
Defines functions bestCombination primeFactors magic.dim

Documented in bestCombination magic.dim primeFactors

# Compute a suitable layout for plotting

magic.dim <- function(k){

  #factorize k
  factors <- primeFactors(k)

  #find the best factorization of k into two factors
  res <- bestCombination(factors)

  #if k is a prime or the difference between the two factors of k is too large
  #rather use the roots of the next square number greater than k
  if(diff(res) >5){
    #up is root of the smallest square number >= k
    up <- ceiling(sqrt(k))
    #low is root of the biggest square number < k
    low <- up -1

    # e.g. k=11 is a prime, the next square number is 16 so up=4 and low=3
    # low^2 = 9 < 11 is naturally too small, up^2=16 > 11 so c(4,4) is a solution
    # but low*up = 3*4 = 12 > 11 is also adequate and a better solution
    if((k - low^2) < up)
      res <- c(low,up)
      res <- c(up,up)


# Compute the prime number factorization of an integer

primeFactors <- function(x){
  if(x %in% 1:3)

  factors<- numeric(0)

  #start with i=2 and divide x by i (as often as possible) then try division by i+1
  #until all factors are found, i.e. x=1
  while(i < x){
    i <- i+1

    while((x %% i)==0){
      # each time a new factor i is found, save it and proceed with x = x/i
      # e.g. k=20: 2 is a factor of x=20, continue with x = 10 = 20/2
      #            2 is a factor of x=10, continue with x = 5 = 10/2
      #            3 and 4 are no factors of x = 5
      #            5 is a factor of x = 5, continue with x = 1
      # result: 20 = c(2, 2, 5)
      factors <- c(factors, i)
      x <- x/i

# Given a prime number factorization of a number, e.g. 36
# yields x=c(2,2,3,3)
# and partition x into two groups, such that the product of the numbers
# in group one is as similar as possible to the product
# of the numbers of group two. This is useful in magic.dim
# Params:
#  x - the prime number factorization
# Returns:
#  c(prod(set1),prod(set2))

bestCombination <- function(x) {
  #Compute the power set of 0:1^length(x), i.e. a binary indicator for
  #variable stating whether to include it in set 1 or not.
  combos <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(c(FALSE,TRUE)), length(x)),
                                  KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE))
  ## more efficient version, if ever needed:
  ## ncomb <- 2^length(x)
  ## combos <- vapply(
  ##   X = seq_along(x),
  ##   FUN = function(i) rep_len(rep(c(FALSE,TRUE), each = 2^(i-1)), ncomb),
  ##   FUN.VALUE = logical(ncomb),

  #Small helper function, given a vector of length(x) stating whether
  #to include an element in set1 or not, compute the product
  #of set1 and set2=x\backslash set1
  #set1: all those for which include is TRUE, set2: all those for which
  #include is FALSE
  setsize <- function(include) c(prod(x[include]), prod(x[!include]))

  #Compute the product of set1 and set2 for each possible combination
  sizes <- apply(combos,MARGIN=1,FUN=setsize)
  #Calculate the combination, where x is as close to y as possible
  bestConfig <- combos[which.min(abs(diff(sizes))),]
  #Return this setsize of this configuration

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