Man pages for titanQC
QC Procedures for the GeneTitan platform

boxPlateGenerate a boxplot of normalized probeset intensities for...
densityPlateGenerate for each well on the plate a density plot of the...
displayPlateDraw a summary display for a GeneTitan plate...
getCelFilePositionGet the position of a set of CEL files on a GeneTitan...
getPositionGet the position on the plate for one single CEL File...
MAPlateGenerate MA plots for all individual wells on a GeneTitan...
plmPlatePlot affyPLM QC images on a grid respecting the plate...
plot.ahullSPatched version of the plot...
statisticPlateAdds a statistic to the pData of the ExpressionSet object...
titanQC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.