
## rf constructor/methods

.create_rf_config <- function( db_name, db_user, db_password, svn_root, tmp_dir,
                               db_con = NULL, db_table_base = "rf_package_db",
                               db_table_repository = "rf_repository_db" ){
  structure( list(db_name             = db_name,
                  db_user             = db_user,
                  db_password         = db_password,
                  svn_root            = svn_root,
                  tmp_dir             = tmp_dir,
                  db_con              = db_con,
                  db_table_base       = db_table_base,
                  db_table_repository = db_table_repository),
             class = "rf" )

print.rf <- function( x, ... ){
  writeLines("R-Forge service configuration.")

rf_standard_fields <- function()
  c( "db_name", "db_user", "db_password", "db_table_base", "db_table_repository",
     "svn_root", "tmp_dir" )

rf_write_configuration <- function( rfc, file, fields = NULL, ... ){
  fields <- unique(rf_standard_fields(), fields)
  conf <- matrix(sapply(fields, function(x) rfc[[x]]), nrow = 1)
  colnames(conf) <- fields
  write.dcf( conf, file = file, ... )
  writeLines( sprintf("Database configuration written to '%s'", file) )

rf_read_configuration <- function( file, fields = NULL, ... ){
  conf <- read.dcf( file   = file,
                    fields = unique(rf_standard_fields(), fields), ... )
  .create_rf_config( db_name     = as.character(conf[, "db_name"]),
                     db_user     = as.character(conf[, "db_user"]),
                     db_password = as.character(conf[, "db_password"]),
                     svn_root    = as.character(conf[, "svn_root"]),
                     tmp_dir     = as.character(conf[, "tmp_dir"]),
                     db_table_base = as.character(conf[, "db_table_base"]),
                     db_table_repository = as.character(conf[, "db_table_repository"]),

.rf_get_tmp <- function( rfc ){

.rf_get_svn_root <- function( rfc ){

.rf_get_base_table <- function( rfc ){

## Connect/disconnect to rf DB

rf_connect <- function( rfc ){
  stopifnot( inherits(rfc, "rf") )
  rfc$db_con <- DBI::dbConnect( RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(),
                           dbname   = rfc$db_name,
                           user     = rfc$db_user,
                           password = rfc$db_password )

rf_disconnect <- function( rfc ){
  stopifnot( inherits(rfc, "rf") )
  DBI::dbDisconnect( rf_get_db_con(rfc) )
  rfc$db_con <- NULL

rf_get_db_con <- function( rfc ){
  stopifnot( inherits(rfc, "rf") )

## rf DB sanity check

.check_rf_for_sanity <- function( rfc ){
  if( !.check_available_entries(rfc) )
    stop( sprintf("necessary entries missing in config. All of '%s' are needed",
                 paste(rf_standard_fields(), collapse = ", ")) )
  rfc <- tryCatch( rf_connect( rfc ), error = identity )
  if( inherits(rfc, "error") )
    stop( sprintf("db connection error: %s", rfc$message) )
  rf_disconnect( rfc )
  invisible( TRUE )

.check_available_entries <- function( rfc )
  all( rf_standard_fields() %in% names(rfc) )

## rf DB insert schema

## Sample schema (old):

##        Table "public.plugin_rforge_package_db"
##     Column      |           Type           | Modifiers
## pkg_name        | character varying(255)   | not null
## unix_group_name | character varying(30)    | not null
## version         | character varying(30)    |
## title           | text                     |
## description     | text                     |
## author          | text                     |
## license         | text                     |
## pkg_date        | date                     |
## last_change     | timestamp with time zone |
## rev             | integer                  |
## maintainer      | text                     |
## external_url    | text                     |
## cran_release    | text                     |
##    "plugin_rforge_package_db_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (pkg_name)
##    "plugin_rforge_package_db_unixgn" btree (unix_group_name)

rf_db_insert_schema <- function( rfc, config_file ){
  .check_rf_for_sanity( rfc )
  rfc <- .db_add_base_table( rfc )
  .db_add_repository_table( rfc )

.db_add_base_table <- function( rfc ){
  rfc <- rf_connect( rfc )
  sql <- sprintf('
    pkg_name character varying(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    unix_group_name character varying(30) NOT NULL,
    revision integer,
    version character varying(30),
    last_change timestamp with time zone,
    title text,
    description text,
    maintainer text,
    author text,
    license text,
    pkg_date date,
    external_url text )', table)
  DBI::dbSendQuery( rf_get_db_con(rfc), sql )
  sql <- sprintf( 'CREATE INDEX %s_unixgn ON %s (unix_group_name)', table, table )
  DBI::dbSendQuery( rf_get_db_con(rfc), sql )
  rfc <- rf_disconnect( rfc )
  rfc$rf_table <- table

## information about packages also hosted on other repositories (CRAN, bioc, etc.)
.db_add_repository_table <- function( rfc ){
  rfc <- rf_connect( rfc )
  sql <- sprintf('
    pkg_name character varying(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    repository integer,
    version character varying(30),
    last_change timestamp with time zone )', table)
  DBI::dbSendQuery( rf_get_db_con(rfc), sql )
  rfc <- rf_disconnect( rfc )
  rfc$rf_table_repository <- table

.db_drop_table <- function( rfc, table ){
  stopifnot( !is.null(table) )
  rfc <- rf_connect( rfc )
  DBI::dbSendQuery( rf_get_db_con(rfc),
               sprintf("DROP TABLE %s", as.character(table)) )
  rf_disconnect( rfc )

## Install rf DB on new system

## has to be run as user postgres or equivalent privileged user on the target system
rf_db_install <- function( con, config_file ){
  if( missing(config_file) )
    config_file <- Sys.getenv("_RF_CONFIG_")

  if( file.exists(config_file) ){
    rfc <- rf_read_configuration( file = config_file )
    if( inherits(tryCatch(.check_rf_for_sanity( rfc ), error = identity), "error") ){
      stopifnot( any(is.null(rfc$db_name), is.null(rfc$db_user), is.null(rfc$db_password)) )
      rfc <- .create_new_rf_db( con,
                               db_name = as.character(rfc$db_name),
                               db_user = as.character(rfc$db_user),
                               db_password = as.character(rfc$db_password) )
  } else {
    stopifnot( file.create(config_file) )
    rfc <- .create_new_rf_db( con )

  rf_write_configuration( rfc, file = config_file )
  invisible( TRUE )

.create_new_rf_db <- function( con,
                               db_name = "rf",
                               db_user = "rforge",
                               db_password = paste(sample(c(LETTERS, letters, 0:9), 10,
                                 replace = TRUE), collapse = "") ){
  if( any(unlist(DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT datname FROM pg_database")) %in% db_name) )
    warning( sprintf("database '%s' already exists. skipping creation...", db_name) )
    DBI::dbSendQuery(con, sprintf("CREATE DATABASE %s", db_name))
  if( any(unlist(DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT usename FROM pg_user")) %in% db_user) )
    warning( sprintf("user '%s' already exists. skipping creation...", db_user) )
  else {
    DBI::dbSendQuery( con, sprintf("CREATE USER %s WITH PASSWORD '%s'", db_user, db_password) )
    DBI::dbSendQuery( con, sprintf("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE %s TO %s", db_name, db_user) )
    writeLines( sprintf("NOTE: database '%s' has been created and all privileges were granted to user '%s'.", db_name, db_user) )
  writeLines( sprintf("NOTE: Database '%s' initialized.", db_name) )
  rfc <- .create_rf_config( db_name, db_user, db_password )
  .check_rf_for_sanity( rfc )

## Use those functions with care
rf_db_remove <- function( con, rfc, force = FALSE ){
  invisible( .delete_rf_db(con, rfc, as.logical(force)) )

.delete_rf_db <- function( con, rfc, force = FALSE ){
  if( !force )
  stop( "disabled function. Too dangerous." )
  DBI::dbSendQuery( con, sprintf("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE %s FROM %s",
                            rfc$db_user) )
  DBI::dbSendQuery( con, sprintf("DROP DATABASE %s", rfc$db_name) )
  DBI::dbSendQuery( con, sprintf("DROP USER %s", rfc$db_user) )

Try the rfTools package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rfTools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 p.m.