Man pages for ELBOW
ELBOW - Evaluating foLd change By the lOgit Way

analyze_elbowextracts all elbow statistics and plots and elbow curve.
do_elbowcalculates the upper and lower elbow cut-off fold-values
do_elbow_rnaseqCalculates fold values from an MArrayLM object.
EcoliMutMAEscherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 - EcoliMutMA...
EcoliWTEscherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 - EcoliWT...
ELBOW-packageEvaluating foLd change By the lOgit Way
elbow_variancecalculates the variance for the upper and lower limits of an...
extract_working_setsextract the initial and final conditions from a table.
get_elbow_limmaCalculates fold values from an MArrayLM object.
get_pvalueThe calculated \logchi^2 p-value for the fit of the elbow...
GSE20986_designComparative Gene Expression Profiling of HUVEC and Ocular...
GSE20986_eset_exprsComparative Gene Expression Profiling of HUVEC and Ocular...
null_variancedetermines the variance for a null Elbow curve
plot_datasetplots data to see if it matches an elbow distribution.
plot_elbowplots Elbow curve data.
replicates_to_foldcalculates fold values from a table of experimental data
yeast_nbinomTest_resultsPre-processed Yeast sample RNA-seq data
ELBOW documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:14 p.m.