
#   xts: eXtensible time-series 
#   Copyright (C) 2008  Jeffrey A. Ryan jeff.a.ryan @ gmail.com
#   Contributions from Joshua M. Ulrich
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

`Lag.xts` <- function(x, k=1, na.action=na.pass, ...) {
  x <- try.xts(x, error=FALSE)
  if(!is.xts(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
  xx <-sapply(k, 
         function(k) {
           apply(x, 2, 
             function(x)  {
               if(k==0) return(as.matrix(x)) 
               as.matrix(c(rep(NA, k), x[-((length(x) - k + 1):length(x))]))
  xx <- matrix(as.numeric(xx),nrow=NROW(x))
  colnames(xx) <- c(paste(colnames(x)[(rep(1:NCOL(x),length(k)))],
                          rep(k, each=NCOL(x)),
                          sep = "."))

`Next.xts` <- function(x, k=1, na.action=na.pass, ...) {
  x <- try.xts(x, error=FALSE)
  if(!is.xts(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
  xx <-sapply(k, 
         function(k) {
           apply(x, 2, 
             function(x)  {
               if(k==0) return(as.matrix(x)) 
               as.matrix(c(x[-(1:k)],rep(NA, k)))
  xx <- matrix(as.numeric(xx),nrow=NROW(x))
  colnames(xx) <- c(paste(colnames(x)[(rep(1:NCOL(x),length(k)))],
                          rep(k, each=NCOL(x)),
                          sep = "."))


lag.xts <- function(x, k=1, na.pad=TRUE, ...) {
  zooCompat <- getOption('xts.compat.zoo.lag')
  if(is.logical(zooCompat) && zooCompat) {
    k <- -k
    if(missing(na.pad)) na.pad <- FALSE
  if(length(k) > 1) {
      names(k) <- paste("lag",k,sep="")
    return(do.call("merge.xts", lapply(k, lag.xts, x=x, na.pad=na.pad,...)))
  .Call('lag_xts', x, as.integer(k), as.logical(na.pad), PACKAGE='xts')

lagts.xts <- function(x, k=1, na.pad=TRUE, ...) {
  if(length(k) > 1) {
      names(k) <- paste("lag",k,sep="")
    return(do.call("merge.xts", lapply(k, lag.xts, x=x, na.pad=na.pad,...)))
  .Call('lag_xts', x, as.integer(k), as.logical(na.pad), PACKAGE='xts')

diff.xts <- function(x, lag=1, differences=1, arithmetic=TRUE, log=FALSE, na.pad=TRUE, ...)
    x <- .xts(matrix(as.integer(x),ncol=NCOL(x)), .index(x))

  if(lag < 1 || differences < 1)
    stop("'diff.xts' defined only for positive lag and differences arguments")

  zooCompat <- getOption('xts.compat.zoo.lag')
  if(is.logical(zooCompat) && zooCompat) {
    # this has to negated to satisfy the test in lag.xts... oh my
    lag <- -lag
    if(missing(na.pad)) na.pad <- FALSE

  if(differences > 1) {
    if(arithmetic && !log) { #log is FALSE or missing
      x <- x - lag.xts(x, k=lag, na.pad=na.pad)
    } else {
      if(log) {
        x <- log(x/lag.xts(x, k=lag, na.pad=na.pad))
      } else x <- x/lag.xts(x, k=lag, na.pad=na.pad)
    diff(x, lag, differences=differences-1, arithmetic=arithmetic, log=log, na.pad=na.pad, ...)
  } else {
    if(arithmetic && !log) {
      x - lag.xts(x, k=lag, na.pad=na.pad)
    } else {
      if(log) {
        log(x/lag.xts(x, k=lag, na.pad=na.pad))
      } else x/lag.xts(x, k=lag, na.pad=na.pad)

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xts documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:18 p.m.