
#' The CONRPC class
#' S4-class for curl connections to RPC-JSON. 
#' The slots \code{rpcuse} and \code{rpcpwd} are required in the call
#' to \code{curl}. Furthermore, the fully qualified path to
#' \code{bitcoin.conf} (slot \code{config}) is required for starting
#' and stopping \code{bitcoind} as daemon. 
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name CONRPC-class 
#' @rdname CONRPC-class
#' @export
setClass("CONRPC", representation = list(
                       rpcuse = "character",
                       rpcpwd = "character",
                       testnet = "logical",
                       url = "character",
                       config = "character")
#' @title S4 Class Union NULL or character
#' @description
#' S4-class union of \code{NULL} or \code{character}.
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name NullOrCharacter-class 
#' @rdname NullOrCharacter-class
#' @export
setClassUnion(name = "NullOrCharacter",
              members = c("character", "NULL"))
#' @title S4 Class Union NULL or integer
#' @description
#' S4-class union of \code{NULL} or \code{integer}.
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name NullOrInteger-class 
#' @rdname NullOrInteger-class
#' @export
setClassUnion(name = "NullOrInteger",
              members = c("integer", "NULL"))
#' @title The ANSRPC class
#' @description
#' This class definition is employed to cast the JSON-objects
#' returned by API-calls to bitcoind.
#' @slot rpcname \code{character} the name of the API.
#' @slot result \code{ANY} the output/result of the API.
#' @slot ecode \code{NullOrInteger} the error code,
#' in case of no error \code{NULL}.
#' @slot emessage \code{NullOrIntegerCharacter} the error message,
#' in case of no error \code{NULL}.
#' @slot id \code{character} identifier to API-call.
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name ANSRPC-class
#' @rdname ANSRPC-class
#' @export
setClass("ANSRPC", representation = list(
                       rpcname = "character",
                       result = "ANY",
                       ecode = "NullOrInteger",
                       emessage = "NullOrCharacter",
                       id = "character")
#' @title The ECPARAM class
#' @description
#' S4-class for elliptic curve parameters. 
#' Objects of this class do contain the big integer parameters of
#' elliptic curves. Instances of this class are ordinarily created
#' by a call to \code{exparam}
#' @slot p \code{bigz}, curve dimension.
#' @slot a \code{bigz}, parameter.
#' @slot b \code{bigz}, parameter.
#' @family EllipticCurve
#' @references \url{https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Secp256k1}
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name ECPARAM-class 
#' @rdname ECPARAM-class
#' @export
setClass("ECPARAM", representation = list(
                        p = "bigz",
                        a = "bigz",
                        b = "bigz"))
#' @title S4 Class Union ECPARAM or NULL
#' @description
#' S4-class union of \code{NULL} or \code{ECPARAM}.
#' @family EllipticCurve
#' @references \url{https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Secp256k1}
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name EcparamOrNull-class 
#' @rdname EcparamOrNull-class
#' @export
setClassUnion(name = "EcparamOrNull",
              members = c("ECPARAM", "NULL"))

#' @title S4 Class ECPOINT
#' @description
#' S4-class for a point on an elliptic curve.
#' Ordinarily, objects are created by calling
#' \code{ecpoint}.
#' @slot ecparam \code{ECPARAM}
#' @slot x \code{bigz}
#' @slot y \code{bigz}
#' @slot r \code{bigz}
#' @family EllipticCurve
#' @references \url{https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Secp256k1}
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @name ECPOINT-class 
#' @rdname ECPOINT-class
#' @export
setClass("ECPOINT", representation = list(
                        ecparam = "EcparamOrNull",
                        x = "bigz",
                        y = "bigz",
                        r = "bigz"))

#' Validate S4-class BTCADR
#' This function validates objects of S4-class
#' \code{BTCADR}. Hereby, checks are conducted
#' with respect to the first character of the addresses;
#' their consistency with the net version and
#' the correspondence of the checksums.
#' @param object \code{BTCADR} object
#' @family BtcAdresses
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Address}
#' @name validBtcAdr 
#' @rdname validBtcAdr
#' @export
validBtcAdr <- function(object){
    errors <- character()
    s <- unlist(strsplit("0123456789ABCDEF", ""))
    # checks for private key
    lprivkey <- nchar(object@privkey)
    if (!identical(lprivkey, 64L)){
        msg <- paste0("Private key must have 64 characters in total,\n",
                      "but contains ",
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    cprivkey <- all(sapply(unlist(strsplit(object@privkey, "")),
                           function(x) x %in% s)
    if (!cprivkey){
        msg <- paste0("Private key must only contain the symbols:\n",
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    pk <- Wif2PrivKey(object@wif)
    if (!identical(pk, object@privkey)){
        msg <- paste0("Private key and WIF do not coincice.")
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    # checks for 1st character in WIF PubHash & BtcAdr
    fcwif <- substr(object@wif, 1, 1)
    fcpubhash <- substr(object@pubhash, 1, 2)
    fcbtcadr <- substr(object@btcadr, 1, 1)
    if (object@mainnet){
        check1st <- identical(fcwif, "5")
        if (!check1st){
            msg <- paste0("WIF must start with '5' for mainnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
        check1st <- identical(fcpubhash, "00")
        if (!check1st){
            msg <- paste0("Hashed public key must start with '00'\n",
                          "for mainnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
        check1st <- identical(fcbtcadr, "1")
        if (!check1st){
            msg <- paste0("BTC address must start with '1'\n",
                          "for mainnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
    } else {
        check1st <- identical(fcwif, "9")
        if (!check1st){
            msg <- paste0("WIF must start with '9'\n",
                          "for testnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
        check1st <- identical(fcpubhash, "6F")
        if (!check1st){
            msg <- paste0("Hashed public key  must start with '6F'\n",
                          "for testnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
        check1st <- (fcbtcadr == "n") || (fcbtcadr == "m")
        if (!check1st){
            msg <- paste0("BTC address must start with 'n/m'\n",
                          "for testnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
    # checks on WIF
    lwif <- nchar(object@wif)
    if (!identical(lwif, 51L)){
        msg <- paste0("WIF must have 51 characters in total,\n",
                      "but contains ",
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    wifd <- base58CheckDecode(object@wif)
    n <- length(wifd) - 4L
    checksum1 <- utils::tail(wifd, 4)
    wiff <- wifd[1:n]
    wifh <- hash256(wiff)
    checksum2 <- wifh[1:4]
    if (!all(checksum1 == checksum2)){
        msg <- paste0("WIF checksum checking error.\n")
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    wifnet <- as.character(wifd[1])
    if (object@mainnet){
        if (!identical(wifnet, "80")){
            msg <- paste0("WIF ist not compliant with mainnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
    } else {
        if (!identical(wifnet, "ef")){
            msg <- paste0("WIF ist not compliant with testnet.\n")
            errors <- c(errors, msg)
    # checks on public key
    fcpubkey <- substr(object@pubkey, 1, 2)
    if (!identical(fcpubkey, "04")){
        msg <- paste0("512-bit public key must start with '04'.\n")
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    cpubkey <- all(sapply(unlist(strsplit(object@pubkey, "")),
                           function(x) x %in% s)
    if (!cpubkey){
        msg <- paste0("512-bit public key must only contain the symbols:\n",
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    lpubkey <- length(decodeHex(object@pubkey)[-1])
    if (!identical(lpubkey, 64L)){
        msg <- paste0("Public key must be 65 byte long:\n",
                      "leading byte, 32 bytes x- and 32-bytes y.\n")
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    # checks on public hash
    lpubhash <- nchar(object@pubhash)
    if (!identical(lpubhash, 50L)){
        msg <- paste0("Hash of public key must be 50 characters long.\n")
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    cpubhash <- all(sapply(unlist(strsplit(object@pubhash, "")),
                           function(x) x %in% s)
    if (!cpubhash){
        msg <- paste0("Hash of public key must only contain the symbols:\n",
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    # checks on BTC address
    lbtcadr <- nchar(object@btcadr) - 1L
    if ( (lbtcadr < 25) || (lbtcadr > 33)){
        msg <- paste0("BTC address must contain 25-33 symbols\n",
                      "excluding leading byte (1 or n/m).\n")
        errors <- c(errors, msg)
    # return validation result
    if (length(errors) == 0L){
    } else {
#' @title S4 class BTCADR
#' @description
#' S4-class for BTC addresses, ordinarily created
#' by a call to \code{createBtcAdr()}.
#' @slot privkey \code{character}, the private key. 
#' @slot wif \code{character}, the WIF.
#' @slot pubkey \code{character}, the 512-bit public key.
#' @slot pubhash \code{character}, the hashed public key.
#' @slot btcadr \code{character}, the BTC address.
#' @slot mainnet \code{logical}, whether mainnet or testnet.
#' @family BtcAdresses
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Address}
#' @name BTCADR-class 
#' @rdname BTCADR-class
#' @export
         representation = list(
             privkey = "character",
             wif = "character",
             pubkey = "character",
             pubhash = "character",
             btcadr = "character",
             mainnet = "logical"),
         validity = validBtcAdr)
#' @title show-methods
#' @description Defined \code{show}-methods for S4-classes.
#' @param object a S4-class object.
#' @name show
#' @aliases show,ANSRPC-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname show-methods
setMethod("show", signature = "ANSRPC",
          definition = function(object){
              if (is.null(slot(object, "ecode")) &&
                  is.null(slot(object, "emessage"))){
                  ans <- slot(object, "result")
                  if (is.character(ans)){
                  } else {
              } else {
                  cat(paste("The API:", object@rpcname,
                            "returned the following error:\n"))
                  cat(paste("Error code:", object@ecode, "\n"))
                  cat(paste("Error codemessage:\n", object@emessage, "\n"))
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,BTCADR-method
setMethod("show", signature = "BTCADR",
          definition = function(object){
              net <- "Testnet"
              if (object@mainnet){
                  net <- "Mainnet"
                        "bitcoin addresses:\n"))
              cat(paste("Private key:\n",
                        object@privkey, "\n"))
              cat(paste("Wallet import format:\n",
                        object@wif, "\n"))
              cat(paste("512-bit public key:\n",
                        object@pubkey, "\n"))
              cat(paste("Hashed public key:\n",
                        object@pubhash, "\n"))
              cat(paste("BTC address:\n",
                        object@btcadr, "\n"))
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,ECPARAM-method
setMethod("show", signature = "ECPARAM",
          definition = function(object){
              cat("Curve parameters (in hex):\n")
              cat(paste("p:", as.character(object@p, b = 16), "\n"))
              cat(paste("a:", as.character(object@a, b = 16), "\n"))
              cat(paste("b:", as.character(object@b, b = 16), "\n"))

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