Man pages for ClassifyR
A framework for cross-validated classification problems, with applications to differential variability and differential distribution testing

asthmaDatasetAsthma RNA Abundance and Patient Classes
bartlettSelectionSelection of Differential Variability with Bartlett Statistic
calcPerformanceAdd Performance Calculations to a ClassifyResult Object or...
characterOrDataFrame-classUnion of a Character and a DataFrame
classifyInterfaceAn Interface for PoiClaClu Package's Classify Function
ClassifyResult-classContainer for Storing Classification Results
differentMeansSelectionSelection of Differentially Abundant Features
distributionGet Frequencies of Feature Selection and Sample Errors
dlda-classTrained dlda Object
DLDAinterfaceAn Interface for sparsediscrim Package's dlda Function
DMDselectionSelection of Differential Distributions with Differences in...
easyHardClassifierTwo-stage Classification Using Easy-to-collect Data Set and...
EasyHardClassifier-classContainer for a Pair of Trained Classifiers
easyHardFeaturesExtract Chosen Features from an EasyHardClassifier Object
edgeRselectionFeature Selection Based on Differential Expression for Count...
edgesToHubNetworksConvert a Two-column Matrix or Data Frame into a Hub Node...
elasticNetFeaturesExtract Vectors of Ranked and Selected Features From an...
elasticNetGLMinterfaceAn Interface for glmnet Package's glmnet Function
FeatureSetCollection-classContainer for Storing A Collection of Sets
FeatureSetCollectionOrNULL-classUnion of a FeatureSetCollection and NULL
featureSetSummaryTransform a Table of Feature Abundances into a Table of...
fisherDiscriminantClassification Using Fisher's LDA
forestFeaturesExtract Vectors of Ranked and Selected Features From a Random...
functionOrList-classUnion of Functions and List of Functions
functionOrNULL-classUnion of A Function and NULL
getLocationsAndScalesCalculate Location and Scale
integerOrNumeric-classUnion of a Integer and a Numeric
interactorDifferencesConvert Individual Features into Differences Between Binary...
knnInterfaceAn Interface for class Package's knn Function
KolmogorovSmirnovSelectionSelection of Differential Distributions with...
kTSPclassifierClassification Using k Pairs of Features With Relative...
KullbackLeiblerSelectionSelection of Differential Distributions with Kullback-Leibler...
leveneSelectionSelection of Differential Variability with Levene Statistic
likelihoodRatioSelectionSelection of Differential Distributions with Likelihood Ratio...
limmaSelectionSelection of Differentially Abundant Features
listOrCharacterOrNULL-classUnion of a List and a Character Vector and NULL
listOrNULL-classUnion of a List and NULL
mixmodelsClassification based on Differential Distribution utilising...
MixModelsListsSet-classContainer for a List of Lists Containing Mixture Models
multnet-classTrained multnet Object
naiveBayesKernelClassification Using A Bayes Classifier with Kernel Density...
networkCorrelationsSelectionSelection of Differentially Correlated Hub Sub-networks
NSCpredictInterfaceInterface for 'pamr.predict' Function from 'pamr' CRAN...
NSCselectionInterfaceInterface for 'pamr.listgenes' Function from 'pamr' CRAN...
NSCtrainInterfaceInterface for 'pamr.train' Function from 'pamr' CRAN Package
pairsDifferencesSelectionSelection of Pairs of Features that are Different Between...
pamrtrained-classTrained pamr Object
performancePlotPlot Performance Measures for Various Classifications
plotFeatureClassesPlot Density, Scatterplot, Parallel Plot or Bar Chart for...
PredictParams-classParameters for Classifier Prediction
previousSelectionAutomated Selection of Previously Selected Features
previousTrainedAutomated Usage of Previously Created Classifiers
randomForest-classTrained randomForest Object
randomForestInterfaceAn Interface for randomForest Package's randomForest Function
rankingPlotPlot Pair-wise Overlap of Ranked Features
ResubstituteParams-classParameters for Resubstitution Error Calculation
ROCplotPlot Receiver Operating Curve Graphs for Classification...
runTestPerform a Single Classification
runTestsReproducibly Run Various Kinds of Cross-Validation
samplesMetricMapPlot a Grid of Sample Error Rates or Accuracies
selectionPlotPlot Pair-wise Overlap or Selection Size Distribution of...
SelectParams-classParameters for Feature Selection
SelectResult-classContainer for Storing Feature Selection Results
subtractFromLocationSubtract Numeric Feature Measurements from a Location
svm-classTrained svm Object
SVMinterfaceAn Interface for e1071 Package's Support Vector Machine...
TrainParams-classParameters for Classifier Training
TransformParams-classParameters for Data Transformation
ClassifyR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:53 p.m.