
### R code from vignette source 'BLMA.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: BLMA.Rnw:114-142
# one-sample tests
x <- rnorm(10, mean = 0)
# one-sample left-tailed t-test
t.test(x, mu=1, alternative = "less")$p.value
# one-sample left-tailed intra-experiment analysis with t-test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, func=t.test, mu=1, alternative = "less")
# one-sample right-tailed t-test
t.test(x, mu=1, alternative = "greater")$p.value
# one-sample right-tailed intra-experiment analysis with t-test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, func=t.test, mu=1, alternative = "greater")
# one-sample two-tailed t-test
t.test(x, mu=1)$p.value
# one-sample two-tailed intra-experiment analysis with t-test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, func=t.test, mu=1)
# one-sample left-tailed Wilcoxon test
wilcox.test(x, mu=1, alternative = "less")$p.value
# one-sample left-tailed intra-experiment analysis with Wilcoxon test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, func=wilcox.test, mu=1, alternative = "less")
# one-sample right-tailed Wilcoxon test
wilcox.test(x, mu=1, alternative = "greater")$p.value
# one-sample right-tailed intra-experiment analysis with Wilcoxon test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, func=wilcox.test, mu=1, alternative = "greater")
# one-sample two-tailed Wilcoxon test
wilcox.test(x, mu=1)$p.value
# one-sample two-tailed intra-experiment analysis with Wilcoxon test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, func=wilcox.test, mu=1)

### code chunk number 2: BLMA.Rnw:147-162
# two-sample tests
x <- rnorm(20, mean=0); y=rnorm(20, mean=1)
# two-sample left-tailed t-test
# two-sample left-tailed intra-experiment analysis with t-test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, y, func=t.test, alternative = "less")
# two-sample right-tailed t-test
# two-sample right-tailed intra-experiment analysis with t-test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, y, func=t.test, alternative = "greater")
# two-sample two-tailed t-test
# two-sample two-tailed intra-experiment analysis with t-test
intraAnalysisClassic(x, y, func=t.test)

### code chunk number 3: BLMA.Rnw:168-189
# one-sample tests
l1 <- lapply(as.list(seq(3)),FUN=function (x) rnorm(n=10, mean=1))
l0 <- lapply(as.list(seq(3)),FUN=function (x) rnorm(n=10, mean=0))
# one-sample right-tailed t-test
lapply(l1, FUN=function(x) t.test(x, alternative="greater")$p.value)
# combining the p-values of one-sample t-test:
addCLT(unlist(lapply(l1, FUN=function(x) 
    t.test(x, alternative="greater")$p.value)))
#Bi-level meta-analysis with one-sample right-tailed t-test
bilevelAnalysisClassic(x=l1, func=t.test, alternative="greater")
# two-sample left-tailed t-test
lapply(seq(l1), FUN=function(i,l1,l0) 
    t.test(l1[[i]], l0[[i]], alternative="greater")$p.value, l1, l0)
# combining the p-values of one-sample t-test:
addCLT(unlist(lapply(seq(l1), FUN=function(i,l1,l0) 
    t.test(l1[[i]], l0[[i]], alternative="greater")$p.value, l1, l0)))
#Bi-level meta-analysis with two-sample right-tailed t-test
bilevelAnalysisClassic(x=l1, y=l0, func=t.test, alternative="greater")
#Bi-level meta-analysis with two-sample left-tailed t-test
bilevelAnalysisClassic(x=l1, y=l0, func=t.test, alternative="less")

### code chunk number 4: BLMA.Rnw:232-253
# load KEGG pathways and create genesets
gslist <- lapply(x$kpg,FUN=function(y){return (nodes(y));})
gs.names <- x$kpn[names(gslist)]

# load the 4 AML datasets
dataSets <- c("GSE17054", "GSE57194", "GSE33223", "GSE42140")
data(list=dataSets, package="BLMA")

# prepare dataList and groupList
names(dataSets) <- dataSets
dataList <- lapply(dataSets, function(dataset) get(paste0("data_", dataset)))
groupList <- lapply(dataSets, function(dataset) get(paste0("group_", dataset)))

# perform bi-level meta-analysis in conjunction with ORA
system.time(ORAComb <- bilevelAnalysisGeneset(gslist, gs.names, dataList, 
                                              groupList, enrichment = "ORA"))
#print the results
head(ORAComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])

### code chunk number 5: BLMA.Rnw:268-275
# perform bi-level meta-analysis in conjunction with GSA
system.time(GSAComb <- bilevelAnalysisGeneset(gslist, gs.names, dataList, 
                                            groupList, enrichment = "GSA", 
                                            nperms=200, random.seed = 1))
#print the results
head(GSAComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])

### code chunk number 6: BLMA.Rnw:288-294
system.time(PADOGComb <- bilevelAnalysisGeneset(gslist, gs.names, dataList, 
                                    groupList, enrichment = "PADOG", NI=200))
#print the results
head(PADOGComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])

### code chunk number 7: BLMA.Rnw:304-309
x <- loadKEGGPathways()  
system.time(IAComb <- bilevelAnalysisPathway(x$kpg, x$kpn, dataList, groupList))
#print the results
head(IAComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])

### code chunk number 8: BLMA.Rnw:337-355
#perform intra-experiment analysis of the dataset GSE33223 using addCLT
system.time(X <- intraAnalysisGene(data_GSE33223, group_GSE33223))
X <- X[order(X$pIntra), ]
# top 10 genes
# bottom 10 genes

#perform intra-experiment analysis of GSE33223 using Fisher's method
system.time(Y <- intraAnalysisGene(data_GSE33223, group_GSE33223, 
Y = Y[order(Y$pIntra), ]
# top 10 genes
# bottom 10 genes

### code chunk number 9: BLMA.Rnw:367-373
system.time(Z <- bilevelAnalysisGene(dataList = dataList, groupList = groupList))

# top 10 genes
# bottom 10 genes

### code chunk number 10: BLMA.Rnw:380-387
allGenes <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(dataList, rownames))
system.time(geneStat <- getStatistics(allGenes, dataList = dataList, groupList = groupList))

# top 10 genes
# bottom 10 genes

### code chunk number 11: BLMA.Rnw:391-392

### code chunk number 12: BLMA.Rnw:396-433
# get gene network
kpg <- loadKEGGPathways()$kpg
# get gene network name
kpn <- loadKEGGPathways()$kpn
# get geneset
gslist <- lapply(kpg,function(y) nodes(y))

# get differential expressed genes
DEGenes.Left <- rownames(geneStat)[geneStat$pLeft < 0.05 & geneStat$ES.pLeft < 0.05]
DEGenes.Right <- rownames(geneStat)[geneStat$pRight < 0.05 & geneStat$ES.pRight < 0.05]

DEGenes <- union(DEGenes.Left, DEGenes.Right)

# perform pathway analysis with ORA
oraRes <- lapply(gslist, function(gs){
    pORACalc(geneSet = gs, DEGenes = DEGenes, measuredGenes = rownames(geneStat))
oraRes <- data.frame(p.value = unlist(oraRes), pathway = names(oraRes))
rownames(oraRes)  <- kpn[rownames(oraRes)]

# print results

# perfrom pathway analysis with Pathway-Express from ROntoTools
ES <- geneStat[DEGenes, "ES"]
names(ES) <- DEGenes

peRes = pe(x = ES, graphs = kpg, ref = allGenes, nboot = 1000, seed=1, verbose = F)

peRes.Summary <- Summary(peRes, comb.pv.func = fisherMethod)
peRes.Summary[, ncol(peRes.Summary) + 1] <- rownames(peRes.Summary)
rownames(peRes.Summary) <- kpn[rownames(peRes.Summary)]
colnames(peRes.Summary)[ncol(peRes.Summary)] = "pathway"

# print results

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BLMA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:15 p.m.