calculateSpecific-methods: ~~ Methods for Function 'calculateSpecific' ~~

Description Methods


Methods for executing specified rules dedicated for every basic rule separately.


signature(x = "AddConstSingleRule", y = "numeric", z = "ANY")

method to execute rules on objects of class AddConstSingleRule

signature(x = "AddDoubleRule", y = "numeric", z = "numeric")

method to execute rules on objects of class AddDoubleRule

signature(x = "DigSumSingleRule", y = "numeric", z = "ANY")

method to execute rules on objects of class DigSumSingleRule

signature(x = "DivDoubleRule", y = "numeric", z = "numeric")

method to execute rules on objects of class DivDoubleRule

signature(x = "ExpDoubleRule", y = "numeric", z = "numeric")

method to execute rules on objects of class ExpDoubleRule

signature(x = "IdenSingleRule", y = "numeric", z = "ANY")

method to execute rules on objects of class IdenSingleRule

signature(x = "ModuloDoubleRule", y = "numeric", z = "numeric")

method to execute rules on objects of class ModuloDoubleRule

signature(x = "MultConstSingleRule", y = "numeric", z = "ANY")

method to execute rules on objects of class MultConstSingleRule

signature(x = "MultDoubleRule", y = "numeric", z = "numeric")

method to execute rules on objects of class MultDoubleRule

signature(x = "NegativeSingleRule", y = "numeric", z = "ANY")

method to execute rules on objects of class NegativeSingleRule

signature(x = "SingleRule", y = "numeric", z = "ANY")

method to execute rules on objects of class SingleRule

signature(x = "SubsConstSingleRule", y = "numeric", z = "ANY")

method to execute rules on objects of class SubsConstSingleRule

signature(x = "SubsDoubleRule", y = "numeric", z = "numeric")

method to execute rules on objects of class SubsDoubleRule

ruleR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 p.m.