DoubleRule-class: Class '"DoubleRule"'

Description Slots Methods See Also


A class for rules operating on two elements of a numeric sequence. It is a virtual class - so no objects of this class are generated. All classes for specific rules operating on two arguiments (ex. AddDoubleRule,DivDoubleRule etc.) inherit from class DoubleRule.



Object of class "SingleRule" SingleRule to be executed on the first element of numeric sequence (before the DoubleRule). This doesn't need to be specified.


Object of class "SingleRule" SingleRule to be executed on the second element of numeric sequence (before the DoubleRule). This doesn't need to be specified.


Object of class "SingleRule" SingleRule to be executed on the result of DoubleRule. This doesn't need to be specified.


Object of class "character" Object of class "character" S3 methods apply for these objects



signature(x = "DoubleRule", y = "numeric", z = "numeric"): ...

See Also

doubleRules, AddDoubleRule, MultDoubleRule, createSR, createDR

ruleR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 p.m.