
#' Information dimension
#' @description
#' Functions for estimating the information dimension of a dynamical 
#' system from 1-dimensional time series using Takens' vectors
#' @details 
#' The information dimension is a particular case of the generalized correlation dimension
#' when setting the order q = 1. It is possible to demonstrate that the information dimension
#' \eqn{D_1}{D1} may be defined as:
#' \eqn{D_1=lim_{r \rightarrow 0} <\log p(r)>/\log(r)}{D1=lim{r->0} <ln p(r)>/ln(r)}.
#' Here, \eqn{p(r)} is the probability of finding a neighbour in a neighbourhood of size \eqn{r} and 
#' <> is the mean value. Thus, the information dimension specifies how the average
#' Shannon information scales with the radius \eqn{r}.
#' In order to estimate \eqn{D_1}{D1}, the algorithm looks for the scaling behaviour of the the average
#' radius that contains a given portion (a "fixed-mass") of the total points in the phase space. By performing
#' a linear regression of \eqn{\log(p)\;Vs.\;\log(<r>)}{ln p Vs ln <r>} (being \eqn{p} the fixed-mass of the total points), an estimate
#' of \eqn{D_1}{D1} is obtained. 
#' The algorithm also introduces a variation of \eqn{p} for achieving a better performance: 
#' for small values of \eqn{p}, all the points in the time series (\eqn{N}) are considered for obtaining
#' \eqn{p=n/N}. Above a maximum number of neighbours \eqn{kMax}, the algorithm obtains \eqn{p} by decreasing the number
#' of points considerd  from the time series  \eqn{M<N}. Thus \eqn{p = kMax/M}.
#' Even with these improvements, the calculations for the information dimension are heavier than
#' those needed for the correlation dimension. Thus, this method only explores 
#' one embedding dimension. However, the user should run
#' the method for different embedding dimensions for checking if \eqn{D_1}{D1} saturates.

#' @param time.series The original time series from which the information dimension will be estimated.
#' @param embedding.dim Integer denoting the dimension in which we shall embed the time.series (see \code{\link{buildTakens}}). 
#' @param time.lag Integer denoting the number of time steps that will be use to construct the 
#' Takens' vectors (see \code{\link{buildTakens}}).
#' @param min.fixed.mass Minimum percentage of the total points that the algorithm shall use for the estimation.
#' @param max.fixed.mass Maximum percentage of the total points that the algorithm shall use for the estimation.
#' @param number.fixed.mass.points The number of different \emph{fixed mass} fractions between \emph{min.fixed.mass}
#' and \emph{max.fixed.mass} that the algorithm will use for estimation.
#' @param radius Initial radius for searching neighbour points in the phase space. Ideally, it should be small
#' enough so that the fixed mass contained in this radius is slightly greater than the \emph{min.fixed.mass}. However,
#' whereas the radius is not too large (so that the performance decreases) the choice is not critical.
#' @param increasing.radius.factor Numeric value. If no enough neighbours are found within \emph{radius}, the radius
#' is increased by a factor \emph{increasing.radius.factor} until succesful. Default: sqrt(2) = 1.414214.
#' @param number.boxes Number of boxes that will be used in the box assisted algorithm (see \link{neighbourSearch}).
#' @param number.reference.vectors Number of reference points that the routine will try to use, saving computation time.
#' @param theiler.window Integer denoting the Theiler window:  Two Takens' vectors must be separated by more than
#'  theiler.window time steps in order to be considered neighbours. By using a Theiler window, we exclude temporally correlated 
#'  vectors from our estimations. 
#' @param kMax Maximum number of neighbours used for achieving p with all the points from the time series (see Details). Default: 100.
#' @param do.plot Logical value. If TRUE (default value), a plot of the correlation sum is shown.
#' @return A \emph{infDim} object that consist of a list with two components: \emph{log.radius} and \emph{fixed.mass}. \emph{log.radius} contains
#' the average log10(radius) in which the \emph{fixed.mass} can be found.
#' @references H. Kantz  and T. Schreiber: Nonlinear Time series Analysis (Cambridge university press)
#' @author Constantino A. Garcia
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s = sinaiMap(a=0.3,n.sample=5000,start=c(0.23489,0.8923),do.plot=FALSE)
#' inf.dim = infDim(time.series = s$x, embedding.dim = 2, time.lag = 1,
#'                        min.fixed.mass=0.01, max.fixed.mass=0.03,
#'                        number.fixed.mass.points=1000, radius =0.1, 
#'                        increasing.radius.factor = sqrt(2), number.boxes=100, 
#'                        number.reference.vectors=100, theiler.window = 200, 
#'                        kMax = 100,do.plot=FALSE)
#' estimate(inf.dim)}
#' @rdname infDim
#' @export infDim
#' @exportClass infDim
#' @useDynLib nonlinearAnalysis
#' @seealso \code{\link{corrDim}}.
infDim=function(time.series, embedding.dim=2, time.lag=1, min.fixed.mass,
                              max.fixed.mass, number.fixed.mass.points = 10, radius, 
                              increasing.radius.factor = sqrt(2), number.boxes=NULL,
                              number.reference.vectors, theiler.window = 1,
                              kMax = 100,do.plot=TRUE){
  #estimates number.boxes if it has not been specified
  takens = buildTakens(time.series,embedding.dim,time.lag)
  numberTakens = nrow(takens)
  embedding.dim = ncol(takens)
  if (is.null(number.boxes)) number.boxes = estimateNumberBoxes(takens, radius)
  fixedMassVector = 10^(seq(log10(min.fixed.mass),log10(max.fixed.mass),length.out=number.fixed.mass.points))
  averageLogRadiusVector = rep(0,number.fixed.mass.points)
  c.result=.C("informationDimension", takens = as.double(takens), 
              numberTakens = as.integer(numberTakens), embeddingD = as.integer(embedding.dim),
              fixedMassVector = as.double(fixedMassVector), 
              fixedMassVectorLength = as.integer(number.fixed.mass.points),
              eps = as.double(radius),
              increasingEpsFactor = as.double(increasing.radius.factor),
              numberBoxes = as.integer(number.boxes), boxes = as.integer(boxes), 
              numberReferenceVectors = as.integer( number.reference.vectors), 
              theilerWindow = as.integer(theiler.window), kMax = as.integer(kMax),
              averageLogRadiusVector = as.double(averageLogRadiusVector),
  #### eliminate nas and infs should not be necessary
  logic.vector = is.na(c.result$averageLogRadiusVector)|is.infinite(c.result$averageLogRadiusVector)
  if (any(logic.vector)){
  if (any(duplicated(c.result$averageLogRadiusVector))){
    new.log.radius = unique(c.result$averageLogRadiusVector)
    new.fixed.mass = c()
    index = 1
    for (lr in new.log.radius){
      new.fixed.mass[[index]] = max(c.result$fixedMassVector[c.result$averageLogRadiusVector==lr])
      index = index +1
    information.dimension.structure = list( fixed.mass = new.fixed.mass, 
                                            log.radius = new.log.radius)
    information.dimension.structure = list( fixed.mass = c.result$fixedMassVector, 
                                            log.radius = c.result$averageLogRadiusVector)  
  class(information.dimension.structure) = "infDim"
  if (do.plot){
#' @return The \emph{getFixedMass} function returns the fixed mass vector used
#' in the information dimension algorithm
#' @rdname infDim
#' @export getFixedMass
getFixedMass = function(x){
  return (x$fixed.mass)

#' @return The \emph{getLogRadius} function returns average log(radius) computed
#' on the information dimension algorithm
#' @rdname infDim
#' @export getLogRadius
getLogRadius = function(x){
  return (x$log.radius)

#' @return The 'estimate' function estimates the information dimension of the 
#' 'infDim' object by performing a linear regression
#' over the fixed mass' range specified in 'regression.range'. If do.plot is TRUE,
#' a graphic of the regression over the data is shown.
#' @param x A \emph{infDim} object.
#' @param regression.range Vector with 2 components denoting the range where the function will perform linear regression.
#' @rdname infDim
#' @S3method estimate infDim
#' @method estimate infDim
#' @method estimate
estimate.infDim = function(x, regression.range=NULL, do.plot=TRUE,...){
  if (is.null(regression.range)){
    min.fixed.mass = min(x$fixed.mass) # the first position is always 0
    max.fixed.mass = max(x$fixed.mass)
    min.fixed.mass = regression.range[[1]]
    max.fixed.mass = regression.range[[2]]
  indx = which(x$fixed.mass>=min.fixed.mass & x$fixed.mass<=max.fixed.mass)
  x.values = log10(x$fixed.mass[indx])
  y.values = x$log.radius[indx]
  reg = lm(y.values~x.values)
  information.dimension = 1/reg$coefficients[[2]]
  # plotting
  if (do.plot){
    plot(x$fixed.mass,x$log.radius,log="x",main="Information Dimension",ylab="<log10(radius)>",xlab="fixed mass (p)")
    legend("topleft",col="blue",lty=c(1),lwd=c(2.5), legend=c("D1 =", sprintf("%.2f",information.dimension)))

#avisar de que el plot puede ser "raro" porque tu muestreaste uniformemente lp...no lr (el eje x)

#' @return \code{The 'plot' function shows two graphics of the information dimension estimate:
#' a graphic of <log10(radius)> Vs fixed mass and a graphic of the local slopes of the information
#' dimension Vs the fixed mass, both in a semi-log scale.}
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @rdname infDim
#' @S3method plot infDim
#' @method plot infDim
#' @method plot
plot.infDim = function(x, ...){
  plot(x$fixed.mass,x$log.radius,log="x",main="Information Dimension",ylab="<log10(radius)>",xlab="fixed mass (p)")
  #local slopes
  lfm = log10(x$fixed.mass)
  derivative = differentiate(x$log.radius,h = lfm[[2]] - lfm[[1]])
  fixed.mass.axis = head(x$fixed.mass,-1); fixed.mass.axis = tail(fixed.mass.axis,-1)
  plot(fixed.mass.axis,derivative,'b',cex=0.3,col=1,xlab="fixed mass p",ylab="local slope d1(p)", main="Local slopes for the Information dimension estimate")

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