
Defines functions module.screen

Documented in module.screen

#' Screen the feature patients or genes in predicted modules
#' Screen feature patients or genes given by users among the predicted modules
#' @docType methods
#' @name module.screen
#' @param res.module a 'seed.module' or 'cluster.module' object returned by \code{\link{seed.module}} or \code{\link{cluster.module}}
#' @param feature.patients the patients to screen
#' @param feature.genes the genes to screen
#' @param show.mods the modules to display
#' @param show.n the number of modules to display
#' @param method the method to find the most associated modules
#' @param cores the thread number
#' @author Guofeng Meng
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @details This function is used to find the modules associated with the 'feature.patients' or 'feature genes'.
#' In current version, two methods can be used: 'ratio' and 'fisher.test'. `ratio` is to rank the modules based on ratio between observed overlaps and the expected overlaps that estimated using all the samples.  `fisher.test` is to use Fisher's exact test to check the significance of association.
#' @return A plot for gene or patient overlaps with the feature genes or patients.
#' @examples
#' # screen the modules for feature patients.
#' module.screen(seed.mod, feature.patients=sample(colnames(deg),15))
#' @export

module.screen <- function(res.module, feature.patients = NULL, feature.genes = NULL,
    show.mods = NULL, show.n = 4, method = c("ratio", "fisher.test")[1], cores = 1) {
    if (!is(res.module, "seed.module") & !is(res.module, "cluster.module") & !is(res.module,
        stop("Error: res.module: must be the output of 'seed.module' or 'cluster.module'!")
    if (is.null(feature.patients) & is.null(feature.genes))
        stop("Error: either feature.patients or feature.genes should not be NULL!")
    mods = names(res.module)
    mods = mods[mods != "decd.specific" & mods != "decd.input" & mods != "decd.clustering"]
    used.mods = mods
    if (!is.null(show.mods)) {
        used.mods = used.mods[used.mods %in% show.mods]
        show.n = length(used.mods)
        if (length(used.mods) == 0)
            stop("Error: show.mods: no id is recognized!")
    if (!is.null(feature.patients)) {
        if (length(feature.patients) < 3)
            stop("Error: No enough 'feature.patients' is input!!")
        pa.overlap = unlist(bplapply(used.mods, function(mod) {
            add.patients = res.module[[mod]][["patients.added"]]
            n.add.patients = length(add.patients)
            xx = length(add.patients[add.patients %in% feature.patients])
            c.feature = vector()
            c.total = vector()
            rcd = 0
            for (i in tail(seq_along(add.patients), -9)) {
                have.patients = add.patients[seq_len(i)]
                xx = length(intersect(feature.patients, have.patients))
                if (xx < 2 | rcd == xx)
                c.feature = append(c.feature, xx)
                c.total = append(c.total, length(have.patients))
            if (method == "ratio") {
                if (length(c.total) == 0)
                rr = c.feature * n.add.patients/(c.total * xx)
            } else {
                if (length(c.total) == 0)
                p = vapply(seq_along(c.feature), function(i) {
                  m = matrix(c(c.feature[i], c.total[i] - c.feature[i], xx, n.add.patients -
                    xx), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
                  return(fisher.test(m, alternative = "greater")$p.value)
                }, 0.01)
        }, BPPARAM= MulticoreParam( workers= min(cores, length(used.mods)))))

        names(pa.overlap) <- used.mods
        if (method == "ratio")
            sort.mods = names(sort(pa.overlap, decreasing = TRUE)) else {
            sort.mods = names(sort(pa.overlap, decreasing = FALSE))
        show.n = min(show.n, length(sort.mods))
        par(mfrow = .trans.sq(show.n), mar = c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1)
        for (mod in sort.mods[seq_len(show.n)]) {
            add.patients = res.module[[mod]][["patients.added"]]
            c.feature = vector()
            c.total = vector()
            for (i in 10:length(add.patients)) {
                have.patients = add.patients[seq_len(i)]
                c.feature = append(c.feature, length(intersect(feature.patients,
                c.total = append(c.total, length(have.patients))
            num.patients = max(c.total)
            plot(c(0, max(c.total)), c(0, length(feature.patients[feature.patients %in%
                add.patients])), xlab = "Total patients", ylab = "Observed Features",
                main = "", type = "n")
            points(c.total, c.feature)
            abline(b = length(feature.patients[feature.patients %in% add.patients])/num.patients,
                a = 0, col = "lightblue", lty = 3, lwd = 3)
            lines(c.total, predict(loess(c.feature ~ c.total), c.total), col = "red",
                lwd = 3)
            legend("topleft", paste("FPs: ", length(feature.patients), sep = ""))
            legend("bottomright", mod)
    if (!is.null(feature.genes)) {
        ge.overlap = vapply(used.mods, function(x) length(feature.genes[feature.genes %in%
        names(ge.overlap) <- used.mods
        ge.overlap = ge.overlap[ge.overlap > 0]
        sort.mods = names(sort(ge.overlap, decreasing = TRUE))
        show.n = min(show.n, length(sort.mods))
        par(mfrow = .trans.sq(show.n), mar = c(5, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1)
        for (mod in sort.mods[seq_len(show.n)]) {
            remove = res.module[[mod]][["genes.removed"]]
            seed = res.module[[mod]][["seed"]]
            seed.genes = names(seed[seed != 0])
            c.feature = vector()
            c.total = vector()
            for (i in seq_len(remove)) {
                have.genes = seed.genes[!seed.genes %in% remove[seq_len(i)]]
                c.feature = append(c.feature, length(intersect(feature.genes, have.genes)))
                c.total = append(c.total, length(have.genes))
            num.genes = max(c.total)
            plot(c.total, c.feature, xlab = "Total genes", ylab = "Observed Features",
                main = "")
            abline(b = length(feature.genes)/num.genes, a = 0, col = "lightblue",
                lty = 3, lwd = 3)
            lines(c.total, predict(loess(c.feature ~ c.total), c.total), col = "red",
                lwd = 3)
            legend("topleft", paste("FGs: ", length(feature.genes), sep = ""), cex = 0.8)
            legend("bottomright", mod)

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DEComplexDisease documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:42 p.m.