
# functions to help start, track, and grab results from an Xgrid using R
# Nicholas Horton, nhorton@smith.edu

xgrid <- function(grid = "localhost", numsim = 20, ntask = 1, 
  indir = "input", outdir = "output", param = 1, Rcmd = "runjob.R", 
  auth="None", outfile="RESULTS.rds", prefix="RESULT", throttle=9999,
  sleeptime=5, verbose=FALSE) {
   # submit a group of jobs to the Xgrid, letting the grid deal with 
   # scheduling and load balancing
   # numsim is the total number of simulations to run
   # ntask is the maximum number of repetitions (tasks) each job will run
   # outdir is the directory to put output files
   # param is an optional parameter provided to the agent
   # Rcmd is the name of the R command to run on the agent
   # auth is the type of authorization ("Kerberos", "Password" or "None")
   # outfile is the filename to store results once collated
   # prefix is the string to prepend to the name of the file for individual job results
   # throttle is the maximum number of jobs to queue at any time
   # sleeptime is the number of seconds to wait between status requests
   # verbose controls whether to display xgrid commands

   numberofjobs <- floor(numsim / ntask)    

   if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("numsim=", numsim, " ntask=", ntask, "numberofjobs=", 
         numberofjobs, "\n")
   if (numberofjobs != ceiling(numsim / ntask)) {
      stop("numsim divided by ntask should be an integer!")
   if (ceiling(numsim / ntask) < 2) {
      stop("must have at least 2 jobs!")
   if (file_test("-d", indir) != TRUE) {
	  stop(paste("The directory '", indir, "' is not a directory!\n", sep = ""))
   if (file.access(outdir, 0) == -1) {
      if (system(paste("mkdir ", outdir, sep="")) != 0) {
         stop(paste("The directory '", outdir, "' can't be created!\n", sep = ""))
   } else if (file_test("-d", outdir) != TRUE) {
      stop(paste("The directory '", outdir, "' is not a directory!\n", sep = ""))

   # a vector indicating file numbering for results
   jobidentifier <- 1:numberofjobs + 9999  

   # a vector that we can modify as jobs are queued
   pendingjobs <- jobidentifier   	

   activejobs <- c() # a vector of active Apple grid job numbers
   whichjob <- 1     # the current job whose status is to be ascertained
   # first start to load up the grid
   while (length(activejobs) < throttle & length(pendingjobs) > 0) {
      activejobs <- c(activejobs, xgridsubmit(grid, auth, indir, Rcmd, 
         ntask, param, paste(prefix, "-", pendingjobs[1], sep = ""), 
      pendingjobs <- pendingjobs[-1]
   while (length(pendingjobs) > 0) {    # still more to queue up
      statusline <- xgridattr(grid, auth, activejobs[whichjob], verbose)
      if (grepl('Failed', statusline) == TRUE) {
         stop("Ack: a job failed! Seek help immediately.")
         status <- "Failed"
      if (grepl('Finished', statusline) == TRUE) {
         xgridresults(grid, auth, activejobs[whichjob], outdir, verbose)
         xgriddelete(grid, auth, activejobs[whichjob], verbose)
         activejobs <- activejobs[-whichjob]
         activejobs <- c(activejobs, xgridsubmit(grid, auth, indir, Rcmd, 
            ntask, param, paste(prefix, "-", pendingjobs[1], sep = ""), 
         pendingjobs <- pendingjobs[-1]
      } else {
         whichjob <- ifelse(whichjob == length(activejobs), 1, whichjob + 1)

   # wait for everything to finish up
   while (length(activejobs) > 0) {
      statusline <- xgridattr(grid, auth, activejobs[whichjob], verbose)
      if (grepl('Failed', statusline) == TRUE) {
         stop("Ack: a job failed! Seek help immediately.")
         status <- "Failed"
      if (grepl('Finished', statusline) == TRUE) {
         xgridresults(grid, auth, activejobs[whichjob], outdir, verbose)
         xgriddelete(grid, auth, activejobs[whichjob], verbose)
         activejobs <- activejobs[-whichjob]
         whichjob <- ifelse(whichjob >= length(activejobs), 1, whichjob)

      } else {
         whichjob <- ifelse(whichjob == length(activejobs), 1, whichjob + 1)
   # start to collate results
   if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("should have ", ntask, "*", length(jobidentifier)," entries.\n")
   # load first file (which consists of a data frame called "res0") 
   # then rename it
   res <- readRDS(paste(outdir, "/", prefix, "-", jobidentifier[1], sep = ""))
   # now load up the rest of the files
   for (i in 2:length(jobidentifier)) {
     res0 <- readRDS(paste(outdir, "/", prefix, "-", jobidentifier[i], sep = ""))
     res[((i-1) * ntask + 1) : (((i - 1) * ntask + 1) + ntask - 1), ] <- res0
   saveRDS(res, file = outfile)

xgriddelete <- function(grid, auth, jobnum, verbose = FALSE) {
   command <- paste("xgrid -h ", grid, " -auth ", auth, 
    " -job delete -id ", jobnum, sep = "")
  if (verbose == TRUE) { cat(command, "\n") }
  retval <- system(command, intern = TRUE)

xgridresults <- function (grid, auth, jobnum, outdir, verbose = FALSE) {
  command <- paste("xgrid -h ", grid, " -auth ", auth, 
    " -job results -so job.out -se job.err -out ", 
    outdir, " -id ", jobnum, sep = "")
  if (verbose == TRUE) { cat(command, "\n") }
  retval <- system(command, intern = TRUE)
  if (length(retval)) {
    if (max(grepl("error =", retval)) == 1) { # something bad happened?  
      stop("Ack: controller inaccessible! Seek help immediately.")

xgridattr <- function (grid, auth, jobnum, verbose = FALSE) {
  command <- paste("xgrid -h ", grid, " -auth ", auth, 
    " -job attributes -id ", jobnum, sep = "")
  if (verbose == TRUE) { cat(command, "\n") }
  retval <- system(command, intern = TRUE)
  if (length(retval)) {
    if (max(grepl("error =", retval)) == 1) { 
      # something bad happened? check later
      if (verbose == TRUE) { cat("unable to check on job.\n") }
      return(statusline <- "Unknown")
  return(statusline <- retval[grep("jobStatus", retval)]) 

xgridsubmit <- function(grid, auth, indir, Rcmd, ntask, param, 
  resfile, verbose=FALSE) {
  # submit a single job to the Xgrid, 
  # with three arguments (ntask, param and resfile)
  command <- paste("xgrid -h ", grid," -auth ", auth,
    " -job submit -in ", indir, 
    " /usr/bin/R64 CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore '--args ",
    ntask, " ", param, " ", resfile, "' ", Rcmd, " ", Rcmd, resfile, 
    ".Rout", sep="")   # arguments must be in single quotes!
  if (verbose==TRUE) { cat(command, "\n") }
  retval <- system(command, intern=TRUE)
  jobnum <- chartr('{}jobIdentifr=;','               ', retval[2])
  jobval <- as.numeric(jobnum)
  if (is.na(jobval)) { stop("error getting jobnumber")}
  else { return(jobval) }

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xgrid documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:55 p.m.