
Defines functions RGEOSUnionCascaded RGEOSLineMerge RGEOSPointOnSurface RGEOSGetCentroid RGEOSBoundary RGEOSConvexHull RGEOSEnvelope gNode gDelaunayTriangulation gUnaryUnion gMaximumInscribedCircle gMinumumRotatedRectangle gCoverageUnion gMakeValid gUnionCascaded gLineMerge gPointOnSurface gCentroid gBoundary gConvexHull gEnvelope TopologyFunc gPolygonize gSimplify

Documented in gBoundary gCentroid gConvexHull gCoverageUnion gDelaunayTriangulation gEnvelope gLineMerge gMakeValid gMaximumInscribedCircle gMinumumRotatedRectangle gNode gPointOnSurface gPolygonize gSimplify gUnaryUnion gUnionCascaded RGEOSBoundary RGEOSConvexHull RGEOSEnvelope RGEOSGetCentroid RGEOSLineMerge RGEOSPointOnSurface RGEOSUnionCascaded

gSimplify = function(spgeom, tol, topologyPreserve=FALSE) {

    if (is.na(topologyPreserve))
	stop("Invalid value for topologyPreserve, must be logical")
    if (inherits(spgeom, "SpatialPolygons") && get_do_poly_check() && notAllComments(spgeom)) 
        spgeom <- createSPComment(spgeom)
    id = row.names(spgeom)
    return( .Call("rgeos_simplify", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, tol, id, FALSE, topologyPreserve, PACKAGE="rgeos") )

gPolygonize = function( splist, getCutEdges=FALSE) {
	if (!is.list(splist))
		splist = list(splist)
        if (!all(sapply(splist, inherits, "SpatialLines")))
            stop("list of SpatialLines object required")

	p4slist = lapply(splist,function(x) x@proj4string)
#        splist <- lapply(splist, function(s) {
#            if (inherits(s, "SpatialPolygons") && get_do_poly_check() && notAllComments(s)) {
#                createSPComment(s)
#            } else {
#                s
#            }
#        })
	p4s = p4slist[[1]]
	if (length(p4slist) != 1) {
		for(i in 2:length(p4slist)) {
			if (!identical(p4s, p4slist[[i]]))
				stop("spgeoms in splist have different proj4strings")

	getCutEdges = as.logical(getCutEdges)
	if (is.na(getCutEdges))
		stop("Invalid value for getCutEdges, must be logical")
	nid = sum(sapply(splist, function(x) sapply(slot(x, "lines"),
            function(y) length(slot(y, "Lines")))))
#           sum(sapply(splist,function(x) length(unlist(row.names(x)))))
    id = as.character(1:nid)

    return( .Call("rgeos_polygonize", .RGEOS_HANDLE, splist, id, p4s,
									getCutEdges, PACKAGE="rgeos") )

TopologyFunc = function(spgeom, id, byid, func) {
#    byid = as.logical(byid)
    if (is.na(byid)) 
        stop("Invalid value for byid, must be logical")
    curids = unique(row.names(spgeom))
    if (is.null(id)) {
        if (byid)   id = curids
        else        id = "1"
    id = as.character(id)

    if (inherits(spgeom, "SpatialPolygons") && get_do_poly_check() && notAllComments(spgeom)) spgeom <- createSPComment(spgeom)
    if ( length(id) != length(unique(id)) )
        stop("Non-unique values for id ")
    if ( !(!byid && length(id) == 1) && !(byid && length(id) == length(curids)) )
        stop("Invalid number of values in id" ) 
    if (func == "rgeos_envelope")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_envelope", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_convexhull")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_convexhull", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_boundary")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_boundary", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_getcentroid")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_getcentroid", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_pointonsurface")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_pointonsurface", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_unioncascaded")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_unioncascaded", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_makevalid")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_makevalid", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_makevalidparams")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_makevalidparams", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_coverageunion")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_coverageunion", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_minimumrotatedrectangle")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_minimumrotatedrectangle", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, id, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else stop("no such function:", func)

    return( x )

gEnvelope = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom,id,byid,"rgeos_envelope") ) 
gConvexHull = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom,id,byid,"rgeos_convexhull") ) 
gBoundary = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
     return( TopologyFunc(spgeom,id,byid,"rgeos_boundary") ) 
gCentroid = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom,id,byid,"rgeos_getcentroid") ) 
gPointOnSurface = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom,id,byid,"rgeos_pointonsurface") ) 
gLineMerge = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
#    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom,id,byid,"rgeos_linemerge") ) 
    if (!inherits(spgeom,"SpatialLines"))
        stop("Invalid geometry, may only be applied to lines")
    spgeom <- as(spgeom, "SpatialLines")
    if (is.null(id))
        id = rep("1",length(row.names(spgeom)))

#    if (any(is.na(id))) stop("No NAs permitted in id")

    ids <- split(1:length(id), id)
    out <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ids))
    for (i in seq(along.with=ids)) {
        out[[i]] <- .Call("rgeos_linemerge", .RGEOS_HANDLE,
        spgeom[ids[[i]]], names(ids)[i], FALSE, PACKAGE="rgeos") 
    res <- do.call("rbind.SpatialLines", out)

gUnionCascaded = function(spgeom, id = NULL) {
    if (!inherits(spgeom,"SpatialPolygons"))
        stop("Invalid geometry, may only be applied to polygons")
    spgeom <- as(spgeom, "SpatialPolygons")

    if (is.null(id))
        id = rep("1",length(row.names(spgeom)))

#    if (any(is.na(id))) stop("No NAs permitted in id")

    if (get_do_poly_check() && notAllComments(spgeom)) spgeom <- createSPComment(spgeom)

    ids <- split(1:length(id), id)
    sl <- sapply(ids, length)
    out <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ids))
    for (i in seq(along.with=ids)) {
        out[[i]] <- TopologyFunc(groupID(spgeom[ids[[i]]], id[ids[[i]]]),
            names(ids)[i], TRUE, "rgeos_unioncascaded")
    res <- do.call("rbind.SpatialPolygons", out)


gMakeValid = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL, original=NULL, keepCollapsed=NULL) {

    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.8.0")
        stop("No UnaryUnion in this version of GEOS")
    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.10.0") {
        return( TopologyFunc(spgeom, id, byid, "rgeos_makevalid") ) 
    } else {
        if (is.null(original)) {
            envvar <- Sys.getenv("GEOS_MAKE_VALID")
            if (nzchar(envvar)) {
                original <- TRUE
                if (envvar == "STRUCTURE") original <- FALSE
            } else {
                original <- TRUE
        if (original) {
            keepCollapsed <- FALSE
        } else {
            if(is.null(keepCollapsed)) {
                envvar <- Sys.getenv("GEOS_MAKE_VALID_KEEPCOLLAPSED")
                if (nzchar(envvar)) {
                    keepCollapsed <- FALSE
                    if (envvar == "TRUE") keepCollapsed <- TRUE
                } else {
                    keepCollapsed <- FALSE
        attr(byid, "original") <- original
        attr(byid, "keepCollapsed") <- keepCollapsed
        return( TopologyFunc(spgeom, id, byid, "rgeos_makevalidparams") ) 

gCoverageUnion = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {

    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.8.0")
        stop("No CoverageUnion in this version of GEOS")
    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom, id, byid, "rgeos_coverageunion") ) 


gMinumumRotatedRectangle <- function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {

    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.9.0")
        stop("No MinumumRotatedRectangle in this version of GEOS")
    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom, id, byid, "rgeos_minimumrotatedrectangle") ) 


gMaximumInscribedCircle <- function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL, tol=.Machine$double.eps^(1/2), checkValidity=NULL) {    

    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.9.0")
        stop("No MaximumInscribedCircle in this version of GEOS")

    if (!inherits(spgeom,"SpatialPolygons"))
        stop("Invalid geometry, may only be applied to polygons")

    byid = as.logical(byid)
    if (is.na(byid)) 
        stop("Invalid value for byid, must be logical")

    if (is.null(checkValidity)) checkValidity <- get_RGEOS_CheckValidity()
    if(checkValidity > 0L) {
        val1 <- isTRUE(all(gIsValid(spgeom, byid=TRUE)))
        nm_1 <- deparse(substitute(spgeom))
        if (!val1) message(nm_1, " is invalid")
        if (checkValidity == 1L && !all(val1)) warning("Invalid objects found; consider using set_RGEOS_CheckValidity(2L)")
        if (checkValidity == 2L) {
            if (!val1) {
                spgeom <- gBuffer(spgeom, byid=TRUE, width=0.0)
                message("Attempting to make ", nm_1, " valid by zero-width buffering")
                if (!isTRUE(all(gIsValid(spgeom, byid=TRUE)))) stop("Zero width buffer repair of spgeom1 failed")

    spgeom <- as(spgeom, "SpatialPolygons")
    curids = unique(row.names(spgeom))
    if (is.null(id)) {
        if (byid)   id = curids
        else        id = "1"
    id = as.character(id)

#    if (any(is.na(id))) stop("No NAs permitted in id")

    if (get_do_poly_check() && notAllComments(spgeom)) spgeom <- createSPComment(spgeom)

    .Call("rgeos_maximuminscribedcircle", .RGEOS_HANDLE,
        spgeom, id, byid, tol, PACKAGE="rgeos")

#    return( TopologyFunc(spgeom, id, byid, tol, "rgeos_maximuminscribedcircle") ) 


gUnaryUnion = function(spgeom, id = NULL, checkValidity=NULL) {

    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.3.0")
        stop("No UnaryUnion in this version of GEOS")
    if (!inherits(spgeom,"SpatialPolygons"))
        stop("Invalid geometry, may only be applied to polygons")

    if (is.null(checkValidity)) checkValidity <- get_RGEOS_CheckValidity()
    if(checkValidity > 0L) {
        val1 <- isTRUE(all(gIsValid(spgeom, byid=TRUE)))
        nm_1 <- deparse(substitute(spgeom))
        if (!val1) message(nm_1, " is invalid")
        if (checkValidity == 1L && !all(val1)) warning("Invalid objects found; consider using set_RGEOS_CheckValidity(2L)")
        if (checkValidity == 2L) {
            if (!val1) {
                spgeom <- gBuffer(spgeom, byid=TRUE, width=0.0)
                message("Attempting to make ", nm_1, " valid by zero-width buffering")
                if (!isTRUE(all(gIsValid(spgeom, byid=TRUE)))) stop("Zero width buffer repair of spgeom1 failed")

    spgeom <- as(spgeom, "SpatialPolygons")
    if (is.null(id))
        id = rep("1",length(row.names(spgeom)))

#    if (any(is.na(id))) stop("No NAs permitted in id")

    if (get_do_poly_check() && notAllComments(spgeom)) spgeom <- createSPComment(spgeom)

    ids <- split(1:length(id), id)
    out <- vector(mode="list", length=length(ids))
    for (i in seq(along.with=ids)) {
        out[[i]] <- .Call("rgeos_unaryunion", .RGEOS_HANDLE,
        spgeom[ids[[i]]], names(ids)[i], FALSE, PACKAGE="rgeos") 
    res <- do.call("rbind.SpatialPolygons", out)

gDelaunayTriangulation <- function(spgeom, tolerance=0.0, onlyEdges=FALSE) {

    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.4.0")
        stop("No DelaunayTriangulation in this version of GEOS")

    if (!inherits(spgeom, "SpatialPoints"))
        stop("Invalid geometry, may only be applied to points")
    if (nrow(zerodist(spgeom)) > 0)
        stop("duplicate points not permitted")
    stopifnot(length(tolerance) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(onlyEdges) == 1)

    .Call("rgeos_delaunaytriangulation", .RGEOS_HANDLE,
        spgeom, tolerance, onlyEdges, PACKAGE="rgeos")

gNode <- function(spgeom){

    if (version_GEOS0() < "3.4.0")
        stop("No noding in this version of GEOS")

    if (!inherits(spgeom, "SpatialLines"))
        stop("Invalid geometry, may only be applied to lines")

    .Call("rgeos_node", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, PACKAGE="rgeos")


RGEOSEnvelope = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( gEnvelope(spgeom, id, byid) )
RGEOSConvexHull = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( gConvexHull(spgeom, id, byid) )
RGEOSBoundary = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( gBoundary(spgeom, id, byid) )
RGEOSGetCentroid = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( gCentroid(spgeom, id, byid) )
RGEOSPointOnSurface = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( gPointOnSurface(spgeom, id, byid) )
RGEOSLineMerge = function(spgeom, byid=FALSE, id = NULL) {
    return( gLineMerge(spgeom, id, byid) )
RGEOSUnionCascaded = function(spgeom, id = NULL) {
    return( gUnionCascaded(spgeom, id) )

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rgeos documentation built on July 9, 2023, 3:08 p.m.