
#' Tests the calculation of BIC and MLE, as well as basic functions
#' the corresponding score class
#' @author Alain Hauser
#' $Id: test_bicscore.R 409 2017-02-05 15:41:51Z alhauser $

cat("Testing the calculation of the BIC score...\n")


load("test_bicscore.rda") # in directory tests/ i.e., typically *not* installed

## Tolerance for numerical comparison
tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)

## Define all test settings
settings <- expand.grid(format = c("scatter", "raw"), cpp = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nreps <- 5

## Check data storage and calculation of scores
for (m in 1:nrow(settings)) {
  cat(sprintf("Setting: storage format = %s, C++ library = %s\n",
              settings$format[m], settings$cpp[m]))

  for (i in 1:nreps) {
    perm <- 1:nrow(gauss.data)

    ## Randomly permute data
    if (i > 1) {
      perm <- sample(perm)

    ## Create the score object with valid data
    score <- new("GaussL0penIntScore",
                 targets = gauss.targets,
                 target.index = gauss.target.index[perm],
                 data = gauss.data[perm, ],
                 format = settings$format[m],
                 use.cpp = settings$cpp[m],
                 intercept = FALSE)

    if (any(score$pp.dat$data.count != 1000)) {
      stop("The number of non-interventions are not calculated correctly.")

    stopifnot(is.list(score$pp.dat$non.int), length(score$pp.dat$non.int) == 5)
    stopifnot(all(sapply(1:5, function(j) {
                       setdiff(1:1200, 200*j + 1:200)))

    if (settings$format[m] == "scatter") {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(score$pp.dat$scatter.index, 1:5))) {
        stop("The indices of the scatter matrices are not calculated correctly.")

      for (j in 1:5) {
        if (!isTRUE(all.equal(score$pp.dat$scatter[[j]][1:5, 1:5],
                              tolerance = tol))) {
          stop("The scatter matrices are not calculated correctly.")
    } # IF "scatter"

    for (j in 1:5) {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(gauss.loc.score[[j]],
                            score$local.score(j, gauss.parents[[j]]),
                            tolerance = tol))) {
        stop("The local score is not calculated correctly.")

    # print(lapply(1:5, function(i) score$local.fit(i, gauss.parents[[i]])))

    for (j in 1:5) {
      local.mle <- score$local.fit(j, gauss.parents[[j]])
      if (length(local.mle) != length(gauss.mle[[j]]) ||
          !isTRUE(all.equal(gauss.mle[[j]], local.mle, tolerance = tol))) {
        stop("The local MLE is not calculated correctly.")

## List targets in a non-unique way, check if representation is corrected for
## internal storage
temp.targets <- gauss.targets
temp.targets[[2]] <- rep(temp.targets[[2]], 4)
score <- new("GaussL0penIntScore",
             targets = temp.targets,
             target.index = gauss.target.index,
             data = gauss.data,
             format = "scatter",
             use.cpp = FALSE,
             intercept = FALSE)
stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(score$pp.dat$targets, gauss.targets)))
stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(score$pp.dat$target.index, gauss.target.index)))

## Try to create the score object with non-valid data,
## check if error is thrown
        score <- new("GaussL0penIntScore",
            targets = gauss.targets,
            target.index = gauss.target.index),
        error = function(e) {
          cat(paste("  Error caught:", e$message, "\n", sep = " "))

temp.targets <- gauss.targets
temp.targets <- c(temp.targets, temp.targets[[6]])
temp.target.index <- gauss.target.index
temp.target.index[sample(which(gauss.target.index == 6), size = 20)] <- length(temp.targets)
        score <- new("GaussL0penIntScore",
            targets = temp.targets,
            target.index = temp.target.index,
            data = gauss.data),
        error = function(e) {
          cat(paste("  Error caught:", e$message, "\n", sep = " "))

temp.targets <- gauss.targets
temp.targets[[2]] <- c(temp.targets[[2]], 9)
        score <- new("GaussL0penIntScore",
            targets = temp.targets,
            target.index = gauss.target.index,
            data = gauss.data),
        error = function(e) {
          cat(paste("  Error caught:", e$message, "\n", sep = " "))

temp.target.index <- gauss.target.index
temp.target.index[1] <- length(gauss.targets) + 1
    tryCatch(score <- new("GaussL0penIntScore",
            targets = gauss.targets,
            target.index = temp.target.index,
            data = gauss.data),
        error = function(e) {
          cat(paste("  Error caught:", e$message, "\n", sep = " "))


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