
Defines functions pgfSweave

Documented in pgfSweave

#' Quality speedy graphics compilation and caching for Sweave
#' pgfSweave provides a number of improvements to the speed and quality of
#' Sweave output including: (1) capabilities for 'caching' graphics generated
#' with Sweave on top of the caching mechanisms provided by cacheSweave, (2) an
#' interface to the tikzDevice package which provides graphics with consistent
#' font style, sizing and quality as the main document and (3) highlighting of
#' echo'd source code via the highlight package. pgfSweave provides a new
#' driver for Sweave (pgfSweaveDriver) with new chunk options tikz, external,
#' sanitize, highlight and tidy on top of the cache option provided by
#' cacheSweave.
#' This package provides new features beyond
#' \code{\link[cacheSweave]{cacheSweave}}: \enumerate{ \item better recognition
#' of code chunk changes \item the 'caching' of code chunks which generate
#' graphics and \item an interface to the tikzDevice package for the generation
#' of graphics in which the font matches that of the main document. }
#' The process carried out by \code{pgfSweave} involves: \itemize{ \item
#' Running \code{Sweave} on the .Rnw file using \code{pgfSweaveDriver}
#' function.  \item Generating a graphics file from each newly created or
#' changed graphic.  \item Running the pgf externalization commands for each
#' newly generated graphic (via a makefile).  \item Finally running
#' \code{LaTeX} with on the .tex file using the real job name. }
#' For more details see the \pkg{pgfSweave} package vignette.
#' @aliases pgfSweave pgfSweave-package
#' @param file A connection or a character string giving the name of the file
#'   to load.
#' @param compile.tex If \code{TRUE} run \code{LaTeX}/\code{pdfLaTeX} on the
#'   resulting tex file. If \code{FALSE} only run \code{Sweave}.
#' @param graphics.only If \code{TRUE} Only run Sweave and then the commands to
#'   externalize graphics, don\'t call \code{\link[tools]{texi2dvi}} to do the
#'   final compilation.
#' @param pdf Passed to \code{\link[tools]{texi2dvi}}. If TRUE (default) then
#'   generate a pdf file otherwise generate a dvi file.
#' @param syntax An object of class SweaveSyntax or a character string with its
#'   name. The default installation provides SweaveSyntaxNoweb and
#'   SweaveSyntaxLatex (passed to Sweave).
#' @param np The number of parallel processes to use for graphics
#'   externalization.
#' @param \dots Other options to be passed to \code{\link{texi2dvi}}
#' @return A pdf file is generated if \code{compile.tex=TRUE} and a tex file
#'   only is generated otherwise.
#' @note 
#'    \itemize{ 
#'      \item The pgfSweave package must be installed from source to
#'        gain access to the R CMD pgfsweave interface.  
#'      \item Assuming \code{compile.tex=TRUE} the function will issue 
#'        any system commands needed to ``externalize'' the pgf graphics.  
#'        To take advantage of the speedup, set \code{external=TRUE} on every 
#'        code chunk that creates a plot.  
#'      \item the command \\code{pgfrealjobname{myfile}} MUST in the header 
#'        of your \code{LaTeX} file for the external graphics capablities. 
#'    }
#' @author Cameron Bracken \email{cameron.bracken@@gmail.com} and Charlie
#'   Sharpsteen
#' @seealso \code{\link[pgfSweave]{pgfSweaveDriver}}, \code{\link{Sweave}},
#'   \code{\link[tikzDevice]{tikzDevice}}
#'   \code{\link[cacheSweave]{cacheSweave}}
#' @references Sweave manual:
#'   \url{http://www.statistik.lmu.de/~leisch/Sweave/Sweave-manual.pdf}
#' cacheSweave vignette:
#'   \url{http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/cacheSweave/vignettes/cacheSweave.pdf}
#' pgf manual externalization section:
#'   \url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{vignette("pgfSweave")}
#' \dontrun{
#' library(pgfSweave)
#' oldcwd <- getwd()
#' dir <- tempdir()
#' setwd(dir)
#' file.copy(system.file("example","pgfSweave-example.Rnw", package = "pgfSweave"),dir)
#' file <- file.path(dir,"pgfSweave-example.Rnw")
#' pgfSweave(file,compile.tex=FALSE)
#' setwd(oldcwd)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Normally to compile to PDF by  
#' #    pgfSweave("pgfSweave-example.Rnw") 
#' # Default as of version 1.2 is pdf=T
#' #
#' # or use
#' #
#' # R CMD pgfsweave pgfSweave-example.Rnw
#' ## From the command line which calls texi2dvi (default uses pdflatex)
#' #
#' #ifdef unix
#' ## NOTE: LaTeX may not be included in your path by default when using the R
#' ## GUI, please see the FAQ in the pgfSweave vignette if your latex or pdflatex 
#' ## are not found.
#' #endif
#' #ifdef windows
#' ## WINDOWS USERS: This has only been tested with MiKTeX
#' #endif
#' ## Use pgfSweave outside of R with the script provided in the pgfSweave exec/ directory
#' }
#' @export
pgfSweave <- function(file, compile.tex = TRUE, graphics.only = FALSE, 
    pdf = T, syntax = getOption("SweaveSyntax"), np = 2,...){
    #Run Sweave
    #if available compile pgf graphics
        changefile <- '.FigureChunkChanged'
        #Strip the extension
        fn <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(file)
        makefile <- paste(fn,".makefile",sep='')

        # set initial calls to latex or pdflatex to generate makefile and 
        # dependency lists
        cmd <- 

            # Initial call to pdflatex or latex
            message(paste('Not regenerating makefile for externalization,',
                'if your figures have changed, remove',makefile, 
                'and recompile.'))
            # call make to externalize graphics
        make <- Sys.which('make')
        if(file.access(make, 1) == 0){
                system(paste(make," -j ",np," -f ",makefile,sep=""))
            warning('`make` is not available, graphics will not be externalized.')
            #run texi2dvi on the tex file        
            tools::texi2dvi(paste(fn,'tex',sep='.'), pdf = pdf, ...)


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pgfSweave documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.