

# --------------------------------------------------- Declare functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
getAttributesAndElementsForElementName <- function
### Gives the type and restrictions on the values of the child elements and attributes for a given element in the document
### (string) The name of the element whose details are needed
### (XMLInternalDocument OR string) Either: the XML schema document in which the element is present. This should have been read using xmlParseDoc or be supplied in the R workspace.
### OR the path to the XML document which is to be read.
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
  if (is.character(theXMLdoc)) 
     docPath <- theXMLdoc
     theXMLdoc<- xmlParseDoc(docPath)
  # TODO catch the problem if there is still no valid document to work with
  theNamespace <- getNamespaceDefinitions(theXMLdoc)
  #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
  # print(paste("Getting typedef for element name: ",theEName, sep=""))
    print(paste("Element:  ",theEName,sep=""))
 #--------------end TEMP --------------------------------------------------- #

	eTD <- getDirectTypeDefForElementName(theEName, theXMLdoc, theNamespace)
  # Get the element's type definition, which contains the information on child elements and attributes
	if (length(eTD)>0)
  # If the type definiton of the element is present in the schema, then get the details for its child elements and its attributes, otherwise assign "NULL"
		eList <- getSubElementDetailsForElementTypeDef(eTD, theXMLdoc, theNamespace, logLevel)
    # This gives the details for the child elements of the given element

		aList <- getAttributeDetailsForElementTypeDef(eTD, theXMLdoc, theNamespace, logLevel)
    # This gives the details for the attributes of the given element
	summaryToReturn <- list("attributes"=aList, "subelements"=eList)
### The list of the details of the attributes and the child elements for the given element.
### The list has two elements named "attributes" and "subelements" for the respective information. 
### In case the type definiton of the given element is not present in the document, both the "attributes" and the "subelements" are assigned a NULL value. 


getSubElementDetailsForElementTypeDef <- function
### Gives the type and the restrictions on value for each of the child elements of the element whose type definition is given
### Type definition of the element, the details of whose child elements are required
### The XML Schema document in which the element and its type definition are present
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0

  if (!exists("namespaces"))
      namespaces<- getNamespaceDefinitions(fullDocument)

	xpath.expression <- ".//xs:element"
  # An XPath Expression to help locate the child elements

  #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
  if (logLevel==2)
    print(paste("Getting subelements for typedef: ",xmlGetAttr(eTypeDef, 'name'), " with xpath ",xpath.expression, sep=""))
  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

	elementList <- getNodeSet(doc=eTypeDef ,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # This gives the list of all the child elements for the given type definition of the element

	if (length(elementList ) >0) 
  # If there are child elements for the given element's type definition
		for (i in 1:length(elementList )) 
    # Loop over all the child elements and get the details for each
      elCounter = elCounter + 1
      # A counter for the number of child elements
      elDetails <- getElementDetails(elementList[[i]], fullDocument, namespaces, logLevel)
      # Get the type and restrictions on value of the child element
			elToReturn[[elCounter]] <- elDetails
      # Put the details of the child element in the list

      #---------------- TEMP - print out details for the child element -------------------- #
      if (logLevel==1)
        output <- paste("Sub-element: ",xmlGetAttr(elementList[[i]], 'name'),sep="")
        output <- paste(output, "-----Type=", elDetails$type, sep="")
        if (!is.null(elDetails$minOccurs)) {  output <- paste(output, "    MinOccurs=", elDetails$minOccurs, sep="")  }
        if (!is.null(elDetails$maxOccurs)) {  output <- paste(output, "  MaxOccurs=", elDetails$maxOccurs, sep="")  }
        if (!is.null(elDetails$multiple)) {  output <- paste(output, "  Multiple=", elDetails$multiple, sep="")  }
        if (!is.null(elDetails$minEx)) {  output <- paste(output, "    Minimum exclusive:  ", elDetails$minEx, sep="")  }
        if (!is.null(elDetails$minIn)) {  output <- paste(output, "     Minimum inclusive:  ", elDetails$minIn, sep="")  }
        if (!is.null(elDetails$maxEx)) {  output <- paste(output, "     Maximum exclusive:  ", elDetails$maxEx, sep="")  }
        if (!is.null(elDetails$maxIn)) {  output <- paste(output, "     Maximum inclusive:  ", elDetails$maxIn, sep="")  }
      #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
### The list containing the details of all the child elements in the given element's Type Definition

getAttributeDetailsForElementTypeDef <- function
### Gives the type and the restrictions on value of each of the attributes for the element whose type definition is given
### Type definition of the element, the details of whose attributes are required
### The XML Schema document in which the element and its type definition are present
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
  if (!exists("namespaces"))
      namespaces<- getNamespaceDefinitions(fullDocument)

	xpath.expression <- ".//xs:attribute"
	# An XPath Expression to help locate the attributes

	attributeList <- getNodeSet(doc=eTypeDef,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # This gives the list of all the attributes for the given type definition of the element
	if (length(attributeList) >0) 
	# If there are attributes for the given element's type definition
		for (i in 1:length(attributeList))
		# Loop over all the attributes in the list and get the details for each
			attCounter = attCounter + 1
			# A counter for the number of attributes
			attName <- xmlGetAttr(attributeList[[i]],'name')
			# Get the name of the attribute

			attReq <- xmlGetAttr(attributeList[[i]],'use')	
			# Get the 'use' of the attribute - this will tell whether an attribute is required
			attType <- xmlGetAttr(attributeList[[1]],'type')	
			# Get the 'type' of the attribute - this will tell how its string value should be used
			attMinEx <- xmlGetAttr(attributeList[[1]],'minExclusive')
			attMaxEx <- xmlGetAttr(attributeList[[1]],'maxExclusive')
			attMinIn <- xmlGetAttr(attributeList[[1]],'minInclusive')
			attMaxIn <- xmlGetAttr(attributeList[[1]],'maxInclusive')
      if (!is.null(attType))
      # If the 'type' is not NULL, then get the details of 'base type' of that type
				attType <- getBaseTypeDetails (attType, fullDocument, namespaces, logLevel)
        # If the type is not specified as an attribute, it may be defined inline as a simple element - check!
        attType <- getBaseTypeDetails (attributeList[[1]], fullDocument, namespaces, logLevel)
			aT <- attType
			attType <- aT$type
			attMinEx <- aT$minEx
			attMaxEx <- aT$maxEx
			attMinIn <- aT$minIn
			attMaxIn <- aT$maxIn

			thisAttList <- list("name"=attName, "type"=attType, "required"=attReq, "minEx"=attMinEx, "maxEx"=attMaxEx, "minIn"=attMinIn, "maxIn"=attMaxIn)
      # Make a list of all the details of the attribute

			attToReturn[[attCounter]] <- thisAttList
			# Put the details of each attribute in the list
			#---------------- TEMP - print out details for the attribute ------------------ #
      if (logLevel==1)
        print(paste("Attribute name: ",attName, " - type: ", attType, " - Required: ",attReq,sep=""))
        if (!is.null(attMinEx)) print(paste("Min. exclusive value: ",attMinEx,sep=""))
        if (!is.null(attMaxEx)) print(paste("Max. exclusive value: ",attMaxEx,sep=""))
        if (!is.null(attMinIn)) print(paste("Min. inclusive value: ",attMinIn,sep=""))
        if (!is.null(attMaxIn)) print(paste("Max. inclusive value: ",attMaxIn,sep=""))
      #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  ### The list containing the details of all the attributes in the given element's Type Definition

getElementByName<- function
### Searches for a given element in the given document
### The name of the element which is to be searched for.
### The element may occur anywhere and as a simpleType element or as a complexType element or as a child element of some other element.
### The XML Schema document in which to search for the element
### The namespaces in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0

    if (!exists("namespaces"))
      namespaces<- getNamespaceDefinitions(theDoc)

	xpath.expression<-paste("//xs:element[(@name= '",en ,"')]",sep="")
  # An XPath Expression to find an element which has an attribute 'name' holding the name of the element which is to be searched for in the document

	#------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
  if (logLevel==2)
    print(paste("Getting element ",en, " using xpath ", xpath.expression,sep=""))
  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

	eList <- getNodeSet(doc=theDoc,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get the list of all the elements with the given name 
	if (length(eList)>0)
	### Return the first occurence of the element with the given name, if it is present, else return NULL

getElementRestrictionBase <- function
### Gives the base type for the restriction on the value of the given element
### The element, the base type of whose value, needs to be found
### The namespaces present in the XML Schema document containing the element
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
	xpath.expression <- ".//xs:restriction"
  # An Xpath Expression to locate the restriction on the value of the element
	restrList <- getNodeSet(doc=element,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get the list of all the restrictions on the value of the element
	if (length(restrList) > 0) 
  # If the restriction is present, return its base type else return NULL
### Returns the Base Type of the Restriction on the value of the element,  if one is present, else returns NULL  

getElementListBase <- function
### Gives the data type of the items in the element's list 
### The element which contains a list
### The namespaces present in the document containing the element
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0

	xpath.expression <- ".//xs:list"
  # An XPath Expression to locate the list in the element
	restrList <- getNodeSet(doc=element,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get a list of all the lists that the element contains
	if (length(restrList) > 0) 
### Returns the data type of the items that the list contains, if the given element contains a list, NULL otherwise

getElementExtensionBase <- function
### Gives the base type of the extension in an element
### The element for which the base type of the extension is to be found
### The namespaces present in the document containing the element
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
  xpath.expression <- ".//xs:extension"
  # An XPath Expression to locate the extension in the element
	extList <- getNodeSet(doc=element,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
	# Get a list of all the extensions used in the element
	if (length(extList) > 0) 
### Returns the base type of the extension in an element, if an extension is present, NULL otherwise

getBaseTypeDetails <- function
### Gives the details of the base type of a given data type
### The data type, the details of whose base type are to be found, This can EITHER be a string, if the type is named, or the element itself, to check whether a type is defined inline
### All or part of the XML schema document containing the type definition of the given data type
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0

   # annoying appeasement of CMD notes generator to make it realise that this is global
  rBase <- NULL

  elMultiple <-FALSE
  minMaxDetails <- NULL
  minEx = NULL
  maxEx = NULL
  minIn = NULL
  maxIn = NULL
  elBaseType = NULL
  elTypeDefinition <- NULL # This gets used if the type is not straightfoward and has to be dug for
   # Initialize all other details to NULL. These will be populated if there's a numeric restriction.

  if (!is.null(inType))
    # Check whether a string type name was passed in, or an actual node
    if (is.character(inType))  
      if (logLevel==2)
        print(paste("element type is a character string:  ",inType,sep=""))
      if (substr(inType, start=1, stop=3)  != 'xs:')
        # Check whether the given data type is a basic xs type. 
        # If it is not one of these, then recursively get the base type
        elTypeDefinition<- getTypeDefinitionFromTypeDefName(inType, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
        # Get the type definition of the given data type
        elBaseType <- classifyType(inType)
        # elTypeDefinition remains null, we will stop searching for a more complex type definition
        # Look for a type definition inline instead
        xpath.expression <- ".//xs:simpleType"
        # An XPath Expression to help locate the attribute definition inline, if it's there
        elTD <- getNodeSet(doc=inType,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
        elTypeDefinition <- elTD[[1]]
        # This gives the definition of the attribute type if it is inline
  if (!is.null(elTypeDefinition))
      # First, check if this is a complex type from the schema
      if (isUncertaintyType(theDoc, elTypeDefinition, namespaces, logLevel))
        # return the original type
        splittype <- unlist(strsplit(inType, ":"))
        # Strip off the namespace from the name of the data type if present
        if (length(splittype) > 1)
          inType <- splittype[[2]]
        elBaseType <- inType
    		rt <- getBaseType(theDoc, elTypeDefinition, namespaces, logLevel) 
    		# This will give an idea of what kind of data type this is - integer, float, string. But it may take some recursive digging.
    		# First, look to see if this extends another type. Keep looking down the tree until there are no more extensions
    		elBaseType <- classifyType(rt[[1]])
    		# Check if the type that the given data type extends, is a restriction or a list
    		xpath.expression <- ".//xs:list"
        # An XPath Expression to check if this is a list
    		listList <- getNodeSet(doc=rt[[2]],path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
        # Gives a list of all the lists present in the type
    		if (length(listList) > 0) 
        # If the data type has a list, get the base type of the items in the list
          # This indicates that we have a space-delimited list of values
        if (!is.null(rt))
      			minMaxDetails <- getMinMaxValues(rt[[2]], namespaces)	
            minEx = minMaxDetails$minEx
      			maxEx = minMaxDetails$maxEx
      			minIn = minMaxDetails$minIn
      			maxIn = minMaxDetails$maxIn
  list('type'=elBaseType, 'multiple'=elMultiple, 'minEx'=minEx, 'maxEx'=maxEx , 'minIn'=minIn, 'maxIn'=maxIn)
  ### Returns a list containing all the appropriate details of the base type of the given type. 
  ### The parameters which are not valid in some cases are assigned NULL values there.

getDirectTypeDefForElementName <- function
### Gives the definition of the data type of the element given the name of the element
### The name of the element, whose type definition is required
### The XML Schema document containing the element and the definition of its datatype
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
	el4 <- getElementByName(en, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
  # Get the element given its name
	if (length(el4)>0)
  # If the element is present in the document, then get the definition of its datatype
	  getDirectTypeDefForElement(el4, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
  # If the element is not present in the document, then print and return NULL
		print("No element was found")
### Returns the definition of the data type of the element whose name is given, if the element is present in the document, NULL otherwise

getDirectTypeDefForElement <- function
### Gives the definition of the data type of the element, given the element
### The element in the XML Schema document, whose type definition is required
### The XML Schema document containing the element
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
	eTN <- getDirectTypeNameForElement(en, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
  # Get the data type of the given element
	getTypeDefinitionFromTypeDefName(eTN, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
  # Get the definition of the data type of the element

### Returns the definition of the data type of the given element in the given XML Schema document

### Gives the name of the data type of the given element
### The element, the name of whose data type is required
### The XML Schema document containing the element
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
  eT <- xmlGetAttr(en,'type')
  # Get the type of the element
	if (is.null(eT)) 
	# If 'type' is null, then get the type from the restrictions, list and extensions, whichever is present
		eT <-getElementRestrictionBase(en,namespaces, logLevel)
    # Get the data type of the restriction on the element
		if (is.null(eT))
    # If the restriction is not present on the element
      eT <-getElementExtensionBase(en,namespaces, logLevel)
      # Get the data type of the extension
			if (is.null(eT))
      # If the extension is not present in the element
        eT<- getElementListBase(en,namespaces, logLevel)
        # Get the data type of the list in the element
				if (is.null(eT))
        # If the list is present in the element
					eT <-xmlGetAttr(en,'ref')
          # If nothing is present, there may be a reference. Get the type of the reference in the element
          #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
          if (logLevel==2)
            print(paste("Reference to a:  ",eT,sep=""))
          #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
          #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
          if (logLevel==2)
            print(paste("List of:  ",eT,sep=""))
          #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
        #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
        if (logLevel==2)
          print(paste("Extends:  ",eT,sep=""))
        #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
      #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
      if (logLevel==2)
        print(paste("Restricts:  ",eT,sep=""))
      #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
### Returns the name of the data type of the element

getElementDetails <- function 
### Gives the details of the given element
### The element whose details are needed
### All or part of the XML Schema document containing the element and its definition
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
  #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
  if (logLevel==2)
    print(paste("xmlname:  ",xmlName(theEl),sep=""))
	elType1<-getDirectTypeNameForElement(theEl, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
  # Get the name of the data type of the element

  #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
  if (logLevel==2)
    print(paste("type:  ",elType1,sep=""))
	elMinOccurs <- xmlGetAttr(theEl,'minOccurs')
	# Get the 'minOccurs' of the element - this will tell you whether it's required
	elMaxOccurs <- xmlGetAttr(theEl,'maxOccurs')	
	# Get the 'maxOccurs' of the element
	# This is a flag to indicate whether to expect a space-delimited list of values
  	baseInfo <- getBaseTypeDetails(elType1, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
    # Get the details of the data type of the element
  	elName<-xmlGetAttr(theEl, 'name')
    # Get the name of the element
  	if (length(elName) == 0)
  		elName<-xmlGetAttr(theEl, 'ref')
    # If the attribute 'name' is not present, then there is a reference. Get the name from the reference

	list('name'=elName, 'type'=baseInfo$type, 'minOccurs'=elMinOccurs, 'maxOccurs'=elMaxOccurs, 'multiple'=baseInfo$multiple, 'minEx'=baseInfo$minEx, 'maxEx'=baseInfo$maxEx , 'minIn'=baseInfo$minIn, 'maxIn'=baseInfo$maxIn)
### Returns a list giving all the details of the given element

getBaseType <- function
### Gives the name of the base type for the given definition of the data type
### All or part of the XML Schema document containing the given type definition
### The given type definition
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
  tdToReturn <- typeDef

#   if (isUncertaintyType(theDoc,tdToReturn, namespaces, logLevel))
#   {
#     #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
#     if (logLevel==1)
#     {
#       print(paste("GetBaseType: message: "))
#       print(paste("GetBaseType: got: ",tdToReturn,sep=""))
#     }
#     #----------------------------------------------
#     list('type'=td, 'typedef'=td)
#   }
#   else
#   {
  	xBase <- getDirectTypeNameForElement(typeDef, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
    # Get the name of the data type
  	if (!is.null(xBase)) 
  		if (substr(xBase, start=1, stop=3)  != 'xs:')
      # If the data type is not a basic xs type
          tdToReturn <- getTypeDefinitionFromTypeDefName(xBase, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
          # Get the type definition of the data type
          xBase <- getDirectTypeNameForElement(tdToReturn, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
          # Get the name of the data type
          if (!is.null(xBase))
            if (substr(xBase, start=1, stop=3)  == 'xs:')
            # If the data type is a basic xs type
              list('type'=xBase, 'typedef'=tdToReturn)
        			theBaseType <- getBaseType(theDoc,tdToReturn, namespaces, logLevel) 
              # Get the name of the base type of this data type
      # If the data type is a basic xs type, return the data type
        list('type'=xBase, 'typedef'=tdToReturn)
    # If the element does not have a type attribute, then the definition is simply the data type
  	  list('type'=tdToReturn, 'typedef'=tdToReturn)
      # TODO check this situation
      #print("No type attribute: returning typedef twice")
#   }
### Returns the name of the base type of the element

isUncertaintyType <- function
### Gives the name of the base type for the given definition of the data type
 ### All or part of the XML Schema document containing the given type definition
 ### The given type definition
 ### The namespaces present in the document
 ### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
  ValueToReturn <- FALSE
  tdToReturn <- typeDef
  xBase <- getDirectTypeNameForElement(typeDef, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
  # Get the name of the data type
  #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
  if (logLevel==2)
    print(paste("isUncertaintyType: got: ",xBase,sep=""))
  if(xBase =="un:AbstractUncertaintyType")
    ValueToReturn <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(xBase)) 
      if (substr(xBase, start=1, stop=3)  != 'xs:')
        # If the data type is not a basic xs type
        #------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
        if (logLevel==2)
          print(paste("isUncertaintyType: Getting typedef for ",xBase,sep=""))
        #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
        tdToReturn <- getTypeDefinitionFromTypeDefName(xBase, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
        # Get the type definition of the data type
        xBase <- getDirectTypeNameForElement(tdToReturn, theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
        # Get the name of the data type
        if (!is.null(xBase))
          if (substr(xBase, start=1, stop=3)  == 'xs:')
            # If the data type is a basic xs type
            ValueToReturn <- FALSE
            ValueToReturn <- isUncertaintyType(theDoc,tdToReturn, namespaces, logLevel) 
            # Get the name of the base type of this data type
        # If the data type is a basic xs type, return the data type
        ValueToReturn <- FALSE
      # If the element does not have a type attribute, then the definition is simply the data type
      ValueToReturn <- FALSE
    ### Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the type is an abstract uncertainty

getTypeDefinitionFromTypeDefName <- function
### Gives the definition for the given data type
### The name of the data type
### The XML Schema document containing the data type and its definition
### The namespaces present in the document
### The level of logging that will be carried out: 0 (none) 1 (limited) or 2 (full). Optional - defaults to 0
	splittype <- strsplit(typeDefName, ":")
  # Strip off the namespace from the name of the data type if present
  if (length(splittype[[1]]) > 1) 
  # If the namespace is present, get the actual name of the data type
		typeDefName <- splittype[[1]][[2]]
	xpath.expression <- paste("//xs:simpleType[(@name= '",typeDefName ,"')]",sep="")
  # An XPath Expression to locate the data type as an element of type simpleType

	#------------------------- TEMP - print out details --------------------------- #
  if (logLevel==2)
    print(paste("GetTypeDefinition - about to run xpath search with: ",xpath.expression, sep=""))
  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

	elTypeDefinition<- getNodeSet(doc=theDoc,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get the list of the type definition if the data type is present as a simpleType element
	if (length(elTypeDefinition) ==0) 
  # If the type definition is not a simpleType element
		xpath.expression <- paste("//xs:complexType[(@name= '",typeDefName ,"')]",sep="")
    # An XPath Expression to locate the data type as an element of type complexType
		elTypeDefinition<- getNodeSet(doc=theDoc,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
    # Get the list of the type definition if the data type is present as a complexType element
	if (length(elTypeDefinition) ==0) 
  # If the type definition is not even a complexType element, it is a reference
    xpath.expression <- paste("//xs:element[(@name= '",typeDefName ,"')]",sep="")
    # An XPath Expression to locate the element using the 'name' attribute
    thisEL<- getNodeSet(doc=theDoc,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
    # Get the list of all occurrences of the element
    elTypeDefinition <- getDirectTypeDefForElement(thisEL[[1]], theDoc, namespaces, logLevel)
    # Get the type definition from this element
    # Return the type definition of the data type
  # Return the type definition of the data type if it is a simpleType of complexType element
### Return the type definition of the given data type

### Classifies attributes according to R data types
 ### The xs: namespace-specific definition name of the value
  eBT <- NULL
  if ((theBaseType=='xs:decimal') || (theBaseType=='xs:double') || (theBaseType=='xs:float'))
  else if ((theBaseType=='xs:integer') || (theBaseType=='xs:int'))
  else if (theBaseType=='xs:boolean') 
  else if (theBaseType=='xs:ID') 

### Collects details of min/max value restrictions on a supplied element
 ### The element to be queried
 ### The relevant namespaces for the document
  minEx = NULL
  maxEx = NULL
  minIn = NULL
  maxIn = NULL
  xpath.expression <- ".//xs:minExclusive"
  # An Xpath Expression to locate the minimum Exclusive restriction
  minMaxList <- getNodeSet(doc=inDef,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get a list of the minimum exclusive restrictions on the element
  if (length(minMaxList) > 0) 
    # If a minimum exclusive restriction is present, get the integer value of the restriction
    minEx <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(minMaxList[[1]],'value'))
  xpath.expression <- ".//xs:minInclusive"
  # An Xpath Expression to locate the minimum Inclusive retriction
  minMaxList <- getNodeSet(doc=inDef,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get a list of the minimum inclusive restrictions on the element
  if (length(minMaxList) > 0) 
    # If a minimum inclusive restriction is present, get the integer value of the restriction
    minIn <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(minMaxList[[1]],'value'))
  xpath.expression <- ".//xs:maxExclusive"
  # An Xpath Expression to locate the maximum Exclusive retriction
  minMaxList <- getNodeSet(doc=inDef,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get a list of the maximum exclusive restrictions on the element
  if (length(minMaxList) > 0) 
    # If a maximum exclusive restriction is present, get the integer value of the restriction
    maxEx <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(minMaxList[[1]],'value'))
  xpath.expression <- ".//xs:maxInclusive"
  # An Xpath Expression to locate the maximum Inclusive retriction
  minMaxList <- getNodeSet(doc=inDef,path=xpath.expression, namespaces)
  # Get a list of the maximum inclusive restrictions on the element
  if (length(minMaxList) > 0) 
    # If a maximum inclusive restriction is present, get the integer value of the restriction
    maxIn <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(minMaxList[[1]],'value'))
  list('minEx'=minEx, 'maxEx'=maxEx, 'minIn'=minIn, 'maxIn'=maxIn)

### Gives the namespace definitions present in the given XML Schema document
### The name of the XML Schema document
  xmlNamespaceDefinitions(rootNode, simplify=TRUE)
### Returns the namespace definitions in the given XML Schema document

Try the xmlschemaHelper package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

xmlschemaHelper documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:41 p.m.