
Defines functions .installScript

.installScript <- function()
    onWindows <- (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
    files <- c("BiocCheck", "BiocCheckGitClone")
    if (onWindows)
        files <- c("BiocCheck.bat", "BiocCheckGitClone.bat")

    srcDir <- system.file("script", package="BiocCheck")
    srcFile <- file.path(srcDir, files)
    destDir <- file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "bin")
    destFile <- file.path(destDir, files)
    alreadyExists <- all(file.exists(destFile))

    if ( (!alreadyExists) )
        res <- FALSE
                    res <- 
                        all(file.copy(srcFile, destDir, overwrite=TRUE))

                error=function(e) res=-1)

        destFiles <- file.path(destDir, basename(srcFile))

        res <- all(file.exists(destFiles))

        if (interactive())
            func <- packageStartupMessage
            func <- message

        if (is.null(res) || !res || res == -1)
            script <- c("BiocCheck", "BiocCheckGitClone")
            if (onWindows)
                script <- c("BiocCheck.bat", "BiocCheckGitClone.bat")
            msg <- strwrap(paste(
                'Failed to copy the', paste0("script/", script,
                                             collapse=" or "),
                'script to',
                paste0(file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "bin"), "."),
                "If you want to be able to run 'R CMD BiocCheck' you'll",
                "need to copy it yourself to a directory on your PATH,",
                "making sure it is executable.",
                "See the BiocCheck vignette for more information."))
            for (i in seq_along(msg))
        } else {
            func("BiocCheck and BiocCheckGitClone script installed.")


Try the BiocCheck package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BiocCheck documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:38 p.m.