
Defines functions quadFuncEst

Documented in quadFuncEst

quadFuncEst <- function( yName, xNames, data, shifterNames = NULL,
   linear = FALSE, homWeights = NULL, regScale = 1, ... ) {

   dat <- quadFuncModel( yName = yName, xNames = xNames, data = data,
      shifterNames = shifterNames, linear = linear, homWeights = homWeights,
      regScale = regScale )
   isPanel    <- dat$isPanel
   estData    <- dat$estData
   estFormula <- dat$estFormula
   iOmit      <- dat$iOmit
   rm( dat )
   result <- list()
   result$call <- match.call()

   result$nExog <- nExog <- length( xNames )
   result$nShifter <- nShifter <- length( shifterNames )

   if( isPanel ) {
      result$est <- plm( as.formula( estFormula ), estData, ... )
      result$est$call$formula <- as.formula( estFormula )
   } else {
      result$est <- lm( as.formula( estFormula ), estData, ... )
   result$residuals <- c( residuals( result$est ) )
   result$fitted    <- estData$y - result$residuals

   # coefficients and their covariance matrix
   result$coef      <- coef( result$est )
   result$coefCov   <- vcov( result$est )
   if( isPanel ) {
      if( is.null( result$est$call$model ) ||
            result$est$call$model == "within" ) {
         result$coef <- c( mean( fixef( result$est ) ), result$coef )
         result$coefCov <- rbind( NA, cbind( NA, vcov( result$est ) ) )
   names( result$coef )[ 1 ]       <- "a_0"
   rownames( result$coefCov )[ 1 ] <- "a_0"
   colnames( result$coefCov )[ 1 ] <- "a_0"

   # adding coefficients and covariances that have been dropped 
   # due to the homogeneity restriction
   if( !is.null( homWeights ) ) {
      whichHom <- which( xNames %in% names( homWeights ) )
      # missing coefficients
      coefOmit <- 0
      for( i in whichHom[ whichHom != iOmit ] ) {
         coefOmit <- coefOmit - result$coef[ paste( "a", i, sep = "_" ) ]
      result$coef <- c( result$coef, coefOmit )
      names( result$coef )[ length( result$coef ) ] <- 
         paste( "a", iOmit, sep = "_" )
      if( !linear & nExog > 0 ) {
         for( i in c( (1:nExog)[ (1:nExog) != iOmit ], iOmit ) ) {
            coefOmit <- 0
            for( j in whichHom[ whichHom != iOmit ] ) {
               coefOmit <- coefOmit - result$coef[ 
                  paste( "b", min( i, j ), max( i, j ), sep = "_" ) ]
            result$coef <- c( result$coef, coefOmit )
            names( result$coef )[ length( result$coef ) ] <- 
               paste( "b", min( i, iOmit ), max( i, iOmit ), sep = "_" )
      # missing rows of covariance matrix
      coefCovOmit <- rep( 0, ncol( result$coefCov ) )
      for( i in whichHom[ whichHom != iOmit ] ) {
         coefCovOmit <- coefCovOmit - 
            result$coefCov[ paste( "a", i, sep = "_" ), ]
      result$coefCov <- rbind( result$coefCov, coefCovOmit )
      rownames( result$coefCov )[ nrow( result$coefCov ) ] <- 
         paste( "a", iOmit, sep = "_" )
      if( !linear & nExog > 0 ) {
         for( i in c( (1:nExog)[ (1:nExog) != iOmit ], iOmit ) ) {
            coefCovOmit <- rep( 0, ncol( result$coefCov ) )
            for( j in whichHom[ whichHom != iOmit ] ) {
               coefCovOmit <- coefCovOmit - result$coefCov[ 
                  paste( "b", min( i, j ), max( i, j ), sep = "_" ), ]
            result$coefCov <- rbind( result$coefCov, coefCovOmit )
            rownames( result$coefCov )[ nrow( result$coefCov ) ] <- 
               paste( "b", min( i, iOmit ), max( i, iOmit ), sep = "_" )
      # missing columns of covariance matrix
      coefCovOmit <- rep( 0, nrow( result$coefCov ) )
      for( i in whichHom[ whichHom != iOmit ] ) {
         coefCovOmit <- coefCovOmit - 
            result$coefCov[ , paste( "a", i, sep = "_" ) ]
      result$coefCov <- cbind( result$coefCov, coefCovOmit )
      colnames( result$coefCov )[ ncol( result$coefCov ) ] <- 
         paste( "a", iOmit, sep = "_" )
      if( !linear & nExog > 0 ) {
         for( i in c( (1:nExog)[ (1:nExog) != iOmit ], iOmit ) ) {
            coefCovOmit <- rep( 0, nrow( result$coefCov ) )
            for( j in whichHom[ whichHom != iOmit ] ) {
               coefCovOmit <- coefCovOmit - result$coefCov[ ,
                  paste( "b", min( i, j ), max( i, j ), sep = "_" ) ]
            result$coefCov <- cbind( result$coefCov, coefCovOmit )
            colnames( result$coefCov )[ ncol( result$coefCov ) ] <- 
               paste( "b", min( i, iOmit ), max( i, iOmit ), sep = "_" )

   if( linear & nExog > 0 ) {
      nQuadCoef <- nExog * ( nExog + 1 ) / 2
      quadCoefNames <- paste( "b", 
         vecli( matrix( rep( 1:nExog, nExog ), nrow = nExog ) ), 
         vecli( matrix( rep( 1:nExog, each = nExog ), nrow = nExog ) ),
         sep = "_" )
      quadCoef <- rep( 0, nQuadCoef )
      names( quadCoef ) <- quadCoefNames
      result$coef <- c( result$coef, quadCoef )
      quadCoefCovRows <- matrix( 0, nrow = nQuadCoef, 
         ncol = ncol( result$coefCov ) ) 
      rownames( quadCoefCovRows ) <- quadCoefNames
      result$coefCov <- rbind( result$coefCov, quadCoefCovRows )
      quadCoefCovCols <- matrix( 0, nrow = nrow( result$coefCov ), 
         ncol = nQuadCoef ) 
      colnames( quadCoefCovCols ) <- quadCoefNames
      result$coefCov <- cbind( result$coefCov, quadCoefCovCols )

   result$coef <- result$coef[ .micEconCoefOrder( names( result$coef ) ) ]
   result$coefCov <- result$coefCov[
      .micEconCoefOrder( rownames( result$coefCov ) ), ]
   result$coefCov <- result$coefCov[ ,
      .micEconCoefOrder( colnames( result$coefCov ) ) ]

   if( isPanel ) {
      result$r2    <- unname( summary( result$est )$r.squared[ "rsq" ] )
      result$r2bar <- unname( summary( result$est )$r.squared[ "adjrsq" ] )
   } else {
      result$r2    <- summary( result$est )$r.squared
      result$r2bar <- summary( result$est )$adj.r.squared
   result$nObs  <- length( result$residuals )
   result$yName        <- yName
   result$xNames       <- xNames
   result$shifterNames <- shifterNames
   result$homWeights   <- homWeights
   result$regScale     <- regScale

   if( !isPanel ) {
      result$model.matrix <- model.matrix( result$est )
   class( result ) <- "quadFuncEst"
   return( result )

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micEcon documentation built on Jan. 7, 2021, 3:01 p.m.