
glm1path = function(y, X, family="negative.binomial", lambdas=NULL, penalty = c(0, rep(1, dim(X)[2]-1)), df.max = sum(y>0),
                    n.lambda=25, lam.max=NULL, lam.min=NULL, k=log(length(y)), b.init=NA, phi.init=NA, phi.iter=1, ...)

  v.inv = 1
  mu = mean(y)

  # first turn family into a proper family function, if needed

  allargs <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  dots <- allargs$...
  if( "tol" %in% names(dots) )
    tol = dots$tol
    tol = c(1.e-8, .Machine$double.eps)
  if( "n.iter" %in% names(dots) )
    n.iter = dots$n.iter
    n.iter = 100
  family.old = family #save this to return at end
    if (family == "negbinomial" || family=="negative.binomial")
      family = negative.binomial(1/tol[2])
      fam.fn = get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())        
      family = fam.fn()

  if(pmatch("Negative Binomial",family$family,nomatch=0)==1)
      phi.init = family$var(1)-1 #extract overdispersion parameter by evaluating variance at mu=1 and solving for phi.
        phi.iter=n.iter*2 #if phi was specified in family argument, make sure it stays fixed in estimation.
    v.inv = mu/(mu+phi.init*mu^2)
  res = v.inv * ( y - mean(y) )
  score  = t(X)  %*% res
  max.score = max(abs(score[penalty>0]))

  # get a sensible initial estimate of phi from data, if none has been provided
  if(pmatch("Negative Binomial",family$family,nomatch=0)==1 & phi.init<=2*tol[2] )
    init     = glm1(y, X, penalty*max.score, family=family, b.init=b.init, phi.init=NA, phi.iter=1, ...)
    phi.init = init$phi
    v.inv    = mu / (mu+phi.init*mu^2)
    # re-estimate max.score now phi has been updated:
    res = v.inv * ( y - mean(y) )
    score  = t(X)  %*% res
    max.score = max(abs(score[penalty>0]))

  #Determine the range of lambda values to assess:
      lam.max = max.score
      lam.min = lam.max / 100000
    lambdas = exp( seq( log(lam.max), log(lam.min), length=n.lambda ) )
    if(lam.max!=max.score) #to add intercept model to path if not yet included
      lambdas = c(max.score,lambdas)
    lambdas=sort(lambdas,decreasing=TRUE) #make sure they are sorted in decreasing order

  n.lambda = length(lambdas)

################## Fit model to full dataset ########################
  logL         = rep( NA, length=n.lambda)
  names(logL)  = signif(lambdas,3)
  phis        = logL
  df         = logL
  counter    = logL
  check      = logL
  beta       = matrix( NA, dim(X)[2], n.lambda, dimnames = list( dimnames(X)[[2]],   signif(lambdas,3) ) )
#  mu         = matrix( NA, length(y), n.lambda, dimnames = list( names(y),   lambdas ))

  b.old    = b.init
  phi.old  = phi.init

  #estimating phi and beta jointly:
  for ( i.lambda in 1:n.lambda)
    penalty.i = lambdas[i.lambda] * penalty
    out       = glm1(y, X, penalty.i, family=family, b.init=b.old, phi.init=phi.old, phi.iter=phi.iter, ...)
    b.old     = out$coef
    phi.old   = out$phi
    logL[i.lambda]      = out$logLs[length(out$logLs)]
    df[i.lambda]      = sum(abs(out$coef)>tol[1])
    beta[,i.lambda]   = out$coef
#    mu[,i.lambda]     = out$fitted.values
    phis[i.lambda]     = out$phi
    counter[i.lambda] = out$counter
    check[i.lambda]   = out$check
  if(i.lambda<n.lambda) #delete all the NA's if broke out of loop early:
#    mu=mu[,1:i.lambda]
    phis = phis[1:i.lambda]
    counter = counter[1:i.lambda]
    check = check[1:i.lambda]
    lambdas = lambdas[1:i.lambda]
  bics  = -2*logL + k * df

  id.use = which(bics==min(bics))[1]

  #refit best model to get all its bells and whistles
  penalty.i = lambdas[id.use] * penalty
  best = glm1(y, X, penalty.i, family=family, b.init=beta[,id.use], phi.init=phis[id.use], phi.iter=phi.iter)

  lasso.final = list(coefficients = beta[,id.use], lambda = lambdas[id.use], glm1.best=best, all.coefficients=beta, lambdas=lambdas, logL=logL, df=df, bics=bics, counter=counter, check=check, phis=phis, y=y, X=X, penalty = penalty, family=family.old)

  class(lasso.final) = "glm1path"

# end function

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