
Defines functions sigmoid sigmoidDeri tanhFunc tanhDeri activate activateDeri getOutVectList getPredVal transWeightPara transWeightPara2 transModelWts transWeightListToVect calcSigmaEst parGetParaGrad getJacobianMatrix checkInput getPredInt

Documented in activate activateDeri calcSigmaEst checkInput getJacobianMatrix getOutVectList getPredInt getPredVal parGetParaGrad sigmoid sigmoidDeri tanhDeri tanhFunc transModelWts transWeightListToVect transWeightPara transWeightPara2

# Purpurse : calculate prediction interval of multi-layer neural network models

# Sigmoid function
sigmoid<-function(x) {
	y = 1/(1+exp(-x))
	return (y)
# y = sigmoid(2)

# Sigmoid Differentiation function
	y = sigmoid(x)*(1-sigmoid(x))
	return (y)

tanhFunc<-function(x) {
	y = tanh(x)
	return (y)

tanhDeri<-function(x) {
	y = 1 - (tanh(x))^2
	return (y)

activate<-function(x,funName) {
	if (funName =='sigmoid') {
		res = sigmoid(x)
	} else if (funName == 'tanh') {
		res = tanhFunc(x)
	} else {
		res = "function name not found"
	return (res)

activateDeri<-function(x,funName) {
	if (funName =='sigmoid') {
		res = sigmoidDeri(x)
	} else if (funName == 'tanh') {
		res = tanhDeri(x)
	} else {
		res = "function name not found"
	return (res)

getOutVectList<-function(xVect,W,B,m,funName) {
	outVecList = list()
	aVectList = list()
	curAVect = xVect
	for (k in 1:m) {
		wk = W[[k]]
		bVect = B[[k]]
		curOutVect = wk %*% matrix(curAVect) + matrix(bVect)
		curAVect = activate(curOutVect,funName)
		outVecList = c(outVecList,list(curOutVect))
		aVectList = c(aVectList,list(curAVect))
	res = list(out = outVecList, aVect = aVectList)
	return (res)
# outVect = getNetOutVectList(xVect,W,B,m)

getPredVal<-function(xVect,W,B,m,funName) {
	yPred = 0
	curAVect = xVect
	for (k in 1:m) {
		wk = W[[k]]
		bVect = B[[k]]
		curOutVect = wk %*% matrix(curAVect) + matrix(bVect)
		curAVect = activate(curOutVect,funName)
	yPred = c(curAVect)
	return (yPred)

transWeightPara<-function(Wts,m,nodeNum) {
	# nnet package output
	idxPara = 0
	W = list()
	B = list()
	for (k in 1:m) {
		Sk= nodeNum[k+1] # kth layer
		Sk_1= nodeNum[k]   # (k-1)th layer
		curWts = Wts[(idxPara + 1) : (idxPara + Sk * (Sk_1 + 1))]
		curWtsMat = t(matrix(curWts,nrow=(Sk_1 + 1)))
		W = c(W, list(matrix(curWtsMat[,2:(Sk_1 + 1)] , nrow = Sk)))
		B = c(B, list(matrix(curWtsMat[,1:1], nrow = Sk)))
		idxPara = idxPara + Sk * (Sk_1 + 1)
	res = list(W = W, B = B)
	return (res)

transWeightPara2<-function(wtsList,m,nodeNum) {
	# neuralnet package output
	W = list()
	B = list()
	for (k in 1:m) {
		curWtsMat = wtsList[[k]]
		B = c(B, list(matrix(curWtsMat[1:1,], ncol = 1)))
		W = c(W, list(t(curWtsMat[-1,])))
	res = list(W = W, B = B)
	return (res)

transModelWts<-function(model, m, nodeNum) {
	if (class(model) == 'nnet') {
		res = transWeightPara(model$wts,m,nodeNum)
	} else if (class(model) == 'nn') {
		res = transWeightPara2(model$weights[[1]],m,nodeNum)
	return (res)

transWeightListToVect<-function(wtsList,m = 2){
	wtsVect = c()
	for (k in 1:m) {
		curWtsMat = wtsList[[k]]
		curWtsVect = c(curWtsMat)
		wtsVect = c(wtsVect,curWtsVect)
	return (wtsVect)
# wtsVect = transWeightListToVect(wtsList,m)

	if (length(c(yTarVal)) != length(c(yPredVal))) {
		return (0)
	} else {
		nDegreeFree = nObs - nPara
		varEst = sum((c(yTarVal) - c(yPredVal))^2)/nDegreeFree
		sigma = sqrt(varEst)
	return (sigma)

# Wijk , k: layer, m Total Layer, idx between (k,m), outMat is a list outVect[[i]] = W[[i]] * A + B, A = active(outVect[[i]])
# Parallel
parOutVectGradMat<-function (idx, k, m, outVect, W, funName) {
	if (idx == k) {
		nDim = dim(outVect[[idx]])[1]
		diagMat = matrix(rep(0,nDim*nDim),nrow = nDim)
		diag(diagMat) = c(activateDeri(outVect[[idx]],funName))
		res = diagMat
	} else if (idx > k) {
		nDim = dim(outVect[[idx]])[1]
		diagMat = matrix(rep(0,nDim*nDim),nrow = nDim)
		diag(diagMat) = c(activateDeri(outVect[[idx]], funName))
		res = diagMat %*% W[[idx]] %*% parOutVectGradMat(idx -1, k, m, outVect, W, funName)
	return (res)

# R 1*p, nodeNum is the vector of node number with length (1+m), c(s0,s1,...,sm)
# outVect ~ xVect
# nPara number of parameter

getParaGrad<-function (xVect,W,B,m,nPara,funName) {
	outVect = getOutVectList(xVect,W,B,m,funName)$out
	aVect = getOutVectList(xVect,W,B,m,funName)$aVect
	gradParaVect = c()
	for (k in 1:m) {
		wk = W[[k]]
		wkDeriVect = c()

		# Wijk and bik
		curGradActiMat = parOutVectGradMat(idx = m, k, m, outVect, W, funName)
		if (k==1) {
			multiplier = matrix(xVect)
		} else {
			multiplier = matrix(activateDeri(outVect[[k-1]],funName))
		numSk = dim(wk)[1]
		numSk_1 = dim(wk)[2]

		for (i in 1:numSk) {
			wkiVect = rep(0,(numSk_1 + 1))
			# bik
			bVectDeri = 0 * B[[k]]
			bVectDeri[i] = 1
			bikDeriVal = curGradActiMat %*% matrix(bVectDeri)
			wkiVect[1] = bikDeriVal
			for (j in 1:numSk_1) {
				# Wijk
				wkDeri = 0 * wk
				wkDeri[i,j] = 1 # derivative of Wijk at position (i,j)
				wijkDeriVal = curGradActiMat %*% wkDeri %*% multiplier
				wkiVect[j+1] = wijkDeriVal
		gradParaVect = c(gradParaVect,wkDeriVect)
	return (gradParaVect)

	curWtsDeri = getParaGrad(matrix(as.numeric(xMat[idx,])),W,B,m,nPara,funName)
	return (curWtsDeri)

getJacobianMatrix<-function(xTrain,W,B,m,nPara,funName) {
	# xTrain is the input training matrix:  R nObs * s0
	nObs = dim(xTrain)[1]
	# nPara is number of parameters
	jacobianMat = matrix(rep(0.0,nObs * nPara),nrow = nObs)

	idx = c(1:nObs)
	res = sapply(idx,FUN = parGetParaGrad,xMat = xTrain,W = W,B = B,m = m,nPara = nPara,funName = funName)
	jacobianMat = t(res)
	return (jacobianMat)

checkInput<-function(xTrain, yTrain, yFit, node, wts, newData) {
	# check if any args is missing
	checkResult = 1
	argsCheck = ((is.null(xTrain) == FALSE)) && ((is.null(yTrain) == FALSE)) && ((is.null(yFit) == FALSE)) && ((is.null(node) == FALSE)) &&
		((is.null(wts) == FALSE)) && ((is.null(newData) == FALSE))

	if (argsCheck == FALSE) {
		checkResult = checkResult * 0
		message("Error: Input Arguments are missing nor be NULL")
		return (0)

	# check if node is vector of numeric
	nodeCheck = (class(node)=="numeric" && (is.null(node) == FALSE) && (length(node) >= 3))
	if (nodeCheck == FALSE) {
		checkResult = checkResult * 0
		message("Error: Node argument is not numeric vector with enough length at least 3")
		return (0)

	wtsCheck = (class(wts)=="numeric" && (is.null(wts) == FALSE))
	if (wtsCheck == FALSE) {
		checkResult = checkResult * 0
		message("Error: wts argument is not numeric vector")
		return (0)

	# check wts input parameter Wijk Bik total number is correct
	m = length(node) - 1
	nPara = 0
	for (i in 1:m) {
		nPara = nPara + (node[i] + 1) * node[i+1]
	nParaCheck = (nPara == length(wts))
	if (nParaCheck == FALSE) {
		checkResult = checkResult * 0
		message("Error: wts parameter total number is not correct based on the network structure defined by 'node'")
		return (0)

	# check Dimension check for training datasets and testing datasets
	classCheck = (class(xTrain) %in% c("matrix","data.frame")) &&
	(class(yTrain) %in% c("matrix","data.frame","numeric")) &&
	(class(yFit) %in% c("matrix","data.frame","numeric")) &&
	(class(newData) %in% c("matrix","data.frame","numeric"))

	if (classCheck == FALSE) {
		checkResult = checkResult * 0
		message("Error: xTrain,yTrain,yFit,newData should be class of either matrix,data.frame or numeric vector")
		return (0)

	nObs = dim(xTrain)[1]
	nObsCheck = (nObs == dim(matrix(yTrain,ncol=1))[1]) && (nObs == dim(matrix(yFit,ncol=1))[1])
	if (nObsCheck == FALSE) {
		checkResult = checkResult * 0
		message("Error: Number of observations for xTrain, yTrain, yFit are not the same")
		return (0)

	nDim = node[1]
	dimCheck = (nDim == dim(xTrain)[2]) && (nDim == dim(newData)[2])
	if (dimCheck == FALSE) {
		checkResult = checkResult * 0
		message("Error: xTrain,newData input dimension are not the same as node structure")
		return (0)
	return (checkResult)

getPredInt<-function(xTrain, yTrain, yFit, node, wts, newData, alpha = 0.05 ,lambda = 0.5, funName = 'sigmoid') {
	checkInput = checkInput(xTrain, yTrain, yFit, node, wts, newData)
	if (checkInput == 0) {
		return (0)
	} else if (checkInput == 1) {
		nObs = dim(xTrain)[1]
		nPara = length(wts)
		nPred = dim(newData)[1]
		m = length(node) - 1 # Node Number vector S0-Sm
		transWts = transWeightPara(wts, m, node)
		W = transWts$W
		B = transWts$B
		predIntMat = matrix(rep(0, 2 * nPred), ncol = 2)
		yPredVect = c()

		# sigma estimation
		sigmaGaussion = calcSigmaEst(yTrain, yFit, nObs,nPara)
		tQuant = qt(alpha/2, df = (nObs - nPara))

		# Calc Jacobian Matrix: default decay parameter for singular matrix lambda = 0.5
		jacobianMat = getJacobianMatrix(xTrain,W,B,m,nPara,funName)
		errorSingular = try(solve(t(jacobianMat) %*% jacobianMat),silent=TRUE)

		if (class(errorSingular) == "try-error") { # matrix t(J) %*% J is singular, Need lambda decay parameters
			jacobianInvError = solve(t(jacobianMat) %*% jacobianMat + lambda * diag(nPara)) %*% t(jacobianMat) %*% jacobianMat %*% solve(t(jacobianMat) %*% jacobianMat + lambda * diag(nPara))
		} else {
			jacobianInvError = solve(t(jacobianMat) %*% jacobianMat)

		for (i in 1:nPred) {
			xVect = matrix(as.numeric(newData[i:i,]))    # Input Matrix
			yPred = getPredVal(xVect,W,B,m,funName)
			wtsGradVect = getParaGrad(xVect,W,B,m,nPara,funName)
			f = matrix(wtsGradVect)
			sigmaModel = sqrt(1 + t(f) %*% jacobianInvError %*% f)
			confWidth = abs(tQuant * sigmaGaussion * sigmaModel)
			predIntVect = c(yPred - confWidth,yPred + confWidth)
			predIntMat[i:i,] = predIntVect
			yPredVect = c(yPredVect,yPred)
		resDf = data.frame(yPredValue = yPredVect,lowerBound = predIntMat[,1:1] , upperBound = predIntMat[,2:2])
		return (resDf)

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