
### R code from vignette source 'ADaCGH2.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: ADaCGH2.Rnw:329-334


### code chunk number 2: ADaCGH2.Rnw:425-430
fnameRdata <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"),
                     full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx.RData")

inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "RAM",
                      RDatafilename = fnameRdata)

### code chunk number 3: ADaCGH2.Rnw:458-461
data(inputEx) ## make inputEx available as a data frame with that name
inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "RAM",
                      dataframe = inputEx)

### code chunk number 4: ADaCGH2.Rnw:472-476
cgh.dat <- inputEx[, -c(1, 2, 3)]
chrom.dat <- as.integer(inputEx[, 2])
pos.dat <- inputEx[, 3]

### code chunk number 5: ADaCGH2.Rnw:492-499
fnametxt <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"),
                         full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx.txt")

##    You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
tmp <- inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "RAM",
                     textfilename = fnametxt,
                     mc.cores = 2)

### code chunk number 6: ADaCGH2.Rnw:560-561 (eval = FALSE)
## help(pSegment)

### code chunk number 7: ADaCGH2.Rnw:564-569
##    You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
haar.RAM.fork <- pSegmentHaarSeg(cgh.dat, chrom.dat,
                                   merging = "MAD",
                                 typeParall = "fork",
                                 mc.cores = 2)

### code chunk number 8: ADaCGH2.Rnw:575-577
lapply(haar.RAM.fork, head)

### code chunk number 9: ADaCGH2.Rnw:592-601
##    You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
           cghRDataName = cgh.dat,
           chromRDataName = chrom.dat,
           posRDataName = pos.dat,
           probenamesRDataName = probenames.dat,
           imgheight = 350,
           typeParall = "fork",
           mc.cores = 2)

### code chunk number 10: ADaCGH2.Rnw:659-665
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {

originalDir <- getwd()
## make it explicit where we are

### code chunk number 11: ADaCGH2.Rnw:668-673
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {

### code chunk number 12: ADaCGH2.Rnw:715-721
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
fnameRdata <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"),
                     full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx.RData")
inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
                      RDatafilename = fnameRdata)

### code chunk number 13: ADaCGH2.Rnw:771-778 (eval = FALSE)
## mcparallel(inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
##                                  RDatafilename = fnameRData),
##                                  silent = FALSE)
##   tableChromArray <- mccollect()
##   if(inherits(tableChromArray, "try-error")) {
##     stop("ERROR in input data conversion")
##   }

### code chunk number 14: ADaCGH2.Rnw:792-797
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
data(inputEx) ## make inputEx available as a data frame with that name
inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
                      dataframe = inputEx)

### code chunk number 15: ADaCGH2.Rnw:813-822
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
fnametxt <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"),
                         full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx.txt")

##    You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
              textfilename = fnametxt,
              mc.cores = 2)

### code chunk number 16: ADaCGH2.Rnw:873-885
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
## Adapt number of nodes to your hardware    
number.of.nodes <- 2 ##detectCores()
cl2 <- parallel::makeCluster(number.of.nodes, "PSOCK")
parallel::clusterEvalQ(NULL, library("ADaCGH2"))

wdir <- getwd()
parallel::clusterExport(NULL, "wdir")
parallel::clusterEvalQ(NULL, setwd(wdir))

### code chunk number 17: ADaCGH2.Rnw:915-916 (eval = FALSE)
## help(pSegment)

### code chunk number 18: ADaCGH2.Rnw:918-924
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
    haar.ff.cluster <- pSegmentHaarSeg("cghData.RData",
                                   merging = "MAD",
                                   typeParall = "cluster")

### code chunk number 19: ADaCGH2.Rnw:932-936
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
lapply(haar.ff.cluster, open)

### code chunk number 20: ADaCGH2.Rnw:949-960
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
save(haar.ff.cluster, file = "hs_mad.out.RData", compress = FALSE)

pChromPlot(outRDataName = "hs_mad.out.RData",
           cghRDataName = "cghData.RData",
           chromRDataName = "chromData.RData",
           posRDataName = "posData.RData",
           probenamesRDataName = "probeNames.RData",
           imgheight = 350,
           typeParall = "cluster")

### code chunk number 21: ADaCGH2.Rnw:965-968
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {

### code chunk number 22: ADaCGH2.Rnw:1028-1034
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
fnameRdata <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"),
                     full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx.RData")
inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
                      RDatafilename = fnameRdata)

### code chunk number 23: ADaCGH2.Rnw:1048-1055 (eval = FALSE)
## mcparallel(inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
##                                  RDatafilename = fnameRdata), 
##            silent = FALSE)
## tableChromArray <- collect()
## if(inherits(tableChromArray, "try-error")) {
##   stop("ERROR in input data conversion")
## }

### code chunk number 24: ADaCGH2.Rnw:1068-1077
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
fnametxt <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"),
                         full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx.txt")

##    You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
              textfilename = fnametxt,
              mc.cores = 2)

### code chunk number 25: ADaCGH2.Rnw:1138-1156
if( (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") && (['sysname'] != "Darwin") ) {
  fnametxt <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"),
                          full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx.txt")
  if(file.exists("cuttedFile")) {
    stop("The cuttedFile directory already exists. ",
         "Did you run this vignette from this directory before? ",
         "You will not want to do that, unless you modify the arguments ",
         "to inputToADaCGH below")
  } else dir.create("cuttedFile")
  ## You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
  cutFile(fnametxt, 1, 2, 3, sep = "\t", mc.cores = 2)
  cuttedFile.dir <- getwd()
} else {
  cuttedFile.dir <- system.file("example-datadir", 
                                 package = "ADaCGH2")

### code chunk number 26: chunk0001
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
## You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware    
inputToADaCGH(ff.or.RAM = "ff",
              path = cuttedFile.dir,
              verbose = TRUE,
              mc.cores = 2)

### code chunk number 27: chunk0002
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
## You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
haar.ff.fork <- pSegmentHaarSeg("cghData.RData",
                                 merging = "MAD",
                                typeParall = "fork",
                                mc.core = 2)

### code chunk number 28: chunk0003
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
save(haar.ff.fork, file = "haar.ff.fork.RData", compress = FALSE)

##    You might want to adapt mc.cores to your hardware
pChromPlot(outRDataName = "haar.ff.fork.RData",
           cghRDataName = "cghData.RData",
           chromRDataName = "chromData.RData",
           posRDataName = "posData.RData",
           probenamesRDataName = "probeNames.RData",
           imgheight = 350,
           typeParall = "fork",
           mc.cores = 2)

### code chunk number 29: chunk0004
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
datadir <- system.file("testdata", package = "snapCGH")
targets <- readTargets("targets.txt", path = datadir)
RG1 <- read.maimages(targets$FileName, path = datadir, source = "genepix")

## This is snapCGH-specific
RG1 <- read.clonesinfo("cloneinfo.txt", RG1, path = datadir) 
RG1$printer <- getLayout(RG1$genes)
types <- readSpotTypes("SpotTypes.txt", path = datadir)
RG1$genes$Status <- controlStatus(types, RG1)

RG1$design <- c(-1, -1)

RG2 <- backgroundCorrect(RG1, method = "minimum") ## class RGList
MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG2, method = "median") ## class MAList
## now obtain an object of class SegList
MA2 <- processCGH(MA, method.of.averaging = mean, ID = "ID") 

### code chunk number 30: chunk0005
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
tmp <- inputToADaCGH(MAList = MA, 
                             robjnames = c("cgh-ma.dat", "chrom-ma.dat",
                                          "pos-ma.dat", "probenames-ma.dat"))

tmp <- inputToADaCGH(MAList = MA2, 
                             robjnames = c("cgh-ma.dat", "chrom-ma.dat",
                                          "pos-ma.dat", "probenames-ma.dat"),
                             minNumPerChrom = 4)

### code chunk number 31: chunk0006
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
targets.limma <- readTargets("targets.txt", path = datadir)
RG.limma <- read.maimages(targets.limma, path = datadir, 
RG.limma <- backgroundCorrect(RG.limma, method="normexp", 
MA.limma <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG.limma)

### code chunk number 32: chunk0007
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
fclone <- list.files(path = system.file("testdata", package = "snapCGH"),
                     full.names = TRUE, pattern = "cloneinfo.txt")
tmp <- inputToADaCGH(MAList = MA.limma, 
                             cloneinfo = fclone,
                             robjnames = c("cgh-ma.dat", "chrom-ma.dat",
                                          "pos-ma.dat", "probenames-ma.dat"))

### code chunk number 33: chunk0008
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
acloneinfo <- MA$genes
tmp <- inputToADaCGH(MAList = MA.limma, 
                             cloneinfo = acloneinfo,
                             robjnames = c("cgh-ma.dat", "chrom-ma.dat",
                                          "pos-ma.dat", "probenames-ma.dat"))

### code chunk number 34: chunk0009
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
forcghr <- outputToCGHregions(haar.ff.cluster)
if(require(CGHregions)) {
  regions1 <- CGHregions(na.omit(forcghr))

### code chunk number 35: chunk00010
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
## We are done with the executable code in the vignette.
## Restore the directory

### code chunk number 36: chunk00011
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
## Remove the tmp dir. Sys.sleep to prevent Windoze problems.
## Sys.sleep(1)
## What is in that dir?
unlink("ADaCGH2_vignette_tmp_dir", recursive = TRUE)
## Sys.sleep(1)

### code chunk number 37: ADaCGH2.Rnw:2263-2264

### code chunk number 38: ADaCGH2.Rnw:2271-2274
## try(closeAllConnections()) ## nope, breaks things
## Remove this sys.sleep; is this sometimes breaking windoze build in BioC?
## Sys.sleep(1) ## I hope we do not need this

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ADaCGH2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:57 p.m.