
bootstrap_ci_th <- function( TH, r, m, x, N, h0, alpha = 0.05,
                             X = (max(x)-min(x))*(0:999)/999+min(x),
                             link = c( "logit" ), guessing = 0, lapsing = 0,
                             K = 2, p = 1, ker = c( "dnorm" ), maxiter = 50,
                             tol = 1e-6 ) {
# Finds a bootstrap estimate of a confidence interval at a significance level alpha 
# for the estimated threshold for the local polynomial estimate of the psychometric function 
# with guessing and lapsing rates. The confidence interval is based on bootstrap percentiles.
# See Efron & Tibshirani's "An introduction to the bootstrap", 1993
# TH   - required threshold level
# r    - number of successes at points x
# m    - number of trials at points x 
# x    - stimulus levels 
# N    - number of bootstrap replications; N should be at least 1000 for reliable results 
# h0   - bandwidth
# alpha    - significance level of the confidence interval; default is 0.05
# X        - set of values at which estimates of the psychometric function 
# 		for the threshold estimation are to be obtained; if not given, 1000 
# 		equally spaced points from minimum to maximum of x are used
# link     - name of the link function; default is "logit"
# guessing - guessing rate; default is 0
# lapsing  - lapsing rate; default is 0
# K    - power parameter for Weibull and reverse Weibull link; default is 2
# p        - degree of the polynomial; default is 1
# ker      - kernel function for weights; default is "dnorm"
# maxiter  - maximum number of iterations in Fisher scoring; default is 50
# tol      - tolerance level at which to stop Fisher scoring; default is 1e-6
# Object with 2 components: 
# ci  - confidence interval based on bootstrap percentiles
# th0 - threshold estimate

# KZ 28-Mar-12
# included on.exit function which restores warning settings to their
# original state

# First 6 arguments are mandatory
    if( missing("TH") || missing("r") || missing("m") || missing("x") ||
        missing("N") || missing("h0") ) {
        stop("Check input. First 6 arguments are mandatory");

    if( !is.double(TH) || length( TH ) > 1 ) {
        stop( "Threshold level must be scalar" );

    checkdata[[1]] <- x;
    checkdata[[2]] <- r;
    checkdata[[3]] <- m;
    checkinput( "psychometricdata", checkdata );
    rm( checkdata )

    checkinput( "bootstrapreplications", N );

    if( !is.vector( X ) ) {
        stop("X (values where to estimate the PF) has to be a vector");
    if( length( X ) < 2 ) {
        stop("At least 2 values needed for vector X");
    if( min(x) > min(X) || max(x) < max(X) ) {
        stop("Supplied values of X are outside the range of stimulus levels x");

    checkinput( "bandwidth", h0 );

    if( length(alpha)>1 ){
    	  stop('Significance level must be scalar');
    if( alpha <= 0 || alpha > 0.5 ) {
        stop('Significance level must be between 0 and 0.5');
    checkinput( "linkfunction", link );
    if( length( guessing ) > 1 ) {
        stop( "Guessing rate must be scalar" );
    if( length( lapsing ) > 1 ) {
        stop( "Lapsing rate must be scalar" );
    checkinput( "Guessingandlapsing", c( guessing, lapsing ) );
    if( any( TH <= guessing )) {
        stop( "Threshold level should be greater than guessing rate" );
	if( any( TH >= 1-lapsing ) ) {
        stop( "Threshold level should be smaller than 1 - lapsing rate" );
    if (link == "weibull" || link == "revweibull"){
	    checkinput( "exponentk", K );
	pn <- list()
	pn[[1]] <- p
	pn[[2]] <- x
    checkinput( "degreepolynomial", pn );
    checkinput( "kernel", ker );
    checkinput( "maxiter", maxiter );
    checkinput( "tolerance", tol );

	if( N < 1000 ) {
        warning( "number of bootstrap should be larger than 1000\n otherwise results might be unreliable" );
    n <- length( x );

# initial estimates with bandiwdth h0

# KZ 28-03-2012 included on.exit routine so that the warning settings are
# restored when the function terminates even if interrupted by user

warn.current <- getOption("warn")
on.exit(options(warn = warn.current));


    f <- locglmfit( x, r, m, x, h0, FALSE, link, guessing, lapsing, K,
                    p, ker, maxiter, tol )$pfit;

# dense version for estimation of the threshold
    F <- locglmfit( X, r, m, x, h0, FALSE, link, guessing, lapsing, K,
                    p, ker, maxiter, tol )$pfit;

    ci <- NULL;
    th0 <- threshold_slope( F, X, TH )$x_th;

# re-sampling
    samp <- matrix( 0, n, N );
	samp <- matrix(rbinom(N*n,m,f),n,N)

# exclude "degenerate samples" if min(M)>1
    if( min( m ) > 1 ) {
        ok <- NULL;
        for( i in 1:N ) {
            ok[i] = length( unique( samp[,i] ) ) > 3;
        while( any( ok == FALSE ) ) {
            lis <- which( ok == 0 )
 			samp[,lis] <- matrix(rbinom(length(lis)*n,m,f),n,length(lis))
            for( i in 1:length( lis ) ) {
                ok[lis[i]] <- length( unique( samp[,lis[i]] ) ) > 3;

    th_boot <- NULL;


    for( i in 1:N ) {

        ftmp <- locglmfit( X, samp[,i], m, x, h0, FALSE, link, guessing,
                           lapsing, K, p, ker, maxiter, tol )$pfit;
        th_boot[i] <- threshold_slope( ftmp, X, TH )$x_th;

    ci[1] <- quantile( th_boot, probs = alpha / 2 );
    ci[2] <- quantile( th_boot, probs = 1 - alpha / 2 );

	value <- NULL
    value$ci <- ci
    value$th0 <- th0
    return( value );

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modelfree documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:07 p.m.