

# recoding variables
data("plasma", package = "qrjoint")
plasma$Sex <- as.factor(plasma$Sex)
plasma$SmokStat <- as.factor(plasma$SmokStat)
plasma$VitUse <- 3 - plasma$VitUse
plasma$VitUse <- as.factor(plasma$VitUse)

plasma$BetaPlasma <- as.double(plasma$BetaPlasma)

ldata <- plasma

# creating predictors and response (beta carotene concentration in the plasma)
fm <- BetaPlasma ~ Age + Sex + SmokStat + Quetelet + VitUse + Calories + 
                   Fat + Fiber + Alcohol + Cholesterol + BetaDiet

xvars <- all.vars(fm)[-1]
fvars <- xvars[sapply(ldata[xvars], is.factor)]
nvars <- xvars[!xvars %in% fvars]

ldata[nvars] <- lapply(nvars, function(x) scale(ldata[[x]]))

fm_gam <- c(
"ctm" = as.formula(paste("BetaPlasma ~ ",
    paste("bols(", xvars, ", df = 2)", collapse = "+"), "+",
    paste("bbs(", nvars, ", center = TRUE, df = 2)", collapse = "+"))),
"tram" = as.formula(paste("BetaPlasma ~",
    paste("bols(", xvars, ", intercept = FALSE, df = 1)", collapse = "+"), "+",
    paste("bbs(", nvars, ", center = TRUE, df = 1)", collapse = "+"))))

fm_glm <- c(
"ctm" = as.formula(paste("BetaPlasma ~ ",
    paste("bols(", xvars, ", df = 2)", collapse = "+"))),
"tram" = as.formula(paste("BetaPlasma ~",
    paste("bols(", xvars, ", intercept = FALSE, df = 1)", collapse = "+"))))

fm_tree <- as.formula(paste("BetaPlasma ~ ", paste(xvars, collapse = "+")))

m_mlt <- Colr(BetaPlasma ~ 1, data = ldata, prob = c(0.01, .99))

### no need to adapt here
fd <- cv(weights(m_mlt), type = "subsampling", B = B, prob = .75)
bctrl <- boost_control(mstop = M, trace = TRUE)

(m_glm <- FUN(m_mlt, fm_glm, ldata, control = bctrl, folds = fd))
(m_gam <- FUN(m_mlt, fm_gam, ldata, control = bctrl, folds = fd))
(m_tree <- FUN(m_mlt, fm_tree, ldata, control = bctrl, method =
               quote(mboost::blackboost), folds = fd))

tctrl <- ctree_control(saveinfo = FALSE, alpha = .01,
                       minbucket = length(coef(as.mlt(m_mlt))) * 2)
fctrl <- ctree_control(saveinfo = FALSE, alpha = 1,
                       minsplit = 5, minbucket = 2, nmax = c("yx" = Inf, "z" = 100))
r_trtf <- FUN2(m_mlt, fm_tree, ldata, tcontrol = tctrl, fcontrol = fctrl, fd)

r_glm <- m_glm$risk
r_gam <- m_gam$risk
r_tree <- m_tree$risk

colnames(r_glm) <- paste("glm", colnames(r_glm), sep = "_")
colnames(r_gam) <- paste("gam", colnames(r_gam), sep = "_")
colnames(r_tree) <- paste("tree", colnames(r_tree), sep = "_")
colnames(r_trtf) <- paste("trtf", colnames(r_trtf), sep = "_")

risk <- cbind(r_glm, r_gam, r_tree, r_trtf)

ll0 <- numeric(ncol(fd))
for (i in 1:ncol(fd)) {
    w <- fd[,i]
    ll0[i] <- logLik(update(m_mlt, theta = coef(as.mlt(m_mlt)), weights = w), w = 1 - w) / sum(1 - w)

save(risk, ll0, file = "ex_plasma.rda")


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tbm documentation built on April 17, 2024, 3:01 p.m.