
Defines functions contour3Drgl image3Drgl text3Drgl rect3Drgl border3Drgl box3Drgl segments3Drgl spheresurf3Drgl surf3Drgl triangle3Drgl voxel3Drgl isosurf3Drgl slicecont3Drgl slice3Drgl lines3Drgl points3Drgl scatter3Drgl hist3Drgl ribbon3Drgl persp3Drgl plot3Dfunrgl

Documented in border3Drgl box3Drgl contour3Drgl hist3Drgl image3Drgl isosurf3Drgl lines3Drgl persp3Drgl points3Drgl rect3Drgl ribbon3Drgl scatter3Drgl segments3Drgl slice3Drgl slicecont3Drgl spheresurf3Drgl surf3Drgl text3Drgl triangle3Drgl voxel3Drgl

plot3Dfunrgl <- function(funcname, ...)  {
  form <- c(names(formals(funcname)), namespersp, "cex", "")
  dots <- list(...)
  plot <- dots$plot
  rep <- dots$rgltype == "rep"
  if (length(rep) == 0)
     rep <- FALSE
  if (! is.null(dots$rgltype)) {
    if (dots$rgltype == "new") {
      dots$new <- TRUE
      dots$add <- FALSE
    } else if (dots$rgltype == "add") {
      dots$add <- TRUE
      dots$new <- FALSE
    } else if (dots$rgltype == "rep") {
      dots$new <- FALSE
      dots$add <- TRUE
      ids <- rgl.ids()
      toreplace <- NULL
      if (funcname%in% c("persp3D", "slice3D","slicecont3D","isosurf3D",
        "surf3D","spheresurf3D","image3D")) toreplace <- "surface"
      else if (funcname%in% c("ribbon3D", "hist3D","box3D","rect3D"))
        toreplace <- "quads"
      else if (funcname%in% c("scatter3D", "points3D", "voxel3D"))
        toreplace <- "points"
      else if (funcname%in% c("lines3D", "segments3D", "border3D", "contour3D"))
        toreplace <- "lines"
      else if (funcname == "text3D")
        toreplace <- "text"
      plist <- getplist()
      plist$imgnr<-plist$img<-plist$segm<-plist$pt<-plist$CIpt<-plist$labels <- NULL
    dots$rgltype <- NULL
  if (is.null(plot))
    plot <- TRUE
  dots$plot <- FALSE
  if (is.null(dots$add))
    dots$add <- FALSE
  nd <- names(dots)
  irgl <- unique(c(which(!nd %in% form ),
            which(nd %in% c("lighting", "smooth"))))
  rgldots <- c(dots[irgl], add = dots$add)

  dots[irgl] <- NULL
    rgldots$new <- FALSE
  do.call(funcname, dots)
  if (rep)
    rgl.pop(type = "shapes", id = ids[ids$type == toreplace, 1])

#  plot3D:::refresh(TRUE)
  if (plot) 
    do.call ("plotrgl", rgldots) 

persp3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("persp3D", ...)
#  Persp3Drgl(...)         # faster
ribbon3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("ribbon3D", ...)
hist3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("hist3D", ...)
scatter3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("scatter3D", ...)
points3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("points3D", ...)
lines3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("lines3D", ...)
slice3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("slice3D", ...)
slicecont3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("slicecont3D", ...)
isosurf3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("isosurf3D", ...)
voxel3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("voxel3D", ...)
triangle3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("triangle3D", ...)
surf3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("surf3D", ...)
spheresurf3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("spheresurf3D", ...)
segments3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("segments3D", ...)
box3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("box3D", ...)
border3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("border3D", ...)
rect3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("rect3D", ...)
text3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("text3D", ...)
image3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("image3D", ...)
contour3Drgl <- function(...)
  plot3Dfunrgl("contour3D", ...)

Try the plot3Drgl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plot3Drgl documentation built on June 17, 2022, 3 p.m.