
# horizon checking may be too strict

fetchPedonPC <- function(dsn) {
	# load data in pieces
	site_data <- get_site_data_from_pedon_db(dsn)
	hz_data <- get_hz_data_from_pedon_db(dsn)
	color_data <- get_colors_from_pedon_db(dsn)
	extended_data <- get_extended_data_from_pedon_db(dsn)
	# join pieces
	# horizon + hz color: all horizons
	h <- join(hz_data, color_data, by='phiid', type='left')
	# convert colors... in the presence of missing color data
	h$soil_color <- NA
	idx <- complete.cases(h$m_r)
	h$soil_color[idx] <- with(h[idx, ], rgb(m_r, m_g, m_b)) # moist colors
	# replace horizons with hz + fragment summary
	h <- join(h, extended_data$frag_summary, by='phiid', type='left')
	# fix some common problems
	# replace missing lower boundaries
	message('replacing missing lower horizon boundaries ...')
	missing.lower.depth.idx <- which(!is.na(h$hzdept) & is.na(h$hzdepb))
	h$hzdepb[missing.lower.depth.idx] <- h$hzdept[missing.lower.depth.idx] + 1

	# test for bad horizonation... flag, and remove
	cat('finding horizonation errors ...\n')
	h.test <- ddply(h, 'peiid', test_hz_logic, topcol='hzdept', bottomcol='hzdepb', strict=TRUE)
	# which are the good (valid) ones?
	good.pedon.ids <- as.character(h.test$peiid[which(h.test$hz_logic_pass)])
	bad.pedon.ids <- as.character(h.test$pedon_id[which(!h.test$hz_logic_pass)])
	# keep the good ones
	h <- h[which(h$peiid %in% good.pedon.ids), ]
	# upgrade to SoilProfilecollection
	depths(h) <- peiid ~ hzdept + hzdepb

	## TODO: this is slow
	# move pedon_id into @site, this will be used to join full table of site data
	site(h) <- ~ pedon_id
	## TODO: this will fail in the presence of duplicates
	# add site data to object
	site_data$pedon_id <- NULL # remove 'pedon_id' column from site_data
	site(h) <- site_data # left-join via peiid
	# load diagnostic horizons into @diagnostic
	diagnostic_hz(h) <- extended_data$diagnostic

	# add diagnostic boolean data into @site
	site(h) <- extended_data$diagHzBoolean

	### TODO: consider moving this into the extended data function ###
	# load best-guess optimal records from taxhistory
	# method is added to the new field called 'selection_method'
	best.tax.data <- ddply(extended_data$taxhistory, 'peiid', .pickBestTaxHistory)
	site(h) <- best.tax.data
  # join-in landform string
  lf <- ddply(extended_data$geomorph, 'peiid', .formatLandformString, name.sep='|')
  if(nrow(lf) > 0)
    site(h) <- lf
	# 7. save and mention bad pedons
	assign('bad.pedon.ids', value=bad.pedon.ids, envir=soilDB.env)
	if(length(bad.pedon.ids) > 0)
		message("horizon errors detected, use `get('bad.pedon.ids', envir=soilDB.env)` for a list of pedon IDs")
	# done

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soilDB documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:17 p.m.