### test file to test plm::fixef(), inner consistency and vs. fixest::fixef() and lfe::getfe()
## (1) ordinary regression models
## (2) IV regression models
data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
Grunfeld_unbalanced <- Grunfeld[1:199, ]
################## (1) ordinary models (non-IV) ##################
plm_tw <- plm(inv ~ value + capital , data = Grunfeld, effect = "twoways")
plm_tw_u <- plm(inv ~ value + capital , data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, effect = "twoways")
plm_ow_id <- plm(inv ~ value + capital , data = Grunfeld, effect = "individual")
plm_ow_u_id <- plm(inv ~ value + capital , data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, effect = "individual")
plm_ow_ti <- plm(inv ~ value + capital , data = Grunfeld, effect = "time")
plm_ow_u_ti <- plm(inv ~ value + capital , data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, effect = "time")
## lm_tw <- lm(inv ~ 0 + value + capital + factor(firm) + factor(year), data = Grunfeld)
## lm_tw_int <- lm(inv ~ value + capital + factor(firm) + factor(year), data = Grunfeld)
## lm_tw_u <- lm(inv ~ 0 + value + capital + factor(firm) + factor(year), data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
## lm_tw_u_int <- lm(inv ~ value + capital + factor(firm) + factor(year), data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
#### tw unbalanced ####
## sum of effects
plm_tw_u_fixef_tw <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_u, "twoways"))
# manual
pred_betas <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(coef(plm_tw_u), model.matrix(plm_tw_u, model = "pooling")[ , -1L]))
pred_y <- plm_tw_u$model[ , 1] - plm_tw_u$residuals
pred_effs_tw <- pred_y - pred_betas
## split in a individual and in a time component
plm_tw_u_fixef_id_dfirst <- c(0, as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_u, "individual", "dfirst")))
plm_tw_u_fixef_ti_dfirst <- c(0, as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_u, "time", "dfirst")))
plm_tw_u_fixef_id_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_u, "individual"))
plm_tw_u_fixef_ti_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_u, "time"))
## check the summed up effects and splits
# effect = "twoways" (= sum) vs. manual
check.attributes = FALSE)))
# sum = id level + time dfirst
plm_tw_u_fixef_id_level[ index(plm_tw_u)[[1L]]] +
check.attributes = FALSE)))
# sum = id dfirst + time level
plm_tw_u_fixef_id_dfirst[index(plm_tw_u)[[1L]]] +
plm_tw_u_fixef_ti_level[ index(plm_tw_u)[[2L]]],
check.attributes = FALSE)))
### # checks vs. a twoway model implemented via one-way augmented
plm_tw_u_aug_id <- plm(inv ~ value + capital + factor(year), data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, effect = "individual")
plm_tw_u_aug_ti <- plm(inv ~ value + capital + factor(firm), data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, effect = "time")
plm_tw_u_aug_id_id <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_u_aug_id, "individual"))
plm_tw_u_aug_ti_ti <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_u_aug_ti, "time"))
# id level
check.attributes = FALSE)))
# time level
check.attributes = FALSE)))
#### oneway balanced ####
plm_ow_fixef_id_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_ow_id))
plm_ow_fixef_ti_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_ow_ti))
#### oneway unbalanced ####
plm_ow_u_fixef_id_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_ow_u_id))
plm_ow_u_fixef_ti_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_ow_u_ti))
#### tw balanced ####
## sum of effects
plm_tw_fixef_tw <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw, "twoways"))
# manual
bal_pred_betas <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(coef(plm_tw), model.matrix(plm_tw, model = "pooling")[ , -1L]))
bal_pred_y <- plm_tw$model[ , 1] - plm_tw$residuals
bal_pred_effs_tw <- bal_pred_y - bal_pred_betas
check.attributes = FALSE)))
## split in a individual and in a time component
plm_tw_fixef_id_dfirst <- c(0, as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw, "individual", "dfirst")))
plm_tw_fixef_ti_dfirst <- c(0, as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw, "time", "dfirst")))
plm_tw_fixef_id_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw, "individual", "level"))
plm_tw_fixef_ti_level <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw, "time", "level"))
## check the summed up effects and splits
plm_tw_fixef_id_level[ index(plm_tw)[[1L]]] +
check.attributes = FALSE)))
plm_tw_fixef_id_dfirst[index(plm_tw)[[1L]]] +
plm_tw_fixef_ti_level[ index(plm_tw)[[2L]]],
check.attributes = FALSE)))
### # checks vs. a twoway model implemented via one-way augmented
plm_tw_aug_id <- plm(inv ~ value + capital + factor(year), data = Grunfeld, effect = "individual")
plm_tw_aug_ti <- plm(inv ~ value + capital + factor(firm), data = Grunfeld, effect = "time")
plm_tw_aug_id_id <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_aug_id, "individual"))
plm_tw_aug_ti_ti <- as.numeric(fixef(plm_tw_aug_ti, "time"))
# id level
check.attributes = FALSE)))
# time level
check.attributes = FALSE)))
## checks vs. fixest::feols
# fixest.avail <- if(!requireNamespace("fixest", quietly = TRUE)) FALSE else TRUE
# if(fixest.avail) {
# library(fixest) # version 0.9.0
# # twoways balanced (one level, one dfirst)
# feols_tw <- fixest::feols(inv ~ value + capital | firm + year, data = Grunfeld)
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(feols_tw$sumFE, plm_tw_fixef_tw, check.attributes = FALSE))) # sum
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_tw)$year, plm_tw_fixef_ti_dfirst, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_tw)$firm, plm_tw_fixef_id_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# # oneway balanced (levels)
# feols_ow_id <- fixest::feols(inv ~ value + capital | firm, data = Grunfeld)
# feols_ow_ti <- fixest::feols(inv ~ value + capital | year, data = Grunfeld)
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_ow_ti)$year, plm_ow_fixef_ti_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_ow_id)$firm, plm_ow_fixef_id_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# # twoways unbalanced (one level, one dfirst)
# feols_tw_u <- fixest::feols(inv ~ value + capital | firm + year, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(feols_tw_u$sumFE, plm_tw_u_fixef_tw, check.attributes = FALSE))) # sum
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_tw_u)$year, plm_tw_u_fixef_ti_dfirst, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_tw_u)$firm, plm_tw_u_fixef_id_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# # oneway unbalanced (levels)
# feols_ow_u_id <- fixest::feols(inv ~ value + capital | firm, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
# feols_ow_u_ti <- fixest::feols(inv ~ value + capital | year, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_ow_u_id)$firm, plm_ow_u_fixef_id_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(fixef(feols_ow_u_ti)$year, plm_ow_u_fixef_ti_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# }
# # checks vs. lfe::felm
# lfe.avail <- if(!requireNamespace("lfe", quietly = TRUE)) FALSE else TRUE
# if(lfe.avail) {
# library(lfe) # version 2.8-7
# # twoways balanced (one level, one dfirst)
# # (lfe::felm's default reference is vice verse compared to fixest::feols)
# felm_tw <- lfe::felm(inv ~ value + capital | firm + year, data = Grunfeld)
# felm_tw_fixef_id <- lfe::getfe(felm_tw)[lfe::getfe(felm_tw)[["fe"]] == "firm", 1]
# felm_tw_fixef_ti <- lfe::getfe(felm_tw)[lfe::getfe(felm_tw)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_tw_fixef_id, plm_tw_fixef_id_dfirst, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_tw_fixef_ti, plm_tw_fixef_ti_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# # oneway balanced (levels)
# felm_ow_id <- lfe::felm(inv ~ value + capital | firm, data = Grunfeld)
# felm_ow_ti <- lfe::felm(inv ~ value + capital | year, data = Grunfeld)
# felm_ow_id_fixef_id <- lfe::getfe(felm_ow_id)[lfe::getfe(felm_ow_id)[["fe"]] == "firm", 1]
# felm_ow_ti_fixef_ti <- lfe::getfe(felm_ow_ti)[lfe::getfe(felm_ow_ti)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_ow_id_fixef_id, plm_ow_fixef_id_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_ow_ti_fixef_ti, plm_ow_fixef_ti_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# # twoways unbalanced (one level, one dfirst)
# # (lfe::felm's default reference is vice verse compared to fixest::feols)
# felm_tw_u <- lfe::felm(inv ~ value + capital | firm + year, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
# felm_tw_u_fixef_id <- lfe::getfe(felm_tw_u)[lfe::getfe(felm_tw_u)[["fe"]] == "firm", 1]
# felm_tw_u_fixef_ti <- lfe::getfe(felm_tw_u)[lfe::getfe(felm_tw_u)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_tw_u_fixef_id, plm_tw_u_fixef_id_dfirst, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_tw_u_fixef_ti, plm_tw_u_fixef_ti_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# # oneway unbalanced (levels)
# felm_ow_u_id <- lfe::felm(inv ~ value + capital | firm, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
# felm_ow_u_ti <- lfe::felm(inv ~ value + capital | year, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
# felm_ow_u_id_fixef_id <- lfe::getfe(felm_ow_u_id)[lfe::getfe(felm_ow_u_id)[["fe"]] == "firm", 1]
# felm_ow_u_ti_fixef_ti <- lfe::getfe(felm_ow_u_ti)[lfe::getfe(felm_ow_u_ti)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_ow_u_id_fixef_id, plm_ow_u_fixef_id_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # individual
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(felm_ow_u_ti_fixef_ti, plm_ow_u_fixef_ti_level, check.attributes = FALSE))) # time
# }
################## (2) Instrumental Variable (IV) Models ##################
## IV balanced twoways
data("Crime", package = "plm")
# in the unbalanced twoway case, getfe() sets as reference a level depending on the unbalancedness structure
# -> somewhat arbitrary -> see also
# for this example, the unbalancedness structure leads to the first time period being the reference
delrows <- -c(10,12,17,18)
# delrows <- -c(1,2,10,12)
# delrows <- -c(9)
crime_formula_plm <- lcrmrte ~ lprbarr + lpolpc + lprbconv + lprbpris + lavgsen +
ldensity + lwcon + lwtuc + lwtrd + lwfir + lwser + lwmfg + lwfed +
lwsta + lwloc + lpctymle | . - lprbarr - lpolpc + ltaxpc + lmix
FE2SLS_id <- plm(crime_formula_plm, data = Crime, model = "within", effect = "individual")
FE2SLS_ti <- plm(crime_formula_plm, data = Crime, model = "within", effect = "time")
fixef(FE2SLS_id, effect = "individual")
fixef(FE2SLS_ti, effect = "time")
FE2SLS_tw <- plm(crime_formula_plm, data = Crime, model = "within", effect = "twoways")
fixef(FE2SLS_tw, effect = "individual")
fixef(FE2SLS_tw, effect = "time")
fixef(FE2SLS_tw, effect = "twoways")
## IV unbalanced twoways
FE2SLS_id_unbal <- plm(crime_formula_plm, data = Crime[delrows, ], model = "within", effect = "individual")
FE2SLS_ti_unbal <- plm(crime_formula_plm, data = Crime[delrows, ], model = "within", effect = "time")
fixef(FE2SLS_id_unbal, effect = "individual")
fixef(FE2SLS_ti_unbal, effect = "time")
FE2SLS_tw_unbal <- plm(crime_formula_plm, data = Crime[delrows, ], model = "within", effect = "twoways")
fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal, effect = "individual")
fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal, effect = "time")
fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal, effect = "twoways")
## check vs. fixest::feols
# if(fixest.avail) {
# library(fixest) # version 0.9.0 does not compute fixef() for IV models correctly,
# # fixed in 0.10.0, see bug report:
# #
# # fix commit 2021-08-31:
# crime_formula_fixest_id <- lcrmrte ~ lprbconv + lprbpris + lavgsen +
# ldensity + lwcon + lwtuc + lwtrd + lwfir +
# lwser + lwmfg + lwfed + lwsta + lwloc + lpctymle |
# county |
# lprbarr + lpolpc ~ ltaxpc + lmix
# crime_formula_fixest_ti <- lcrmrte ~ lprbconv + lprbpris + lavgsen +
# ldensity + lwcon + lwtuc + lwtrd + lwfir +
# lwser + lwmfg + lwfed + lwsta + lwloc + lpctymle |
# year |
# lprbarr + lpolpc ~ ltaxpc + lmix
# crime_formula_fixest_tw <- lcrmrte ~ lprbconv + lprbpris + lavgsen +
# ldensity + lwcon + lwtuc + lwtrd + lwfir +
# lwser + lwmfg + lwfed + lwsta + lwloc + lpctymle |
# county + year |
# lprbarr + lpolpc ~ ltaxpc + lmix
# FE2SLS_id.fixest <- fixest::feols(crime_formula_fixest_id, data = Crime)
# FE2SLS_ti.fixest <- fixest::feols(crime_formula_fixest_ti, data = Crime)
# FE2SLS_id_unbal.fixest <- fixest::feols(crime_formula_fixest_id, data = Crime[delrows, ])
# FE2SLS_ti_unbal.fixest <- fixest::feols(crime_formula_fixest_ti, data = Crime[delrows, ])
# FE2SLS_tw.fixest <- fixest::feols(crime_formula_fixest_tw, data = Crime)
# FE2SLS_tw_unbal.fixest <- fixest::feols(crime_formula_fixest_tw, data = Crime[delrows, ])
# # First, check if model estimations are the same
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_id$coefficients, FE2SLS_id.fixest$coefficients, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_ti$coefficients, FE2SLS_ti.fixest$coefficients, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_id_unbal$coefficients, FE2SLS_id_unbal.fixest$coefficients, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_ti_unbal$coefficients, FE2SLS_ti_unbal.fixest$coefficients, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_tw$coefficients, FE2SLS_tw.fixest$coefficients, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_tw_unbal$coefficients, FE2SLS_tw_unbal.fixest$coefficients, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# ## check fixef
# ## hard checks disabled for now as fixest 0.10.0 is not yet on CRAN (0.9.0 is on CRAN and has a bug in fixef for IV cases)
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_id)), fixef(FE2SLS_id.fixest)[["county"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_ti)), fixef(FE2SLS_ti.fixest)[["year"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# #
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_id_unbal)), fixef(FE2SLS_id_unbal.fixest)[["county"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_ti_unbal)), fixef(FE2SLS_ti_unbal.fixest)[["year"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# #
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_tw)), fixef(FE2SLS_tw.fixest)[["county"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(c(0, fixef(FE2SLS_tw, "time", "dfirst"))), fixef(FE2SLS_tw.fixest)[["year"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_tw, "twoways")), FE2SLS_tw.fixest$sumFE, check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# #
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal)), fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.fixest)[["county"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(c(0, fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal, "time", "dfirst"))), fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.fixest)[["year"]], check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# # stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal, "twoways")), FE2SLS_tw_unbal.fixest$sumFE, check.attributes = FALSE))) # no match
# fixef(FE2SLS_id.fixest)
# fixef(FE2SLS_id_unbal.fixest)
# fixef(FE2SLS_ti.fixest)
# fixef(FE2SLS_ti_unbal.fixest)
# fixef(FE2SLS_tw.fixest)[["county"]]
# fixef(FE2SLS_tw.fixest)[["year"]]
# fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.fixest)[["county"]]
# fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.fixest)[["year"]]
# }
# if(lfe.avail) {
# library(lfe) # version 2.8-7
# # check vs. lfe::felm/getfe
# formula_lfe_id <- lcrmrte ~ lprbconv + lprbpris + lavgsen +
# ldensity + lwcon + lwtuc + lwtrd + lwfir +
# lwser + lwmfg + lwfed + lwsta + lwloc + lpctymle |
# county |
# (lprbarr|lpolpc ~ ltaxpc + lmix)
# formula_lfe_ti <- lcrmrte ~ lprbconv + lprbpris + lavgsen +
# ldensity + lwcon + lwtuc + lwtrd + lwfir +
# lwser + lwmfg + lwfed + lwsta + lwloc + lpctymle |
# year |
# (lprbarr|lpolpc ~ ltaxpc + lmix)
# formula_lfe_tw <- lcrmrte ~ lprbconv + lprbpris + lavgsen +
# ldensity + lwcon + lwtuc + lwtrd + lwfir +
# lwser + lwmfg + lwfed + lwsta + lwloc + lpctymle |
# county + year |
# (lprbarr|lpolpc ~ ltaxpc + lmix)
# FE2SLS_id.felm <- lfe::felm(formula_lfe_id, data = Crime)
# FE2SLS_ti.felm <- lfe::felm(formula_lfe_ti, data = Crime)
# FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm <- lfe::felm(formula_lfe_id, data = Crime[delrows, ])
# FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm <- lfe::felm(formula_lfe_ti, data = Crime[delrows, ])
# FE2SLS_tw.felm <- lfe::felm(formula_lfe_tw, data = Crime)
# FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm <- lfe::felm(formula_lfe_tw, data = Crime[delrows, ])
# # same order of coef as other estimations
# FE2SLS_id.felm.coef <- as.numeric(FE2SLS_id.felm$coefficients)
# names(FE2SLS_id.felm.coef) <- rownames(FE2SLS_id.felm$coefficients)
# FE2SLS_id.felm.coef <- FE2SLS_id.felm.coef[c(15, 16, 1:14)]
# FE2SLS_ti.felm.coef <- as.numeric(FE2SLS_ti.felm$coefficients)
# names(FE2SLS_ti.felm.coef) <- rownames(FE2SLS_ti.felm$coefficients)
# FE2SLS_ti.felm.coef <- FE2SLS_ti.felm.coef[c(15, 16, 1:14)]
# FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm.coef <- as.numeric(FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm$coefficients)
# names(FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm.coef) <- rownames(FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm$coefficients)
# FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm.coef <- FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm.coef[c(15, 16, 1:14)]
# FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm.coef <- as.numeric(FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm$coefficients)
# names(FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm.coef) <- rownames(FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm$coefficients)
# FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm.coef <- FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm.coef[c(15, 16, 1:14)]
# FE2SLS_tw.felm.coef <- as.numeric(FE2SLS_tw.felm$coefficients)
# names(FE2SLS_tw.felm.coef) <- rownames(FE2SLS_tw.felm$coefficients)
# FE2SLS_tw.felm.coef <- FE2SLS_tw.felm.coef[c(15, 16, 1:14)]
# FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm.coef <- as.numeric(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm$coefficients)
# names(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm.coef) <- rownames(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm$coefficients)
# FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm.coef <- FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm.coef[c(15, 16, 1:14)]
# # First, check if model estimations are the same
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_id$coefficients, FE2SLS_id.felm.coef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_ti$coefficients, FE2SLS_ti.felm.coef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_id_unbal$coefficients, FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm.coef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_ti_unbal$coefficients, FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm.coef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_tw$coefficients, FE2SLS_tw.felm.coef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(FE2SLS_tw_unbal$coefficients, FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm.coef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# FE2SLS_id.felm_fixef <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_id.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_id.felm)[["fe"]] == "county", 1]
# FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm_fixef <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm)[["fe"]] == "county", 1]
# FE2SLS_ti.felm_fixef <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_ti.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_ti.felm)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm_fixef <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw.felm)[["fe"]] == "county", 1]
# FE2SLS_tw.id_unbal.felm_fixef <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm)[["fe"]] == "county", 1]
# FE2SLS_tw.ti.felm_fixef <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw.felm)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# FE2SLS_tw.ti_unbal.felm_fixef <- lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm)[lfe::getfe(FE2SLS_tw_unbal.felm)[["fe"]] == "year", 1]
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_id)), FE2SLS_id.felm_fixef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_ti)), FE2SLS_ti.felm_fixef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_id_unbal)), FE2SLS_id_unbal.felm_fixef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_ti_unbal)), FE2SLS_ti_unbal.felm_fixef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_tw)),, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(c(0, fixef(FE2SLS_tw, "time", "dfirst"))), FE2SLS_tw.ti.felm_fixef, check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = 10^(-6))))
# # in the unbalanced twoway case, getfe() sets as reference a level depending on the unbalancedness structure
# # -> somewhat arbitrary -> see also
# # for this example, the unbalancedness structure leads to the first time period being the reference
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal)), FE2SLS_tw.id_unbal.felm_fixef, check.attributes = FALSE)))
# stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(c(0, fixef(FE2SLS_tw_unbal, "time", "dfirst"))), FE2SLS_tw.ti_unbal.felm_fixef, check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = 10^(-6))))
# }
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