## internal
#' @importFrom httr status_code http_condition
.avstop_for_status <-
function(response, op)
status <- status_code(response)
if (status < 400L)
cond <- http_condition(status, "error")
msg <- as.list(response)[["message"]]
message <- paste0(
"'", op, "' failed:\n ",
if (!is.null(msg)) "\n ", msg
stop(message, call.=FALSE)
## utilities
.avworkspace <- local({
hash <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
function(fun, key, value) {
sysvar <- toupper(paste0("WORKSPACE_", key))
if (is.null(value)) {
if (is.null(hash[[key]])) {
## initialize
hash[[key]] <- Sys.getenv(sysvar)
if (!nzchar(hash[[key]]) && interactive())
warning("'", sysvar, "' undefined; use `", fun, "()` to set")
} else {
hash[[key]] <- ifelse(, Sys.getenv(sysvar), value)
#' @rdname av
#' @md
#' @description `avworkspace_namespace()` and `avworkspace_name()` are
#' utiliity functions to retrieve workspace namespace and name
#' from environment variables or interfaces usually available in
#' AnVIL notebooks or RStudio sessions. `avworkspace()` provides
#' a convenient way to specify workspace namespace and name in a
#' single command.
#' @details `avworkspace_namespace()` is the billing account. If the
#' `namespace=` argument is not provided, try `gcloud_project()`,
#' and if that fails try `Sys.getenv("WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE")`.
#' `avworkspace_name()` is the name of the workspace as it appears
#' in \url{}. If not provided,
#' `avworkspace_name()` tries to use
#' `Sys.getenv("WORKSPACE_NAME")`.
#' Values are cached across sessions, so explicitly providing
#' `avworkspace_*()` is required at most once per session. Revert
#' to system settings with arguments `NA`.
#' @param namespace character(1) AnVIL workspace namespace as returned
#' by, e.g., `avworkspace_namespace()`
#' @param name character(1) AnVIL workspace name as returned by, eg.,
#' `avworkspace_name()`.
#' @return `avworkspace_namespace()`, and `avworkspace_name()` return
#' `character(1)` identifiers.
#' @examples
#' avworkspace_namespace()
#' @export
avworkspace_namespace <- function(namespace = NULL) {
namespace <- .avworkspace("avworkspace_namespace", "NAMESPACE", namespace)
if (!nzchar(namespace)) {
namespace <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) {
namespace <- .avworkspace("avworkspace_namespace", "NAMESPACE", namespace)
#' @rdname av
#' @examples
#' avworkspace_name()
#' @export
avworkspace_name <- function(name = NULL)
.avworkspace("avworkspace_name", "NAME", name)
#' @rdname av
#' @param workspace when present, a `character(1)` providing the
#' concatenated namespace and name, e.g.,
#' `"bioconductor-rpci-anvil/Bioconductor-Package-AnVIL"`
#' @return `avworkspace()` returns the character(1) concatenated
#' namespace and name.
#' @examples
#' avworkspace()
#' @export
avworkspace <-
function(workspace = NULL)
is.null(workspace) || .is_scalar_character(workspace)
if (!is.null(workspace)) {
wkspc <- strsplit(workspace, "/")[[1]]
if (length(wkspc) != 2L)
"'workspace' must be of the form 'namespace/name', ",
"with a single '/'"
paste0(avworkspace_namespace(), "/", avworkspace_name())
## tables
#' Functions for convenient user interaction with AnVIL resources
#' @rdname av
#' @description `avtables()` describes tables available in a
#' workspace. Tables can be visualized under the DATA tab, TABLES
#' item. `avtable()` returns an AnVIL table. `avtable_import()`
#' imports a data.frame to an AnVIL table. `avtable_import_set()`
#' imports set membership (i.e., a subset of an existing table)
#' information to an AnVIL table. `avtable_delete_values()`
#' removes rows from an AnVIL table.
#' @return `avtables()`: A tibble with columns identifying the table,
#' the number of records, and the column names.
#' @importFrom curl curl_escape
#' @export
avtables <-
function(namespace = avworkspace_namespace(), name = avworkspace_name())
name <- curl_escape(name)
types <- Terra()$getEntityTypes(namespace, name)
.avstop_for_status(types, "avtables")
lst <- content(types)
table <- names(lst)
count <- vapply(lst, `[[`, integer(1), "count")
colnames <- vapply(lst, function(elt) {
value <- unlist(elt[c("idName", "attributeNames")], use.names=FALSE)
paste(value, collapse=", ")
}, character(1))
tibble(table, count, colnames)
#' @rdname av
#' @param table character(1) table name as returned by, e.g., `avtables()`.
#' @return `avtable()`: a tibble of data corresponding to the AnVIL
#' table `table` in the specified workspace.
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%" select starts_with ends_with
#' @export
avtable <-
function(table, namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
name = avworkspace_name())
name = curl_escape(name)
entities <- Terra()$getEntities(namespace, name, table)
.avstop_for_status(entities, "avtable")
tbl <-
as_tibble(flatten(entities)) %>%
select(name, starts_with("attributes"), -ends_with("entityType"))
names(tbl) <- sub("^attributes.", "", names(tbl))
names(tbl) <- sub(".entityName$", "", names(tbl))
.avtable_import_set_entity <-
function(.data, entity)
oentity <- entity
idx <- match(entity, names(.data))
if (!startsWith(entity, "entity:"))
entity <- paste0("entity:", entity)
if (!endsWith(entity, "_id"))
entity <- paste0(entity, "_id")
if ( { # new column, arbitrary index
.data[[entity]] <- seq_len(nrow(.data))
} else { # existing column, maybe rename
names(.data)[idx] <- entity
stopifnot(!anyDuplicated(.data[[entity]]), !anyNA(.data[[entity]]))
.data[c(entity, setdiff(names(.data), entity))]
#' @rdname av
#' @param .data A tibble or data.frame for import as an AnVIL table.
#' @param entity `character(1)` column name of `.data` to be used as
#' imported table name. When the table comes from R, this is
#' usually a column name such as `sample`. The data will be
#' imported into AnVIL as a table `sample`, with the `sample`
#' column included with suffix `_id`, e.g., `sample_id`. A column
#' in `.data` with suffix `_id` can also be used, e.g., `entity =
#' "sample_id"`, creating the table `sample` with column
#' `sample_id` in AnVIL. Finally, a value of `entity` that is not
#' a column in `.data`, e.g., `entity = "unknown"`, will cause a
#' new table with name `entity` and entity values
#' `seq_len(nrow(.data))`.
#' @return `avtable_import()` returns a `character(1)` name of the
#' imported AnVIL tibble.
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
avtable_import <-
function(.data, entity = names(.data)[[1]],
namespace = avworkspace_namespace(), name = avworkspace_name())
name = curl_escape(name)
.data <- .avtable_import_set_entity(.data, entity)
destination <- tempfile()
write.table(.data, destination, quote = FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
entities <- httr::upload_file(destination)
response <- Terra()$flexibleImportEntities(namespace, name, entities)
.avstop_for_status(response, "avtable_import")
httr::content(response, type="text", encoding = "UTF-8")
#' @rdname av
#' @param origin character(1) name of the entity (table) used to
#' create the set e.g "sample", "participant",
#' etc.
#' @param set `character(1)` column name of `.data` identifying the
#' set(s) to be created.
#' @param member `character()` vector of entity from the avtable
#' identified by `origin`. The values may repeat if an ID is in
#' more than one set
#' @details `avtable_import_set()` creates new rows in a table
#' `<origin>_set`. One row will be created for each distinct value
#' in the column identified by `set`. Each row entry has a
#' corresponding column `<origin>` linking to one or more rows in
#' the `<origin>` table, as given in the `member` column. The
#' operation is somewhat like `split(member, set)`.
#' @return `avtable_import_set()` returns a `character(1)` name of the
#' imported AnVIL tibble.
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## editable copy of '1000G-high-coverage-2019' workspace
#' avworkspace("bioconductor-rpci-anvil/1000G-high-coverage-2019")
#' sample <-
#' avtable("sample") %>% # existing table
#' mutate(set = sample(head(LETTERS), nrow(.), TRUE)) # arbitrary groups
#' sample %>% # new 'participant_set' table
#' avtable_import_set("participant", "set", "participant")
#' sample %>% # new 'sample_set' table
#' avtable_import_set("sample", "set", "name")
#' }
#' @export
avtable_import_set <-
.data, origin, set = names(.data)[[1]], member = names(.data)[[2]],
namespace = avworkspace_namespace(), name = avworkspace_name())
set %in% names(.data),
!identical(set, member), member %in% names(.data),
origin <- curl_escape(origin)
tbl <-
.data %>%
select(set, member)
names(tbl)[[1]] <- paste0("membership:", origin, "_set_id")
names(tbl)[[2]] <- origin
destination <- tempfile()
write.table(tbl, destination, quote = FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
entities <- httr::upload_file(destination)
response <- Terra()$flexibleImportEntities(namespace, name, entities)
.avstop_for_status(response, "avtable_import_sample_set")
httr::content(response, type="text", encoding = "UTF-8")
#' @rdname av
#' @param values vector of values in the entity (key) column of
#' `table` to be deleted. A table `sample` has an associated
#' entity column with suffix `_id`, e.g., `sample_id`. Rows with
#' entity column entries matching `values` are deleted.
#' @return `avtable_delete_values()` returns a `tibble` representing
#' deleted entities, invisibly.
#' @export
avtable_delete_values <-
function(table, values,
namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
name = avworkspace_name())
name <- curl_escape(name)
body <- tibble(entityType = table, entityName = as.character(values))
response <- Terra()$deleteEntities(namespace, name, body)
.avstop_for_status(response, "avtable_delete_values")
#' @rdname av
#' @description `avdata()` returns key-value tables representing the
#' information visualized under the DATA tab, 'REFERENCE DATA' and
#' 'OTHER DATA' items.
#' @return `avdata()` returns a tibble with five columns: `"type"`
#' represents the origin of the data from the 'REFERENCE' or
#' 'OTHER' data menus. `"table"` is the table name in the
#' `REFERENCE` menu, or 'workspace' for the table in the 'OTHER'
#' menu, the key used to access the data element, the value label
#' associated with the data element and the value (e.g., google
#' bucket) of the element.
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists() && nzchar(avworkspace_name()))
#' ## from within AnVIL
#' avdata()
#' @export
avdata <-
function(namespace = avworkspace_namespace(), name = avworkspace_name())
name <- curl_escape(name)
response <- Terra()$exportAttributesTSV(namespace, name)
.avstop_for_status(response, "avworkspace_data")
content <- content(response)
lines <- unlist(strsplit(content, "\n"))
fields <- strsplit(lines, "\t")
field1 <- sub("workspace:", "", fields[[1]])
is_referenceData <- startsWith(field1, "referenceData")
type <- ifelse(is_referenceData, "reference", "other")
table <- rep("workspace", length(field1))
table[is_referenceData] <- vapply(
strsplit(field1[is_referenceData], "_"), `[[`, character(1), 2L
key <- sub("^referenceData_[^_]+_", "", field1)
tbl <- tibble(
type = type, table = table, key = key,
label = basename(fields[[2]]),
value = fields[[2]]
arrange(tbl, type, table, key)
## workspace bucket
.avbucket_cache <- local({
.key <- function(namespace, name)
paste(namespace, name, sep = "/")
buckets <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
list(exists = function(namespace, name) {
exists(.key(namespace, name), envir = buckets)
}, get = function(namespace, name) {
buckets[[ .key(namespace, name) ]]
}, set = function(namespace, name, bucket) {
buckets[[ .key(namespace, name) ]] <- bucket
}, keys = function() {
}, flush = function() {
rm(list = names(buckets), envir = buckets)
#' @rdname av
#' @description `avbucket()` returns the workspace bucket, i.e., the
#' google bucket associated with a workspace. Bucket content can
#' be visualized under the 'DATA' tab, 'Files' item.
#' @return `avbucket()` returns a `character(1)` bucket identifier,
#' prefixed with `gs://` if `as_path = TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists() && nzchar(avworkspace_name()))
#' ## From within AnVIL...
#' bucket <- avbucket() # discover bucket
#' \dontrun{
#' path <- file.path(bucket, "")
#' gsutil_ls(dirname(path)) # no ''...
#' write.table(mtcars, gsutil_pipe(path, "w")) # write to bucket
#' gsutil_stat(path) # yep, there!
#' read.table(gsutil_pipe(path, "r")) # read from bucket
#' }
#' @export
avbucket <-
function(namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
name = avworkspace_name(),
as_path = TRUE)
if (.avbucket_cache$exists(namespace, name)) {
bucket <- .avbucket_cache$get(namespace, name)
} else {
name <- curl_escape(name)
response <- Terra()$getWorkspace(namespace, name, "workspace.bucketName")
.avstop_for_status(response, "avbucket")
bucket <- as.list(response)$workspace$bucketName
.avbucket_cache$set(namespace, name, bucket)
if (as_path)
bucket <- paste0("gs://", bucket)
.avbucket_path <-
function(bucket, ...)
## get path without duplicate "/"
args <- expand.grid(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
args <- unname(as.list(args))
bucket <- sub("/*$", "", bucket)
args <- lapply(args, sub, pattern = "^/*", replacement = "")
args <- lapply(args, sub, pattern = "/*$", replacement = "")
args <-
FUN = paste,
MoreArgs = list(sep = "/"),
), args)
paste0(bucket, ifelse(length(args), "/", ""), args)
#' @rdname av
#' @description `avfiles_ls()` returns the paths of files in the
#' workspace bucket. `avfiles_backup()` copies files from the
#' compute node file system to the workspace bucket.
#' `avfiles_restore()` copies files from the workspace bucket to
#' the compute node file system. `avfiles_rm()` removes files or
#' directories from the workspace bucket.
#' @param path For `avfiles_ls(), the character(1) file or directory path
#' to list.
#' For `avfiles_rm()`, the character() (perhaps with length
#' greater than 1) of files or directory paths to be removed. The
#' elements of `path` can contain glob-style patterns, e.g.,
#' `vign*`.
#' @param full_names logical(1) return names relative to `path`
#' (`FALSE`, default) or root of the workspace bucket?
#' @param recursive logical(1) list files recursively?
#' @param as_path logical(1) when TRUE (default) return bucket with
#' prefix `gs://` (for `avbucket()`) or `gs://<bucket-id>` (for
#' `avfiles_ls()`).
#' @return `avfiles_ls()` returns a character vector of files in the
#' workspace bucket.
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists() && nzchar(avworkspace_name()))
#' avfiles_ls()
#' @export
avfiles_ls <-
path = "",
full_names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE,
namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
name = avworkspace_name())
.is_scalar_character(path, zchar = TRUE),
bucket <- avbucket(namespace, name)
source <- .avbucket_path(bucket, path)
result <- gsutil_ls(source, recursive = recursive)
if (full_names) {
sub(paste0(bucket, "/*"), "", result)
} else {
sub(paste0(source, "/*"), "", result)
#' @rdname av
#' @details `avfiles_backup()` can be used to back-up individual files
#' or entire directories, recursively. When `recursive = FALSE`,
#' files are backed up to the bucket with names approximately
#' `paste0(destination, "/", basename(source))`. When `recursive
#' = TRUE` and source is a directory `path/to/foo/', files are
#' backed up to bucket names that include the directory name,
#' approximately `paste0(destination, "/", dir(basename(source),
#' full.names = TRUE))`. Naming conventions are described in
#' detail in `gsutil_help("cp")`.
#' @param source character() file paths. for `avfiles_backup()`,
#' `source` can include directory names when `recursive = TRUE`.
#' @param destination character(1) a google bucket
#' (`gs://<bucket-id>/...`) to write files. The default is the
#' workspace bucket.
#' @param parallel logical(1) backup files using parallel transfer?
#' See `?gsutil_cp()`.
#' @return `avfiles_backup()` returns, invisibly, the status code of the
#' `gsutil_cp()` command used to back up the files.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## backup all files in the current directory
#' ## default buckets are gs://<bucket-id>/<file-names>
#' avfiles_backup(dir())
#' ## backup working directory, recursively
#' ## default buckets are gs://<bucket-id>/<basename(getwd())>/...
#' avfiles_backup(getwd(), recursive = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
avfiles_backup <-
destination = "",
recursive = FALSE,
parallel = TRUE,
namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
name = avworkspace_name()
`some 'source' paths do not exist` = all(file.exists(source)),
.is_scalar_character(destination, zchar = TRUE),
bucket <- avbucket(namespace, name)
destination <- .avbucket_path(bucket, destination)
gsutil_cp(source, destination, recursive = recursive, parallel = parallel)
#' @rdname av
#' @details `avfiles_restore()` behaves in a manner analogous to
#' `avfiles_backup()`, copying files from the workspace bucket to
#' the compute node file system.
#' @export
avfiles_restore <-
destination = ".",
recursive = FALSE,
parallel = TRUE,
namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
name = avworkspace_name()
`'destination' is not a directory` = dir.exists(destination),
bucket <- avbucket(namespace, name)
source <- .avbucket_path(bucket, source)
gsutil_cp(source, destination, recursive = recursive, parallel = parallel)
#' @rdname av
#' @return `avfiles_rm()` on success, returns a list of the return
#' codes of `gsutil_rm()`, invisibly.
#' @export
avfiles_rm <-
recursive = FALSE,
parallel = TRUE,
namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
name = avworkspace_name()
bucket <- avbucket(namespace, name)
source <- .avbucket_path(bucket, source)
result <- lapply(
source, gsutil_rm, recursive = recursive, parallel = parallel
## runtimes / persistent disks
#' @rdname av
#' @md
#' @description `avruntimes()` returns a tibble containing information
#' about runtimes (notebooks or RStudio instances, for example)
#' that the current user has access to.
#' @return `avruntimes()` returns a tibble with columns
#' - id: integer() runtime identifier.
#' - googleProject: character() billing account.
#' - tool: character() e.g., "Jupyter", "RStudio".
#' - status character() e.g., "Stopped", "Running".
#' - creator character() AnVIL account, typically "".
#' - createdDate character() creation date.
#' - destroyedDate character() destruction date, or NA.
#' - dateAccessed character() date of (first?) access.
#' - runtimeName character().
#' - clusterServiceAccount character() service ('pet') account for
#' this runtime.
#' - masterMachineType character() It is unclear which 'tool' populates
#' which of the machineType columns).
#' - workerMachineType character().
#' - machineType character().
#' - persistentDiskId integer() identifier of persistent disk (see
#' `avdisks()`), or `NA`.
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists())
#' ## from within AnVIL
#' avruntimes()
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_with
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @export
avruntimes <-
template <- list(
id = integer(0),
googleProject = character(0),
labels.tool = character(0),
status = character(0),
auditInfo.creator = character(0),
auditInfo.createdDate = character(0),
auditInfo.destroyedDate = logical(0),
auditInfo.dateAccessed = character(0),
runtimeName = character(0),
labels.clusterServiceAccount = character(0),
runtimeConfig.masterMachineType = character(0),
runtimeConfig.workerMachineType = logical(0),
runtimeConfig.machineType = character(0),
runtimeConfig.persistentDiskId = integer(0)
leo <- Leonardo()
response <- leo$listRuntimes()
.avstop_for_status(response, "avruntimes")
runtimes <- flatten(response)
.tbl_with_template(runtimes, template) %>%
rename_with(~ sub(".*\\.", "", .x))
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
.runtime_pet <-
function(creator, tool = c("Jupyter", "RStudio"),
namespace = avworkspace_namespace())
tool <- match.arg(tool)
runtimes <- avruntimes()
pet <-
runtimes %>%
.data$tool == {{ tool }},
.data$creator == {{ creator }},
.data$googleProject == {{ namespace }}
) %>%
if (!.is_scalar_character(pet))
warning("'.runtime_pet' return value is not scalar")
#' @name av
#' @md
#' @description 'avdisks()` returns a tibble containing information
#' about persistent disks associatd with the current user.
#' @return `avdisks()` returns a tibble with columns
#' - id character() disk identifier.
#' - googleProject: character() billing account.
#' - status, e.g, "Ready"
#' - size integer() in GB.
#' - diskType character().
#' - blockSize integer().
#' - creator character() AnVIL account, typically "".
#' - createdDate character() creation date.
#' - destroyedDate character() destruction date, or NA.
#' - dateAccessed character() date of (first?) access.
#' - zone character() e.g.. "us-central1-a".
#' - name character().
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists())
#' ## from within AnVIL
#' avdisks()
#' @export
avdisks <-
template <- list(
id = integer(0),
googleProject = character(0),
status = character(0),
size = integer(0),
diskType = character(0),
blockSize = integer(0),
auditInfo.creator = character(0),
auditInfo.createdDate = character(0),
auditInfo.destroyedDate = logical(0),
auditInfo.dateAccessed = character(0),
name = character(0),
zone = character(0)
leo <- Leonardo()
response <- leo$listDisks()
.avstop_for_status(response, "avdisks")
runtimes <- flatten(response)
.tbl_with_template(runtimes, template) %>%
rename_with(~sub(".*\\.", "", .x))
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