
# Author: Oscar Perpinan Lamigueiro oscar.perpinan@upm.es
# Date :  June 2011
# Version 0.10
# Licence GPL v3

setGeneric('identifyRaster', function(object, ...){standardGeneric('identifyRaster')})

setMethod('identifyRaster', signature(object='Raster'),
          definition=function(object, layer=1, values=FALSE, pch=13, cex=0.6, col='black',...){
            lay <- layer[1]
            nl <- nlayers(object)

            ## names replace layerNames with raster version 2.0-04
            rasterVersion <- as.character(packageVersion('raster'))
            objNames <- if (compareVersion(rasterVersion, '2.0-04') == -1) layerNames(object) else names(object)

            if (is.character(lay)) lay <- which(lay==objNames)
            if (length(lay)<1 || lay > nl) stop('Incorrect value of layer.')
            prefix <- lattice:::lattice.getStatus('current.prefix')
            ll <- lattice:::lattice.getStatus('current.panel.positions', prefix=prefix)
            trellisObject <- trellis.last.object()
            pnl <- which(ll==lay, arr.ind=TRUE)
            trellis.focus('panel', column=pnl[2], row=pnl[1], ...)
            trellisType <- as.character(trellisObject$call)[1]
            if (trellisType=='splom'){
              idx <- panel.link.splom(pch=pch, cex=cex, col=col,...)
            } else {
              vals <- round(getValues(object), 2)
              if (nl==1) {
                lbl <- vals
              } else {
                lbl <- vals[,lay]
              subs <- seq_len(ncell(object))
              idx <- panel.identify(subscripts=subs, label=lbl, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=col,...)
            if (values) return(suppressWarnings(extract(object, idx))) else return(idx)

chooseRegion <- function(sp=TRUE, proj=CRS('+proj=latlon +ellps=WGS84')){
  if (require(mgcv)){
  trellis.focus('panel', 1, 1)
  x <- trellis.panelArgs()$x
  y <- trellis.panelArgs()$y
  xy <- xy.coords(x, y, recycle = TRUE)
  x <- xy$x
  y <- xy$y
  px <- convertX(unit(x, "native"), "points", TRUE)
  py <- convertY(unit(y, "native"), "points", TRUE)
  pointsData <- cbind(px, py)

  border <- as.numeric()

  while (TRUE){
    ll <- grid.locator(unit='native')
    if (!is.null(ll)){
      lpoints(ll, col='black', cex=0.7, pch=3)
      lx <- convertX(unit(ll$x, 'native'), 'points', FALSE)
      ly <- convertY(unit(ll$y, 'native'), 'points', FALSE)
      border <- rbind(border, c(lx, ly))
    } else {    

  inside <- in.out(border, pointsData)
  pointsInside <- data.frame(xin=x[inside], yin=y[inside])
  spPoints <- SpatialPoints(coords=pointsInside, proj4string=proj)

  ## spPoints <- list('sp.points', pointsInside, cex=0.5)
  ## print(update(trellis.last.object(), sp.layout=spPoints))

  print(trellis.last.object() + layer(lpoints(xin, yin), data=pointsInside))
  if (sp) return(spPoints) else return(pointsInside)
  } else {
    stop("to use chooseRegion you need to install the 'mgcv' package")

Try the rasterVis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rasterVis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 p.m.