

#	sample data, usally without replacement
#if (!isGeneric("sample")) {
#setGeneric("sample", function (x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)
#	standardGeneric("sample"))

#	think about a method for class (VegsoupPartition) to sample conditional on Partitioning(obj)
#	stable() relies on dispatch of this method
	signature(x = "Vegsoup"),
	function (x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL) {
		#	for sample the default for size is the number of items inferred from the first argument
		N <- nrow(x)
		if (missing(size)) {
			size <- N
		i <- sample(1:N, size, replace = replace, prob = prob)
		#	remove all duplicated plots from sample
		if (any(table(i) > 1)) {
			i <- sort(unique(i))
		r <- x[i, ]

#	Heterogeneity-constrained random samples
#if (!isGeneric("hcr")) {
setGeneric("hcr", function (x, size, nperm = 1000, fast = FALSE, ...)

	signature(x = "Vegsoup"),
	function (x, size, nperm = 1000, fast = FALSE, ...) {

	if (as.logical(fast)) {
		#	parallel is in imports
		message("fork multicore process on ", parallel::detectCores(), " cores")
	N <- nrow(x)
	X <- as.matrix(as.dist(x))
	if (missing(size)) {
		size <- floor(nrow(x) * 0.1)
	if (size > N) {
		stop("size can never exceed number of plots")
	#	return mean, variance and sample indices for permuations
	if (fast) {
		s <- mclapply(1:nperm, function (x) {
				i <- sample(x = N, size = size, ...)
				x <- as.vector(as.dist(X[i, i]))
				return(list(mean(x), var(x), i))
			}, ...)
	else {
		s <- lapply(1:nperm, function (x) {
				i <- sample(x = N, size = size, ...)
				x <- as.vector(as.dist(X[i, i]))
				return(list(mean(x), var(x), i))
	#	vector of means
	m <- sapply(s, "[[", 1)
	#	vector of variances
	v <- sapply(s, "[[", 1)
	#	matrix of selected random samples for each permutation
	s <- sapply(s, "[[", 3)
	#	rank by decreasing mean and increasing variances
	r <- rank(rank(-m) + rank(v))
	#	obtain sample index
	r <- sort(s[, which.min(r)])
	#	return the subset
	return(x[r, ])

	signature(x = "VegsoupPartition"),
		function (x, size, nperm = 1000, fast = FALSE, ...) {
			k <- getK(x)
			p <- partitioning(x)
			r <- sapply(1:k, function (i) {
				hcr(as(partition(x, i), "Vegsoup"), size = size, ...)
			} )
			r <- do.call("bind", r)
			p <- p[match(rownames(r), names(p))]
			r <- VegsoupPartition(r, method = "external", clustering = p)
			#	tweek method
			r@partitioning.method <- x@partitioning.method

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vegsoup documentation built on Feb. 24, 2021, 3 a.m.