AddIDsToVertices | add IDs to vertices |
AddWeightsToEdges | add weights to edges |
AnalyseExperimentalData | analyse experimental data |
AnalysePredictionsList | analyse predictions list |
CalculateEnrichmentPValue | calculates an enrichment p-value |
CalculateSignificance | calculate overall significance p-value |
CalculateSignificanceUsingCubicAlgorithm | calculate significance using the cubic algorithm |
CalculateSignificanceUsingCubicAlgorithm1b | Calculate Significance Using Cubic Algorithm |
CalculateSignificanceUsingQuarticAlgorithm | calculate significance using the quartic algorithm |
CalculateTotalWeightForAllContingencyTables | calculate total weight for all contingency tables |
CalculateWeightGivenValuesInThreeByThreeContingencyTable | calculate weight given values in three-by-three contingency... |
CausalR-package | The CausalR package |
CheckPossibleValuesAreValid | check possible values are valid |
CheckRowAndColumnSumValuesAreValid | check row and column sum values are valid |
CompareHypothesis | compare hypothesis |
ComputeFinalDistribution | compute final distribution |
ComputePValueFromDistributionTable | compute a p-value from the distribution table |
CreateCCG | create a Computational Causal Graph (CCG) |
CreateCG | create a Computational Graph (CG) |
CreateNetworkFromTable | create network from table |
DetermineInteractionTypeOfPath | determine interaction type of path |
FindApproximateValuesThatWillMaximiseDValue | find approximate values that will maximise D value |
FindIdsOfConnectedNodesInSubgraph | find Ids of connected nodes in subgraph |
FindMaximumDValue | find maximum D value |
GetAllPossibleRoundingCombinations | get score for numbers of correct and incorrect predictions |
GetApproximateMaximumDValueFromThreeByTwoContingencyTable | returns approximate maximum D value or weight for a 3x2... |
GetApproximateMaximumDValueFromTwoByTwoContingencyTable | computes an approximate maximum D value or weight |
GetCombinationsOfCorrectandIncorrectPredictions | returns table of correct and incorrect predictions |
GetExplainedNodesOfCCG | Get explained nodes of CCG |
GetInteractionInformation | returns interaction information from input data |
GetMatrixOfCausalRelationships | compute causal relationships matrix |
GetMaxDValueForAFamily | get maximun D value for a family |
GetMaxDValueForAThreeByTwoFamily | get maximum D value for three-by-two a family |
GetMaximumDValueFromTwoByTwoContingencyTable | get maximum D value from two-by-two contingency table |
GetNodeID | get CCG node ID |
GetNodeName | get node name |
GetNumberOfPositiveAndNegativeEntries | counts the number of positive and negative entries |
GetPathsInSifFormat | Get paths in Sif format |
GetRegulatedNodes | get regulated nodes |
GetRowAndColumnSumValues | get row and column sum values |
GetScoreForNumbersOfCorrectandIncorrectPredictions | returns the score for a given number of correct and incorrect... |
GetScoresForSingleNode | Get scores for single node |
GetScoresWeightsMatrix | get scores weight matrix |
GetScoresWeightsMatrixByCubicAlg | get scores weights matrix by the cubic algorithm |
GetSetOfDifferentiallyExpressedGenes | get set of differientially expressed genes |
GetSetOfSignificantPredictions | get set of significant predictions |
GetShortestPathsFromCCG | get shortest paths from CCG |
GetWeightForNumbersOfCorrectandIncorrectPredictions | get weight for numbers of correct and incorrect predictions |
GetWeightsAboveHypothesisScoreAndTotalWeights | get weights above hypothesis score and total weights |
GetWeightsAboveHypothesisScoreForAThreeByTwoTable | updates weights for contingency table and produce values for... |
GetWeightsFromInteractionInformation | get weights from interaction information |
MakePredictions | make predictions |
MakePredictionsFromCCG | make predictions from CCG |
MakePredictionsFromCG | make predictions from CG |
OrderHypotheses | order hypotheses |
PlotGraphWithNodeNames | plot graph with node names |
PopulateTheThreeByThreeContingencyTable | populate the three-by-three contingency table |
PopulateTwoByTwoContingencyTable | Populate Two by Two Contingency Table |
ProcessExperimentalData | process experimental data |
RankTheHypotheses | rank the hypotheses |
ReadExperimentalData | read experimental data |
ReadSifFileToTable | read .sif to Table |
RemoveIDsNotInExperimentalData | remove IDs not in experimental data |
runRankHypothesis | run rank the hypothesis |
runSCANR | run ScanR |
ScoreHypothesis | score hypothesis |
ValidateFormatOfDataTable | validate format of the experimental data table |
ValidateFormatOfTable | validate format of table |
WriteAllExplainedNodesToSifFile | Write all explained nodes to Sif file |
WriteExplainedNodesToSifFile | Write explained nodes to Sif file |
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