
# This code tests the psd-fitting functions


context('Test the fitting of distributions')

# Do not run this test automatically as compilation can fail on other 
# computers (e.g. when the gsl is absent). 

if ( TEST_PSDFIT ) { 

  # Change dir if running tests manually
  if ( file.exists('./tests/testthat') ) { 

  # Setup pli from Clauzet et al's
  for ( s in dir('./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25', 
                full.names = TRUE, pattern = '*.R') ) { 

  # Compile auxiliary binaries
  system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/zeta-function/ && make")
  system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/exponential-integral/ && make")
  system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/ && \
            gcc discpowerexp.c -lm -o discpowerexp && \
            chmod +x discpowerexp")

  test_that('PL fitting works', { 
    expos <- c(1.2, 1.5, 2.5)
    xmins <- c(1,  10, 100)
    for ( expo in expos ) { 
      for ( xmin in xmins ) { 
        dat <- unique(round(seq.int(1, 1000, length.out = 100)))
        pldat <- poweRlaw::rpldis(1000, xmin = xmin, alpha = expo)
        # Squeeze tail a bit for speed
        pldat <- pldat[pldat < 1e5]
        # left: spw <-> right: pli
        # dpl <-> dzeta
        expect_equal(dzeta(dat,, exponent = expo, threshold = xmin), 
                    dpl(dat, expo, xmin = xmin))
        # ppl <-> pzeta with higher tail
        expect_equal(pzeta(dat, exponent = expo, threshold = xmin, lower.tail = FALSE), 
                    ppl(dat, expo, xmin = xmin))
        # ppl_ll <-> zeta.loglike
        expect_equal(zeta.loglike(pldat, exponent = expo, threshold = xmin), 
                    pl_ll(pldat, expo, xmin = xmin))
        # pl_fit <-> zeta.fit 
        our_expo <- pl_fit(pldat, xmin = xmin)[['expo']]
        clauset_expo <- zeta.fit(pldat, threshold = xmin)[['exponent']]
        powerlaw_expo <- estimate_pars( poweRlaw::displ$new(pldat) )[["pars"]]
        expect_equal(clauset_expo, our_expo, tol = 1e-3)
        # Look at fit
        xs <- c(min(pldat[pldat>=xmin]), max(pldat[pldat>=xmin]))
        lines(log10(xs), log10(ppl(xs, clauset_expo, xmin = xmin)), 
              lwd = 2, col = 'blue')
        lines(log10(xs), log10(ppl(xs, powerlaw_expo, xmin = xmin)), 
              lwd = 2, col = 'green')
        lines(log10(xs), log10(ppl(xs, our_expo, xmin = xmin)), col = 'red')

  test_that('EXP fitting works', { 
    rates <- c(1.1, 1.5)  
    xmins <- c(1, 2, 3)
    for (xmin in xmins) { 
      for ( rate in rates ) { 
          dat <- seq.int(1000)
          expdat <- ceiling(rexp(1000, rate = rate))
          expect_equal(ddiscexp(dat, rate, threshold = xmin),
                      ddisexp(dat, rate, xmin = xmin))
          pdisexp(dat, rate, xmin = xmin)
          fit <- exp_fit(expdat, xmin = xmin)
                      discexp.fit(expdat, threshold = xmin)[["lambda"]], tol = 1e-3)
          # Look at fit
          plot(log10(cumpsd(expdat[expdat >= xmin])))
          xs <- seq(min(expdat), max(expdat), length.out = 100)
                log10(pdisexp(xs, fit[["rate"]], xmin = xmin)), 
                col = 'red')

  test_that('LNORM fitting works', { 
    meanlogs <- c(1, 3, 10)
    sdlogs <- c(1, 2, 3)
    xmins <- c(1, 10, 30)
    for (xmin in xmins) { 
      for ( meanlog in meanlogs ) { 
        for ( sdlog in sdlogs ) { 
          xmax <- 1000
          dat <- seq.int(xmax)
          lnormdat <- ceiling(rlnorm(xmax, meanlog, sdlog))
  #         cat('meanlog: ', meanlog, ', sdlog: ', sdlog, ', xmin: ', xmin, "\n")
          # Test distr functions
          expect_equal(ddislnorm(dat, meanlog, sdlog, xmin),
                      dlnorm.tail.disc(dat, meanlog, sdlog, threshold = xmin))
          # plnorm.tail.disc returns negative values (?!)
  #         plnorm.tail.disc(dat, meanlog, sdlog, threshold = xmin)
  #         pdislnorm(dat, meanlog, sdlog, xmin)
          # Note that dlnorm.disc assumes xmin = 0, so we cannot test it 
          #   with variable xmin. 
          our_dlnorm <- ddislnorm(dat, meanlog, sdlog, xmin = 0)
          clauset_dlnorm <- dlnorm.disc(dat, meanlog, sdlog)
          # Test obtained fits
          our_fit <- suppressWarnings( lnorm_fit(lnormdat, xmin = xmin) )
          clauset_fit <- suppressWarnings( fit.lnorm.disc(lnormdat, threshold = xmin) )
  #         expect_equal(our_fit[['meanlog']], clauset_fit[['meanlog']], tol = 1e-2)
  #         expect_equal(our_fit[['sdlog']], clauset_fit[['sdlog']], tol = 1e-2)
          # Look at fit
          plot(log10(cumpsd(lnormdat[lnormdat >= xmin])))
          xs <- seq(min(lnormdat), max(lnormdat), length.out = 10000)
                                  xmin = xmin)), col = 'red')
                                  fit.lnorm.disc(lnormdat, threshold = xmin)[["meanlog"]], 
                                  fit.lnorm.disc(lnormdat, threshold = xmin)[["sdlog"]],
                                  xmin = xmin)), 
                                  col = "blue")

  # For TPL xmax must not be too low (>3?)
  test_that('TPL fitting works', { 
    rates <- c(0.1, .5, 1.1, 1.3)
    expos <- c(1.1, 1.3, 1.5)
    xmins <- c(1, 2, 4) 
    for (xmin in xmins) { 
      for ( rate in rates ) { 
        for ( expo in expos ) { 
          tpldat <- round(rpowerexp(1000, 1, expo, rate))
          tpldat <- tpldat[tpldat < 1e5]
          dat <- seq(0, 1000)
          # Normalizing coeff
          # Here, we check that the binary called by the Clauset code actually 
          # returns something. 
          clauset_result <- suppressWarnings( discpowerexp.norm(xmin, expo, rate) )
  #         if (length(clauset_result) == 0) stop()
          if (length(clauset_result) > 0) { 
                        tplnorm(expo, rate, xmin))
          # P(X=x)
          # Note: we explicitely convert output from pli to numeric as if 
          # the returned values are all NAs then R thinks it's logical 
          dtpl_result <- dtpl(dat, expo, rate, xmin)
          ddpxp_result <- suppressWarnings ( 
              as.numeric( ddiscpowerexp(dat, expo, rate, threshold = xmin) )
          if ( ! all( is.na(dtpl_result) ) ) { 
            expect_equal(dtpl_result, ddpxp_result)
          # Here, we check that the binary called by the Clauset code actually 
          # returns something before performing the test. 
          clauset_result <- suppressWarnings( 
              discpowerexp.loglike(tpldat, expo, rate, threshold = xmin)
          if (length(clauset_result) > 0) { 
            expect_equal(tpl_ll(tpldat, expo, rate, xmin),
          our_fit <- tpl_fit(tpldat, xmin = xmin)
          clauset_fit <- discpowerexp.fit(tpldat, threshold = xmin) 
          if ( length(clauset_fit) > 0) { 
            if ( ! (our_fit$ll < clauset_fit$loglike) ) { 
              expect_equal(our_fit$expo, clauset_fit$exponent, tol = 5e-3)
              expect_equal(our_fit$rate, clauset_fit$rate, tol = 5e-3)
          # Look at fit
          plot(log10(cumpsd(tpldat[tpldat >= xmin])))
          xs <- unique( round( seq(min(tpldat), max(tpldat), length.out = 100) )) 
                            clauset_fit[["rate"]], xmin)), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
                  log10(ptpl(xs, our_fit[["expo"]], our_fit[["rate"]], xmin)), col = 'red')

  test_that("PL estimations work with xmins", { 
    expos <- c(1.5, 2)
    for (expo in expos) { 
      for (xmin in c(1, 10, 40)) {
        x <- seq.int(1000)
        pldat <- poweRlaw::rpldis(1000, xmin, expo)
        pldat <- pldat[pldat < 1e5] # squeeze tail for speed
        # Test dpl with xmin != 1
        expect_equal(dzeta(x, xmin, expo), 
                    dpl(x, expo, xmin))
        # Test ppl 
        expect_equal(pzeta(x, xmin, expo, lower.tail = FALSE),
                    ppl(x, expo, xmin))
        # Test likelihood func
        expect_equal(zeta.loglike(pldat, xmin, expo),
                    pl_ll(pldat, expo, xmin))
        # Test equality of fits
        expect_equal(pl_fit(pldat, xmin = xmin)[["expo"]], 
                    zeta.fit(pldat, xmin)[["exponent"]], 
                    tol = 1e-3)
        # Test the estimation of xmin
        expect_is(xmin_estim(pldat), "numeric")

  # Remove auxiliary binaries now that tests are done
  system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/zeta-function/ && rm zeta_func zeta_func.o")
  system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/exponential-integral/ && rm exp_int exp_int.o")
  system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/ && rm discpowerexp")

} else { 
  message("Skipping psd-fitting tests")

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