
## Test unit 'calcDEMCTemp'

.setUp <-function () {
	#print("Config .setup")
	unitVars <- list(
		unitDir = if( basename(getwd())=="twConfig") "inst/unitTests" else system.file("unitTests",package="twConfig")

.tearDown <- function () {

test.yaml1 <- function (){
	cfg1 <- loadConfig(c(file.path(unitDir,"copySubConfig.yml") ))
	checkException( getv(cfg1,"testSetItem") )
	setv(cfg1,"testSetItem","value of testSetItem")
	checkEquals( "value of testSetItem", getv(cfg1,"testSetItem"))
	checkEquals( "subEntry1_value", getv(cfg1,"f2")() )
	setv(cfg1,"list1$sublist$subEntry1","new value of subEntry1")
	checkEquals( "subEntry1=subEntry1_value", getv(cfg1,"list1$referencingItem")) # value did not change, evaluated during load
	checkEquals( "new value of subEntry1", getv(cfg1,"f2")() )

test.yaml_cidLabelChanged <- function (){
	checkException(cfg <- loadConfig(file.path(,"cidLabelChanged.yml")))	# default function name is cid
		cfg <- loadConfig(file.path(unitDir,"cidLabelChanged.yml")
			, cidFunctionName="ids") # issues a warning cid not found
		checkTrue( is.null(getCid(cfg,"refItem"))) # also issues a warning
		checkEquals( "refItem=", getv(cfg,"referencingItem")[[2]] )	# no warning, because substitution is done at load time
	cfg <- loadConfig(file.path(unitDir,"cidLabelChanged.yml")
		, cidFunctionName="ids"
		, cidLabel="idc"
		, descLabel="help"
	) # issues a warning cid not found
	checkEquals( 2, length(getDesc(cfg) ))
	checkEquals( 2, length(getDesc(cfg,"ref") ))
	checkEquals( 0, length(getDesc(cfg,"Item") ))		# non starting with Item
	checkEquals( 2, length(getDesc(cfg,pattern="Item") ))
	checkEquals( 1, length(getDesc(cfg,"referencingItem") ))

test.unnamedItemsWithCid <- function (){
	cfg1 <- loadConfig(c(file.path(unitDir,"unnamedItemsWithCid.yml") ))	# throw one warning
	checkEquals(3, length(getv(cfg1,"sequence1")) )			# first entry out of 4, the properties map has been stripped
	checkEquals( 3, length(getDesc(cfg1)) )		# including description of the subItem
	checkEquals( 2, length(getDesc(cfg1,"sequence1")) )		# including description of the subItem
	cfg2 <- loadConfig(c(file.path(unitDir,"unnamedItemsWithCid.yml"),file.path(unitDir,"unnamedItemsWithCid2.yml") ))	# throw two warnings, cid now gone
	checkEquals( 1, length(getDesc(cfg2,"sequence1")) )		# descritpion of the top item is still there
	checkTrue( is.null(getCid(cfg2,"refItem")) )	# also throw warning and return NULL: refItem not there any more

test.copySubConfig <- function (){
	cfg1 <- loadConfig(c(file.path(unitDir,"copySubConfig.yml") ))
	checkEquals( "subEntry1_value", getCid(cfg1,"subEntry1") )
	checkEquals( "subEntry1=subEntry1_value", getv(cfg1,"list1$referencingItem") )
	checkEquals( 3, length(getDesc(cfg1,"list1$")) )
	checkEquals( 1, length(getDesc(cfg1,"list1$entry1")) )
	#object <- cfg1; path="list1"
	cfg2 <- copySubConfig(cfg1)		# makes a copy	
	checkEquals( getv(cfg1), getv(cfg2) )
	cfg2@env$newVar <- "newVar"
	checkEquals( getv(cfg2,"newVar"), "newVar" )
	checkException( getv(cfg1,"newVar") )		# throws and error: indeed distinct environments
	cfg2 <- copySubConfig(cfg1,"nonExisting")	
	checkEquals(names(getv(cfg2)),"cid")		# empty unless the cid function
	#trace("copySubConfig", recover, signature="twConfig")
	cfg2 <- copySubConfig(cfg1,"list1")
	tmp <- getv(cfg2)
	checkTrue( all( names(getv(cfg1)$list1) %in% names(getv(cfg2)) ) )
	checkEquals( "subEntry1_value", getCid(cfg2,"subEntry1") )
	checkEquals( "subEntry1=subEntry1_value", getv(cfg2,"referencingItem"))
	checkEquals( 3, length(getDesc(cfg2)) )

#testCases or vignette
# simple key value pairs
# self documentation
# nested structures (accessing trees and elements, also of documentation)
# backtick substitution
# referencing items by in tree, by name (future imports) 
# cascading demonstrating changing docu, value and both
#    referencing item in another config file loaded afterwards

Try the twConfig package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

twConfig documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:26 p.m.