
Defines functions GetNodeName

Documented in GetNodeName

#' @title get node name
#' @description
#' Returns the node name from one or more node IDs, or substitute node names for node IDs,
#' given in first column of a matrix typically of  predictions or experimental data
#' @param network Built from igraph
#' @param nodeID a node ID or a matrix containing node IDs in its first column
#' @param signed whether or not the node name should be signed. Setting this value to TRUE gives a signed name indicating whether the gene is up or down regulated in the network
#' @return a node name or a vector of node names depending if the input is an matrix.
#' @export
#' @concept CausalR
#' @examples
#' network <- system.file(package='CausalR', 'extdata', 'testNetwork.sif')
#' ccg = CreateCCG(network)
#' nodeID <- 10
#' GetNodeName(ccg, nodeID)

GetNodeName <- function(network, nodeID, signed = FALSE) {
    if (is.matrix(nodeID) || is.data.frame(nodeID)) {
        if (network$isCCG) {
            name <- nodeID
            if (signed) {
                name[, 1] <- igraph::V(network)$name[nodeID[, 1]]
            } else {
                name[, 1] <- igraph::V(network)$unsignedName[nodeID[, 1]]
        } else {
            name <- nodeID
            name[, 1] <- igraph::V(network)$name[nodeID[, 1]]
    } else {
        if (network$isCCG) {
            if (signed) {
                name <- igraph::V(network)$name[nodeID]
            } else {
                name <- igraph::V(network)$unsignedName[nodeID]
        } else {
            name <- igraph::V(network)$name[nodeID]

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CausalR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:25 p.m.