide column of a spec is encoded
episcript run a script in an environment that defines the passed arguments
explicitPath add separators to control stream paths that have none
extfile extract arbitrary file specification from a control stream
extract extract numbered parenthetical substrings of regular expressions
extractPath isolate file path from surrounding text (MSF, TAB files).
f alias for as.flag
falseAmt.nm AMT defined where EVID is not 1
falseAmt generic
falseDv.nm DV is defined where EVID is not 0
falseDv generic
filename generate standard file name (internal)
findNonmemCommand find available NONMEM executables
first repeat, for each element, the first element where a condition is TRUE
(usually, within levels of an index)
fixed.init find out if an init is fixed
fixed.initList find out if elements of an initList are fixed
fixed find out if something is fixed (generic)
fixed<-.init set the value of 'fixed' for an init
fixed<-.initList set the values of 'fixed' for elements of an initList
fixed<- set the value of 'fixed'
fixedwidth.data.frame convert a data.frame to fixed-width format
fixedwidth convert to fixed-width format
fixFile rewrite run name in control stream file specifications
fixProblem rewrite run name in control stream PROBLEM statement
follow follow progress of NONMEM runs
forbak impute NAs using last observation carried forward and then next observation carried backward
format.comment format comment
format.flag format flag
format.init format init
format.initList format initList
format.legacy pretty-print legacy information (conditioned objects)
format.mDate format mDate
format.mDateTime format mDateTime
format.mTime format mTime
format.nmctl format nmctl
format.duration format duration
format.uniKey format uniKey
ftable2data.frame convert ftable to data.frame as displayed
getCovs return non-commented non-duplicated rows of a NONMEM data set (internal)
getCwres return the conditional weighted residuals pertinent to a given run (internal, expects cwtab1.deriv)
getdname extract the path and file from the DATA block in the control stream associated with filename (internal)
getPars return the non-duplicated (ID) rows corresponding to the specified filename (internal)
getTabs return the observation rows (EVID==0) corresponding to the specified filename (internal)
glue paste with no separator
groupnames construct a single vector of group names from possibly multiple indices to the plotting data set (internal)
guidetext generic
guidetext.spec extract guide text from a spec
half.matrix vectorize the lower triangular portion of a symmetric matrix
half generic
hash prepend a character to each line of output
head.digest show head of each table in a digest
hidden.data.frame show commented rows of a data frame
hidden generic
hide.data.frame comment out the specified rows of a data frame, appending a flag that suggests the reason
hide generic
ibw calculate ideal body weight
ignored check which rows of an input data set were ignored by NONMEM
ind.cwres compute conditional weighted residuals (internal)
index.conditioned index a conditioned object
index.digest index a digest
index.isolated index an isolated object
index.keyed index a keyed data frame
index.nm index an nm object
index create an index plot
inner.data.frame reduce columns to inner quantiles by imputing NA
inner generic
is.alpha test whether text is letters-only
is.cwres.readable.file compute conditional weighted residuals (internal)
is.defined test whether elements are defined
is.diagonal test whether parameter label represents matrix diagonal element
is.fixed detect thetas in parameter labels
is.iiv detect omegas in parameter labels
is.latex.token test whether text is valid latex command or environment
is.offdiagonal test whether parameter label represents matrix offdiagonal element
is.one.nonalpha test whether text is singular non-letter
is.random detect omegas and sigmas in parameter labels
is.residual detect sigmas in parameter labels
is.square.matrix test whether a matrix is square
is.square generic
isSubversioned check if files are subversioned
isSubversionedFile check if one file is subversioned
iterations retrieve iteration statistics from NONMEM output file
justUnits extract units from wikimath
ke calculate elimination constant
key return the key of a keyed data frame
key<- assign a key
labels.spec extract labels from a spec
last repeat, for each element, the last element where a condition is TRUE
(usually, within levels of an index)
latest identify the latest of each set of variants
latex.args format latex arguments
latex.options format latex options
lbm calculate lean body mass
legacy extract legacy from a conditioned object
legacy<- assign legacy for a conditioned object
lhs extract left-hand side of wikimath
locf impute NA using last observation carried forward
lookup.one translate among parameter attributes (scalar)
lookup translate among parameter attributes (vector)
lower calculate normal quantiles at lower probability of interval
ltable.data.frame convert a data.frame to a latex table
ltable.matrix convert a matrix to a latex table
ltable.table convert a (2D) table object to a latex table
ltable convert to a latex table
lyse.data.frame return the static and dynamic portions of a data frame
lyse.keyed return the static and dynamic portions of a keyed data frame
lyse generic
makePreamble construct a preamble for a latex document
map map one set of values to another
maxChar return the number of printed characters for the widest element of x
melt.keyed melt keyed data frames, restoring key
merge.keyed merge keyed data frames, preserving attributes
metaMerge.character recursively merge based on a vector of file names
metaMerge.default merge two groomed objects
metaMerge.list recursively merge elements of a list
metaMerge generic
metaSub.character systematically substitute elements in a character vector
metaSub.filename systematically substitute elements in a text file
metaSub generic
metrumrgURL view a file in the metrumrg package
monotonic generic
monotonic.default check whether the values in a vector are monotonic
nondecreasing generic
nondecreasing.default check whether the values in a vector are nondecreasing
nonincreasing.default check whether the values in a vector are nonincreasing
motif alias for as.motif
msffile extract msffile specification from a control stream
naInContext display rows of data with missing values, as well as other rows with the same key
naKeys.default detect rows for which one or more key fields is NA
naKeys.nm default behavior, after stripping comments
naKeys generic
name<- change identified object names
nasum diagnose missingness
ncomma report names as comma-delimited
nest nest an XML fragment in a parent element
nix identify Unix-like platforms (internal)
nm.pl prepare command lines for nm.pl
nm give a zero-row data frame with suitable columns and column classes; i.e. a template for NMTRAN data sets
nmPlots a list of functions that plot nm objects
nmVersion extract NONMEM version specification from configuration file
nocb impute NA with next observation carried backward
NONR run NONMEM and create diagnostic plots
noPk.nm rows where EVID is never 0 within SUBJ
noPk generic
nospace drop spaces from text
noUnits drop units from wikimath
nth repeat, for each element, the n^th element where a condition is TRUE
(usually, within levels of an index)
nxt calculate the next element for each element of x
offdiag.halfmatrix select just the off-diagonal elements of a halfmatrix
offdiag generic
omegacor convert omega covariance in NONMEM output to correlation matrix
omegacov convert omega covariance in NONMEM output to covariance matrix
only repeat, for each element, the only element where a condition is TRUE
(usually, within levels of an index)
Ops.keyed use concise syntax to join data frames
ord.halfmatrix compute the order of a half matrix
ord.matrix compute the order of a symmetric matrix
ord generic
packageCheck load a package and run package-level examples
padded pad a numeric with leading zeros
panel.bar for each level, plot vertical (or horizontal) bars corresponding to x (y).
panel.covplot plot distributions with respect to reference values; i.e. combine panel.cuts, panel.densitystrip, and panel.ref
panel.cuts for each level, plot percent observations in each vertical category defined by cuts
panel.densitystrip for each level, plot a filled polygon representing smoothed density of the distribution
panel.hist for each level, plot a histogram
panel.ref plot a reference region in a stripplot
panel.stratify handle strips (levels) of data one at a time
parameter2wiki convert parameter labels to wikmath
params list documented model parameters
parens wrap text in parentheses
parfile extract parfile specification from a control stream
partab construct a model parameter table
percent convert to percent
plot.conditioned plot a conditioned object
plot.digest plot a digest
plot.isolated plot isolated
plot.keyed plot keyed
plot.nm generate standard plots for an nm object using nmPlots
plotfilename make a name for a diagnostic plot file
PLOTR create diagnostic plots for NONMEM runs
pool test for unique and shared elments among two vectors
posmat coerce a matrix to be positive definite
predoseDv.nm DV is defined before the first record within SUBJ where EVID is 1
predoseDv generic
prev calculate the previous element for each element of x
print.comment print comment
print.flag print flag
print.halfmatrix print halfmatrix
print.init print init
print.initList print initList
print.keyed.summary print keyed summary
print.nm.summary print nm summary
print.nmctl print nmctl
print.duration print duration
print.timepoint print timepoint
print.uniKey print uniKey
progress summarize progress of NONMEM runs
purge.dir purge a directory (internal)
purge.files purge files (internal)
purgeRunDir delete certain files from run directories
qstat invoke SGE qstat
qsub prepare commandlines for qsub
read.cwres.data compute conditional weighted residuals (internal)
read.nm read a csv file and try to transform to nm
read.nmctl read a NONMEM control stream, converting to modifiable object
read.spec read a spec
reapply apply a function across cells of an indexed vector, giving an identically-indexed result
rep.comment repeat comment
rep.flag repeat flag
rep.timeline repeat timeline
rep.uniKey repeat uniKey
resample.csv.filename create replicate data sets by stratified sampling with replacement, after reading csv file
resample.data.frame create replicate data sets by stratified sampling with replacement
resample.filename create replicate data sets by stratified sampling with replacement, after reading file
resample generic
respecify update a data specification
respecify.character update a data specification by filename
respecify.spec update a data specification explicitly
resolve reinterpret relative file paths with respect to specified directory.
rhs extract right-hand side of wikimath
rinvchisq generate inverse chi-square distribution
riwish generate inverse Wishart distribution
rlog generate a combined run log for multiple NONMEM runs
roles alias for as.roles
row2tabular convert a vector to a latex tabular row
runCommand issue the system call that invokes NONMEM (internal)
runhead determine whether each element is the start of a run
runlog create a zero-row runlog
runNonmem process a request for NONMEM invocation
runstate determine the status of a run
safe.call call a function, passing only those extra arguments that the function accepts
safeQuote single-quote unquoted text that contains space
scavenge find an expression in lines of text
seq.timeline generate timeline sequence
setCwres append conditional weighted residuals to an appropriate file
shuffle move columns in a data frame
sigmacor convert sigma covariance in NONMEM output to correlation matrix
sigmacov convert sigma covariance in NONMEM output to covariance matrix
simblock generate deviates of the elements of a variance-covariance matrix
simpar generate deviates of a set of model parameters for simulation
snap coerce values to nearest of candidates
sort.keyed sort a keyed data frame
spaces create a string of spaces
specification generic
specification.comment pre-format a comment for specification
specification.data.frame develop a draft specification for a data.frame
specification.default pre-format a vector for specification
specfile for a run and project, guess a path to a data specification file
splom.conditioned scatterplot for conditioned
splom.digest scatterplot for digest
splom.keyed scatterplot for keyed
sqrtm support compute.cwres
stableMerge produce a left join, with strict error checking
star replace asterisk in x with y (internal)
static.data.frame return the static portion of a data frame
static.keyed return the static portion of a keyed data frame
static generic
strain reduce x to those elements that occur in options (internal)
Summary.timepoint group generic summary for objects of class 'timepoint'
summary.hidden.data.frame summarize hidden rows of a data frame
summary.keyed summarize a keyed data frame
summary.nm summarize an nm object
summary.spec summarize a spec object
superset combine all NONMEM input with all output
supp generic
supp.data.frame supplement a CDISC data.frame
supp.keyed supplement a CDISC keyed data.frame
svnIsText check if subversioned files are text rather than binary
svnMarkAsNonText tell Subversion to treat files as binary
svnMarkAsText tell Subversion to treat files as text
svnMimeType get the Subversion mime-type for files
svnPropGet get a Subversion property for files
svnPropGetFile get a Subversion property for one file
svnPropSet set a subversion property on files
svnPropSetFile set a Subversion property on a file
svnSetMimeType set Subversion mime type on file
synthesis sequentially left-join an arbitrary number of data frames, picking up novel columns (internal)
tabfile extract tabfile specification from a control stream
tabular.data.frame convert a data.frame to a latex tabular environment
tabular convert to a latex tabular environment
tabular.define convert define object to tabular
tabular.matrix convert matrix to tabular
tabular.table convert a (2D) table object to tabular
tabularformat generate a format string for a latex tabular environment
tagvalue convert a list to a string of delimited tag-value pairs
tex2pdf convert tex files to pdf
text2decimal convert mixed text to decimal
titleCase convert mixed case to title case, strictly by default
Tmax calculate the time associated with the maximum concentration for each subject
tmax calculate the time of the maximum concentration
Tmin calculate the time associated with the minimum concentration for each subject
toSAS.mDate encode mDate in SAS format for writing
toSAS.mDateTime encode mDateTime in SAS format for writing
toSAS.mTime encode mTime in SAS format for writing
tos extract thetas, omegas, and sigmas from wikimath
totitle convert mixed case to title case, not strictly by default
transform.keyed transform a keyed data frame, preserving class
tweak.init randomly adjust an initial parameter value
tweak.initList randomly adjust a list of initial parameter values
tweak.nmctl randomly adjust the initial fixed effect parameters in a control stream
tweak randomly adjust a value
uniKey.keyed create a single character vector from all the key columns
uniKey generic
unilog create a zero-row unilog
unilogcor convert omega or sigma covariance in NONMEM output to correlation matrix
unilogcov convert omega or sigma covariance in NONMEM output to covariance matrix
unique.comment find unique elements of a comment vector
unique.timepoint find unique elements of a timepoint vector
unique.uniKey find unique elements of a uniKey vector
unitDensity calculate univariate density with maximum equal to 1
unitHist calculate univariate histogram architecture with maximum height equal to 1
unsorted generic
unsorted.keyed detect rows that would move on sort
upper calculate normal quantiles at upper probability of interval
variants locate variants of a file in distinctive subdirectories
viewtex view (as pdfs) files that contain fragmentary tex code (e.g. tables)
wiki2label convert wikimath to a label, e.g. CL/F
wiki2latex convert wikimath to latex
wiki2parameter convert wikimath to a parameter, e.g. THETA1
wiki2plotmath convert wikimath to plotmath
wikiparse parse wikimath
wikitab extract wikimath specification from a control stream
win identify Windows platforms (internal)
wrap wrap text in a latex environment
write.nm write an nm object to file
write.nmctl write an nmctl object to file
write.spec write a spec object to file
xpath extract value of an xpath exrpession from an xml file
xtfrm.comment produce a numeric vector that sorts in the same order as comment
xtfrm.flag produce a numeric vector that sorts in the same order as flag
xtfrm.timepoint produce a numeric vector that sorts in the same order as timepoint
xtfrm.uniKey produce a character vector that sorts in the same order as uniKey
xyplotExt plot the parameter search history for a NONMEM7 run
zeroAmt.nm AMT is zero where EVID is 1
zeroAmt generic
zeroDv.nm DV is zero where EVID is zero
zeroDv generic
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