
Defines functions drs_cp .drs_cp_full .drs_cp_full_1 .drs_enable_requester_pays .drs_cp_simple drs_stat .martha_v3 .drs_is_uri

Documented in drs_cp drs_stat

.DRS_MARTHA <- "https://us-central1-broad-dsde-prod.cloudfunctions.net/martha_v3"

.DRS_RAWLS <- paste0(

.drs_is_uri <-
    .is_character(source) & grepl("drs://[^/]+", source)

#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers
.martha_v3 <-
    function(url, template)
    access_token <- .gcloud_access_token()
    headers <- add_headers(
        Authorization = paste("Bearer", access_token),
        "content-type" = "application/json"
    body <- paste0('{ "url": "', url, '"}')
    response <- POST(.DRS_MARTHA, headers, body = body, encode="raw")
    .avstop_for_status(response, "DRS resolution")
    lst <- as.list(response)
    tbl <- as_tibble(lst[!vapply(lst, is.null, logical(1))])

    .tbl_with_template(tbl, template)

#' @rdname drs
#' @md
#' @title Manipulate 'DRS' (Data Repository Service) URLs
#' @description `drs_stat()` resolves zero or more DRS URLs to their
#'     google bucket location.
#' @details `drs_stat()` uses the AnVIL 'pet' account associated with a
#'     runtime. The pet account is discovered by default when
#'     evaluated on an AnVIL runtime (e.g., in RStudio or a Jupyter
#'     notebook in the AnVIL), or can be found in the return value of
#'     `avruntimes()`.
#' @param source character() DRS URLs (beginning with 'drs://') to
#'     resources managed by the 'martha' DRS resolution server.
#' @return `drs_stat()` returns a tbl with the following columns:
#' - fileName: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - size: integer() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - contentType: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - gsUri: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - timeCreated: character() (the time created formatted using ISO
#'   8601; resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - timeUpdated: character() (the time updated formatted using ISO
#'   8601; resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - bucket: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - name: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - googleServiceAccount: list() (null unless the DOS url belongs to
#'   a Bond supported host).
#' - hashes: list() (contains the hashes type and their checksum
#'   value; if unknown. it returns null)
#' @examples
#' drs_eg_hca <- paste0(
#'     "drs://drs.data.humancellatlas.org/",
#'     "4cf48dbf-cf09-452e-bb5b-fd016af0c747?version=2019-09-14T024754.281908Z"
#' )
#' drs_eg_anvil <- c(
#'     "drs://dg.ANV0/975bd45f-f022-4fad-b9a2-3a00c3b8792c",
#'     "drs://dg.ANV0/00008531-03d7-418c-b3d3-b7b22b5381a0"
#' )
#' if (gcloud_exists())
#'     # no pet account needed for HCA data
#'     drs_stat(drs_eg_hca)
#' if (gcloud_exists() && startsWith(gcloud_account(), "pet-")) {
#'     ## from within AnVIL
#'     drs_stat(drs_eg_anvil)
#' }
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
drs_stat <-
    function(source = character())
        `'source' must be DRS URIs, e.g., starting with "drs://"` =

    template <- list(
        fileName = character(),
        size = integer(),
        contentType = character(),
        gsUri = character(),
        timeCreated = character(),
        timeUpdated = character(),
        bucket = character(),
        name = character(),
        googleServiceAccount = list(),
        hashes = list()

    response <- lapply(source, .martha_v3, template)
    tbl <- bind_rows(response)
    .tbl_with_template(tbl, template)

.drs_cp_simple <-
    function(tbl, destination, ...)
    if (!any(tbl$simple))

    gsUri <-
        tbl %>%
        filter(.data$simple) %>%
    gsutil_cp(gsUri, destination, ...)

#' @importFrom httr GET PUT
.drs_enable_requester_pays <-
    function(namespace = avworkspace_namespace(), name = avworkspace_name())
    name <- curl_escape(name)
    url <- sprintf(.DRS_RAWLS, namespace, name)

    access_token <- .gcloud_access_token()
    headers <- add_headers(
        Authorization = paste("Bearer", access_token),
        "content-type" = "application/json"
    response <- PUT(url, headers)
    .avstop_for_status(response, "DRS enable requester pays")


#' @importFrom httr oauth_service_token write_disk progress
.drs_cp_full_1 <-
    function(bucket, uri, gsa, destination)
    SCOPE <- "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only"
    URL <- "https://storage.googleapis.com/%s/%s?userProject=%s"

    secrets <- gsa
    token <- oauth_service_token(oauth_endpoints("google"), secrets, SCOPE)

    object <- sub(paste0("gs://", bucket, "/"), "", uri)
    url <- sprintf(URL, bucket, object, "anvilprod")
    GET(url, token, write_disk(destination, overwrite = TRUE), progress())

.drs_cp_full <-
    function(tbl, destination, ...)
    tbl <-
        tbl %>%
        bucket = tbl$bucket,
        uri = tbl$gsUri,
        gsa = tbl$googleServiceAccount,
        destination = file.path(destination, tbl$fileName),

#' @rdname drs
#' @md
#' @description `drs_cp()` copies 0 or more DRS URIs to a google
#'     bucket or local folder
#' @param destination character(1) directory path in which to retrieve
#'     files.
#' @param ... additional arguments, passed to `gsutil_cp()` for file
#'     copying.
#' @return `drs_cp()` returns a tibble like `drs_stat()`, but with
#'     additional columns
#' - simple: logical() value indicating whether resolution used a
#'   simple signed URL (`TRUE`) or auxilliary service account.
#' - destination: character() full path to retrieved object(s)
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists()) {
#'     destination <- tempfile()
#'     dir.create(destination)
#'     tbl <- drs_cp(drs_eg_hca, destination)
#'     readLines(tbl$destination, warn = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
drs_cp <-
    function(source, destination, ...)
        `'source' must be DRS URIs, e.g., starting with "drs://"` =
        `'destination' must be a google bucket or existing local directory` =
            .gsutil_is_uri(destination) || .is_local_directory(destination)

    ## discover DRS information, including signed URL
    tbl <- drs_stat(source)
    tbl <-
        tbl %>%
            simple = lengths(.data$googleServiceAccount) == 0L,
            destination = file.path(destination, .data$fileName)

    ## copy files to local directory
    .drs_cp_simple(tbl, destination, ...)
    .drs_cp_full(tbl, destination, ...)

    ## rename to file name in drs response
        file.path(destination, basename(tbl$gsUri)),


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AnVIL documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:57 p.m.