
Defines functions .spatialScores .spatialFilter .spatialDistance .spatialWeights .spatialOffsets .whichSpatialBlocks .findSpatialBlocks .gaussianWeights .findNeighbors

#### Spatially-aware methods ####

## Find neighborhood members

setMethod("findNeighbors", "ImagingExperiment",
	function(x, r = 1, groups = run(x), ...)
		findNeighbors(pixelData(x), r=r, groups=groups, ...)

setMethod("findNeighbors", "PositionDataFrame",
	function(x, r = 1, groups = run(x), dist = "chebyshev",
		offsets = FALSE, matrix = FALSE, ...)
		if ( length(r) > 1L ) {
			.warning("r has length > 1; using r = ", r[1])
			r <- r[1]
		coord <- as.matrix(coord(x))
		nb <- .findNeighbors(coord, r=r, groups=groups, dist=dist, matrix=matrix)
		if ( offsets )
			attr(nb, "offsets") <- .spatialOffsets(coord, nb)

setMethod("findNeighbors", "iSet",
	function(x, r = 1, groups = x$sample, ...)
		findNeighbors(pixelData(x), r=r, groups=groups, ...)

setMethod("findNeighbors", "IAnnotatedDataFrame",
	function(x, r = 1, groups = x$sample, dist = "chebyshev",
		offsets = FALSE, matrix = FALSE, ...)
		if ( length(r) > 1L ) {
			.warning("r has length > 1; using r = ", r[1])
			r <- r[1]
		coord <- as.matrix(coord(x)[,coordLabels(x),drop=FALSE])
		nb <- .findNeighbors(coord, r=r, groups=groups, dist=dist, matrix=matrix)
		if ( offsets )
			attr(nb, "offsets") <- .spatialOffsets(coord, nb)

.findNeighbors <- function(coord, r, groups, dist, matrix = FALSE) {
	if ( !is.matrix(coord) )
		coord <- as.matrix(coord)
	groups <- rep_len(groups, nrow(coord))
	dist.types <- c("radial", "manhattan", "minkowski", "chebyshev")
	dist <- factor(match.arg(dist, dist.types), levels=dist.types)
	nb <- .Call("C_findNeighbors", coord, as.numeric(r),
		as.integer(groups), as.integer(dist), PACKAGE="Cardinal")
	if ( matrix ) {
		ones <- lapply(nb, function(i) rep_len(1L, length(i)))
		nb <- sparse_mat(data=list(keys=nb, values=ones),
			nrow=length(nb), ncol=length(nb), rowMaj=TRUE)
	attr(nb, "r") <- r

## Calculate spatial weights

setMethod("spatialWeights", "ImagingExperiment",
	function(x, r = 1, method = c("gaussian", "adaptive"),
		dist = "chebyshev", matrix = FALSE, BPPARAM = getCardinalBPPARAM(), ...)
		method <- match.arg(method)
		bilateral <- switch(method, gaussian=FALSE, adaptive=TRUE)
		if ( length(r) > 1L ) {
			.warning("r has length > 1; using r = ", r[1])
			r <- r[1]
		sigma <- ((2 * r) + 1) / 4
		fun <- function(xi) {
			.spatialWeights(xi, offsets=attr(xi, "offsets"),
				sigma=sigma, bilateral=bilateral)
		weights <- spatialApply(x, .r=r, .fun=fun, ..., .dist=dist,
			.simplify=FALSE, .verbose=FALSE, .view="element", BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
		nb <- attr(weights, "neighbors")
		attr(weights, "neighbors") <- NULL
		if ( matrix ) {
			w <- lapply(weights, function(w) w$alpha * w$beta)
			weights <- sparse_mat(data=list(keys=c(nb), values=w),
				nrow=length(nb), ncol=length(nb), rowMaj=TRUE)
		} else {
			attr(weights, "offsets") <- attr(nb, "offsets")
			attr(weights, "neighbors") <- c(nb) # remove attr

setMethod("spatialWeights", "PositionDataFrame",
	function(x, r = 1, matrix = FALSE, ...)
		.gaussianWeights(x, r=r, matrix=matrix, ...)

setMethod("spatialWeights", "iSet",
	function(x, r = 1, method = c("gaussian", "adaptive"), matrix = FALSE, ...)
		method <- match.arg(method)
		bilateral <- switch(method, gaussian=FALSE, adaptive=TRUE)
		if ( length(r) > 1L ) {
			.warning("r has length > 1; using r = ", r[1])
			r <- r[1]
		sigma <- ((2 * r) + 1) / 4
		nb <- findNeighbors(x, r=r, offsets=TRUE, ...)
		offsets <- attr(nb, "offsets")
		weights <- mapply(function(ii, pos) {
			.spatialWeights(iData(x)[,ii], pos, sigma, bilateral)
		}, nb, offsets, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		if ( matrix ) {
			w <- lapply(weights, function(w) w$alpha * w$beta)
			weights <- sparse_mat(data=list(keys=c(nb), values=w),
				nrow=length(nb), ncol=length(nb), rowMaj=TRUE)
		} else {
			attr(weights, "offsets") <- offsets
			attr(weights, "neighbors") <- c(nb) # remove attr

setMethod("spatialWeights", "IAnnotatedDataFrame",
	function(x, r = 1, matrix = FALSE, ...)
		.gaussianWeights(x, r=r, matrix=matrix, ...)

.gaussianWeights <- function(x, r, matrix = FALSE, ...) {
	nb <- findNeighbors(x, r=r, offsets=TRUE, ...)
	offsets <- attr(nb, "offsets")
	sigma <- ((2 * r[1]) + 1) / 4
	weights <- mapply(function(pos) {
		.spatialWeights(NULL, offsets=pos,
			sigma=sigma, bilateral=FALSE)
	}, offsets, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	if ( matrix ) {
		attr(nb, "offsets") <- NULL
		w <- lapply(weights, function(w) w$alpha * w$beta)
		weights <- sparse_mat(data=list(keys=nb, values=w),
			nrow=length(nb), ncol=length(nb), rowMaj=TRUE)
	} else {
		attr(weights, "neighbors") <- nb

# split data into spatially-aware blocks for processing
.findSpatialBlocks <- function(x, r, groups, nblocks, neighbors = NULL) {
	groups <- as.factor(groups)
	if ( missing(r) && !is.null(neighbors) )
		r <- attr(neighbors, "r")
	if ( length(r) != length(coord(x)) ) {
		r <- rep_len(unname(r), length(coord(x)))
	} else if ( !is.null(names(r)) ) {
		r <- r[names(coord(x))]
	# assume all groups are equal size
	nblocks_per_group <- nblocks / nlevels(groups)
	# calculate blocks for each group
	block_info <- lapply(levels(groups), function(gi) {
		gcoord <- coord(x)[groups == gi,,drop=FALSE]
		dim_len <- sapply(gcoord, function(pos) diff(range(pos)))
		block_per_dim <- round(nblocks_per_group^(dim_len/sum(dim_len)))
		block_len <- dim_len / block_per_dim
		limits <- mapply(function(pos, len, ri) {
			lim <- seq(from=min(pos), to=max(pos), by=max(len, 2 * ri))
			lim <- as.numeric(lim)
			if ( lim[length(lim)] >  max(pos) - ri )
				lim[length(lim)] <- max(pos)
		}, gcoord, block_len, r, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		grid <- lapply(limits, function(lim) seq_len(length(lim) - 1L))
		grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(grid))
		list(limits=limits, grid=grid)
	blocks <- .Call("C_findSpatialBlocks", as.matrix(coord(x)),
		as.numeric(r), as.integer(groups), block_info, PACKAGE="Cardinal")
	if ( length(blocks) > 1L ) {
		blocks <- do.call("c", blocks)
	} else {
		blocks <- blocks[[1L]]
	blocks <- blocks[lengths(blocks) != 0L]
	if ( !is.null(neighbors) ) {
		wh <- .whichSpatialBlocks(neighbors, blocks)
		if ( anyNA(wh) )
			stop("invalid blocks")
		centers <- lapply(seq_along(blocks), function(i) which(wh == i))
		blocks <- blocks[lengths(centers) != 0L]
		centers <- centers[lengths(centers) != 0L]
		for ( i in seq_along(blocks) )
			attr(blocks[[i]], "centers") <- centers[[i]]

# assign pixels to a processing block
.whichSpatialBlocks <- function(neighbors, blocks) {
	.Call("C_whichSpatialBlocks", neighbors, blocks, PACKAGE="Cardinal")

# spatial offsets for a list of neighborhoods
.spatialOffsets <- function(coord, neighbors) {
	if ( !is.matrix(coord) )
		coord <- as.matrix(coord)
	if ( is.sparse(neighbors) )
		neighbors <- atomdata(neighbors)$keys
	lapply(1:nrow(coord), function(i) {
		offsets <- .Call("C_spatialOffsets", coord,
			neighbors[[i]] - 1L, i - 1L, PACKAGE="Cardinal")
		colnames(offsets) <- colnames(coord)

# spatial weights for a single neighborhood
.spatialWeights <- function(x, offsets, sigma, bilateral = TRUE) {
	if ( is.null(x) ) {
		x <- numeric()
		bilaterial <- FALSE
	if ( missing(sigma) )
		sigma <- ((2 * max(abs(offsets))) + 1) / 4
	weights <- .Call("C_spatialWeights", x, offsets, sigma, bilateral, PACKAGE="Cardinal")
	names(weights) <- c("alpha", "beta")

# spatial distances for a spatial block
.spatialDistance <- function(x, ref, offsets, ref.offsets,
	weights, ref.weights, neighbors, metric, tol.dist = 1e-9)
	if ( typeof(x) != typeof(ref) )
		.stop("arrays must have the same data type")
	if ( metric %in% c("average", "correlation") ) {
		x2 <- .spatialFilter(x, weights=weights,
		ref2 <- .spatialFilter(ref, weights=list(ref.weights),
		if ( metric == "average" ) {
			d <- sqrt(colSums((x2 - as.numeric(ref2))^2))
		} else if ( metric == "correlation") {
			d <- as.numeric(sqrt(2 * (1 - cor(x2, ref2))))
		} else {
			.stop("unrecognized dissimilarity metric")
	} else if ( metric == "neighborhood" ) {
		d <- .Call("C_spatialDistance", x, ref, offsets, ref.offsets,
			weights, ref.weights, neighbors, tol.dist, PACKAGE="Cardinal")
	} else {
		.stop("unrecognized dissimilarity metric")
	pmax(d, 0)

# spatial filter the column-vectors of a matrix
.spatialFilter <- function(x, weights, neighbors)
	if ( missing(neighbors) )
		neighbors <- attr(weights, "neighbors")
	if ( length(weights) != length(neighbors) )
		.stop("length of weights and neighbors must match")
	.Call("C_spatialFilter", x, weights, neighbors, PACKAGE="Cardinal")

# spatial discriminant scores for a spatial block
.spatialScores <- function(x, centers, weights, neighbors, sd)
	if ( missing(neighbors) )
		neighbors <- attr(weights, "neighbors")
	if ( nrow(x) != nrow(centers) || nrow(x) != length(sd) )
		.stop("number of features must match between arrays")
	if ( length(weights) != length(neighbors) )
		.stop("length of weights and neighbors must match")
	.Call("C_spatialScores", x, centers, weights, neighbors, sd, PACKAGE="Cardinal")

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Cardinal documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:10 p.m.